Delve into the mystical world of Dyan Garris, a trance channel medium and intuitive healer whose journey from skepticism to spiritual awakening unfolded in unexpected ways. In this insightful interview with MysticMag, Dyan shares her profound insights into trance channeling, oracle card readings, chakra balancing, and more, offering a glimpse into her transformative spiritual practices and teachings.
What does it mean to be a trance channel medium and how did you become one?
A trance channel medium is a medium that does their work in a trance-like state, rather like Edgar Cayce. That’s the best way I can describe it. However, the trance is not something that just comes upon and overtakes you. Quite the opposite. It’s a deliberate act of going into this trance-like state in order to bring forth accurate information from Spirit. So, there is a necessary detachment from ego involved to be able to do that. But in my case, I have complete control over my physical body. Spirit does not “displace” me in any way. I just don’t remember much, if anything, of what I say. As well as simply an information bringer, I’m also a “voice recognition” psychic. The soul of a person is contained in the voice. Every soul and every voice are like snowflakes. They are all different and unique. When I hear the voice, I can read the soul and retrieve the Akashic Record.
I didn’t “become” a trance channel medium. I didn’t do anything to foster that. I just came in here with certain spiritual gifts from God and this is one of them. From there, you spend time honoring the gifts, learning discernment of spirits, and learning how these gifts work and what to do with them, so as to do the highest and best job for Spirit and for the client. All is for the highest and best.
How do Oracle cards work and what are the differences between different decks?
I have to tell you I really don’t read cards. I never was a card reader. They just get channeled to me. My first deck was “Voice of the Angels-A Healing Journey Spiritual Cards.” These were hand drawn by me and I created them in multi-dimensional form using crystals and gemstones and then I had them photographed and turned into cards. The whole project – cards, music, meditation, and journal – was a non-linear, multi-dimensional healing journey through the chakras, and the messages from our angels on each card were channeled to me in quatrain verse. When you put those messages altogether in order, by the way, they formed the actual “A Healing Journey” meditation. So, it was a full circle “healing journey.” This whole thing was rather ground-breaking back in 1993/94 and I’m not sure it was quite thoroughly understood at that time. Even though these cards have been out of print for many years now, I still have free online readings available using these cards and others on one of my websites, FreeAngelCardReadings.com.
As to how oracle cards work, I believe it’s similar to how tarot cards work. The subconscious mind will help choose the particular cards/card messages one needs to receive at that specific time. They are one bridge for higher guidance between the individual and Spirit. And the differences between decks are many and varied. The artwork, the vibration of them, the messages, the intentions, and so forth are all differences. You have to find some that speak to your soul.
Can you walk me through an Oracle card reading?
Of course. Shuffle the deck, letting go of the ego and attachment to outcome. Allow Spirit to guide you as to when you are done shuffling. Cut the deck and begin choosing cards, allowing spirit to guide you to each individual card. There are many ways to lay the cards out. You can do it in a traditional Celtic Cross spread, or you can pick one card for guidance for the day and contemplate the meaning and messages of that card. Or you can choose to lay out the cards in any way that makes sense for you. I find that cards will kind of tell a story if you choose to see it that way. As you go along, you can ask Spirit for clarification on the meanings and messages as they pertain to the situation you’re seeking guidance on.
You also do Chakra balancing. What can you tell me about that part of your work?
I started seeing chakras very early in life. I didn’t really know what they were, and I didn’t have a name for them. There was no one to talk to about it. But I could see them, and I could see the energy field around people. I thought everyone could. That was normal to me, and I didn’t know for a very long time that others did not see such things. I finally had confirmation of what I was seeing when Barbara Brennan came out with her book, “Hands of Light,” which was, among other things, a map of the chakra system and human energy field.
Chakras/chakra balancing has always been a big part of my work. It’s probably why I came in here being able to see them. And like anything, then, it’s what you do with it that matters. We have our physical body and then we have our etheric body, our energy field, and this is where the chakras are. Disease starts way, way out there, and then filters into the physical body eventually if we keep attracting and creating it in some way and on some level. The chakras, however, are one first line of defense. So, like brushing one’s teeth, it’s important to keep them balanced and clear. And the point of everything here, besides being a lesson in love, is to balance and integrate mind, body, and spirit.
Years ago, I developed a technique I called “Automatic Chakra Balance™,” and created a DVD for people to use for this. (It is available now online for free on my YouTube channel). It helped people balance their chakras and energy field automatically in about ten minutes. Not an instructional video, it’s a relaxation/chakra balancing video. The visuals incorporated some of my angel cards and the music is my song, “The Journey.” (All my music is available worldwide on all streaming sites and my YouTube channel, as well as DyanGarrisMusic.com) I also created a whole chakra balance certification course, and that course later was accredited by the NCBTMB (National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork) as continuing education.
What other services do you offer?
I’m actually retired from psychic work, for about 3 years now. So, I don’t offer readings anymore. But along with my music and meditations, which I’ve made my whole life, a few years back, Spirit guided me to make several additional oracle decks. Those are mainly focused on twin flames and divine counterpart relationships.
The balance between masculine and feminine energy on this planet has become distorted and energetically backwards and askew. Twin Flames (a term that is quite misunderstood and misused) have started meeting one another here now in order to try to help restore this balance. It’s not a gender thing. It’s an energy thing. These cards were made for the purpose of helping people understand and navigate through these complex relationships and sacred contracts.
All my available oracle decks are in my Etsy shop at www.etsy.com/shop/dyangarrisoracles, and as well, again, people can get free online card readings with several of these decks and more on my site that has been there for years – FreeAngelCardReadings.com.
Is there anything else about your work that you’d like to share that we haven’t covered?
I think it’s important for people to start living life as a whole person. Let go of harsh judgement of oneself and others. Let go of the need to label and control. Work on healing any remaining wounds from childhood or past lives. Stop using these as an excuse for bad behavior. Be willing to work through pain to heal all parts of yourself, come into alignment, live as a whole and integrated person, and most importantly, just BE the love that you are.
To learn more about Dyan and her work, you can visit www.DyanGarris.com, FreeAngelCardReadings.com, and DyanGarrisMusic.com