Susan Dintino is a dedicated individual who is deeply passionate about meditation and its transformative power. As an accomplished author and spiritual teacher, she has channeled her expertise into creating the healing meditation CD titled “Butterfly Blessings.” Susan’s innovative approach to meditation led her to trademark a unique technique called InPowering Meditation™. This groundbreaking method seamlessly combines journaling, affirmation creation, and guided meditation to cultivate a sense of inner peace, serenity, and empowerment. MysticMag uncovers more.
Can you share the moment in 2004 when the angels came calling and sparked your interest in the metaphysical world? How did this experience shape your journey and lead you to pursue intuitive readings and healing techniques?
I actually attended an “I Can Do It” conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. Las Vegas was my husband’s favorite place in the world, so we were there mainly for his social engagement. I decided to attend the conference and was particularly drawn to Doreen Virtue’s workshop. Unfortunately, it was sold out, and I couldn’t get in. As I walked around, a woman approached me and said, “I heard you were trying to get into Doreen’s workshop.”
I confirmed, and she offered to sell me her ticket. I saw this as a significant opportunity. At that time, I had started studying A Course in Miracles and had been exploring metaphysical concepts, having previously been a devout Catholic. Hearing Doreen speak and becoming deeply involved with the Angelic Realm was a transformative experience for me. I even became an Angel Therapy Practitioner under her guidance.
This marked the beginning of my journey, and shortly after the conference, I enrolled in her intensive Angel Therapy Practitioner training, which took place over a week in Laguna Beach, California. After that, I was selected to be a part of her volunteer staff, which provided me with a wealth of experience and the confidence to connect with the angelic realm on a larger scale, even though I had been working with it prior to that.
As someone who has perfected their skills in intuitive readings and healing techniques, what are some of the key insights or lessons you have learned along the way?
The most important lesson I always emphasize in the classes I teach is to trust the information you receive enough to take action upon it. I often discuss the significance of the chakra system, particularly the third eye and crown chakras, in receiving and acting on intuitive guidance. Trust is truly the key. When you first start relying on your sixth sense, it requires practice, just like any other skill. People often compliment me and say I’m gifted after a reading, but I always tell them that they can do it too. All I’ve learned is to trust the information I receive. Trust is a major aspect, along with practice. I encourage individuals to try conducting small readings for themselves, using their preferred divination tool, and see if the information resonates. It’s crucial to learn to discern between divine guidance and the chatter of the ego mind. The way I guide people to differentiate is by focusing on whether the message comes from a place of love. Whether you’re working with a spirit guide, an angel, or any divine entity, the messages will originate from a loving perspective, even when discussing challenges. Fear-based thoughts are unlikely to come from a divine source; they often stem from the mind and ego.
With your diverse background in healing modalities such as being a Reiki Master, Reconnective Healer, and Vibrational Sound Therapist, how do you integrate these modalities into your work? How do they complement each other in providing holistic healing experiences for your clients?
I find that all these modalities work together seamlessly. They are all part of my toolkit when I want to send energy or conduct a reading. If I sense that someone could benefit from healing energy, I incorporate it into the session. However, I don’t actively advertise my services in that regard. Instead, I focus on teaching and writing. I have books and cards that I’ve created, which allows me to share my knowledge and insights.
All three modalities—Reiki, sound healing, and working with crystals—have taught me the incredible power of energy. They have shown me that we can harness this energy for our own well-being or for the benefit of others. While I’ve taken various courses in these modalities, what I’ve discovered is that they complement each other because they each utilize energy in slightly different ways.
For example, when I studied reconnective healing with Eric Pearl, he described it as “Reiki on steroids” due to its remarkable potency. Sound healing deeply resonated with me as well, particularly because I incorporate crystal balls in my meditation practice. These modalities synergize because they all primarily work with energy and address how our physical, mental, and spiritual bodies respond to it.
Can you elaborate on your healing meditation CD Butterfly Blessings that you trademarked the InPowering Meditation™ technique.
The Butterfly Blessing meditation holds a special place in my heart as it was the first guided meditation I created. I collaborated with my talented friend, Mark Watson, an incredible musician, to record it on a CD. We actually recorded it in Kona, which added a unique energy to the meditation. The connection to the island and the symbolism of butterflies drew me in. When I listened to the finished product, I noticed butterflies appearing everywhere, confirming my intuition. That’s when the name “Butterfly Blessings” came to me, and I decided to embrace it.
Since then, I have created several different meditations. I always have a free one available on my website, and I’m also on the Insight Timer app for meditation. Additionally, in my podcast series, I include guided meditations. Meditation is immensely important to me on various levels. Encouraging people to establish a meditation practice is a significant focus for me. Guided meditations, like Butterfly Blessings, are especially beneficial for those who struggle to sit still or find it challenging to quiet their minds.
InPowering Meditation™ is a technique I created and I teach. It combines affirmation creation, journaling, and guided meditation. I typically offer it as a one-day course. I had the opportunity to teach this course at Lily Dale in New York. It’s fascinating how it works. However, due to the impact of COVID, I haven’t taught it in a while. Now, as things gradually return to normal, I can start promoting my offerings again.
With InPowering Meditation™, you create a powerful affirmation tailored around a limiting belief or something you aim to release. It provides a tool to turn to when fear-based thoughts try to overpower you. It’s a transformative process that equips individuals with a means to counter negative thinking patterns.
What role do you believe meditation plays in promoting healing, self-discovery, and personal growth? How can individuals incorporate meditation into their daily lives to cultivate a deeper sense of inner peace and connection?
Absolutely, there is a common misconception about meditation that it requires contorting oneself into a pretzel position and achieving a transcendental state. However, as a meditator since my Transcendental Meditation days, I can attest that this is not true. There are days when it’s difficult for me to relax and quiet my mind, and I find myself caught up in my to-do list. It’s important to give ourselves permission to persist and continue with the practice. Meditation is a journey, much like any other skill or discipline.
Regarding healing, I understand the challenges firsthand. I lost my husband to cancer, and during his diagnosis, I created a healing meditation to help us navigate through the present moment. While I wished for a different outcome, sometimes the ultimate healing comes through crossing over. However, I have discovered that even in my own personal experiences, when I face challenges or difficult situations, I turn to creative meditation. These meditations assist me in finding relaxation and peace, allowing me to shift my focus away from negative thoughts or worries.
Meditation serves as a powerful tool to support us during challenging times, providing a sense of calm and inner strength. It doesn’t always bring about miraculous solutions, but it offers a means to find solace and center ourselves amidst life’s difficulties.
Can you tell me about your other products?
Yes I am very proud of the books I’ve created including A Year of Me which is a children’s book. Designed for ages 4- it takes the reader through a self discovery process using guided questions and poetry with a fill in the blank incorporated in it.
Hay House published Songs of My Life…Slightly Out of Tune, a humorous memoir incorporating the lessons I learned along the way.
My newest project is Grief Reliefs, an oracle deck that focuses on self care during the grieving process. I encourage people to try the deck out by pulling their digital card at www.griefreliefs.com.
I see you have a podcast now, Seize Your Day. What drew you to that platform?
I had various radio shows throughout the years and wanted to try something more flexible. A podcast fit the bill perfectly. Seize Your Day includes interviews with fascinating guests and provides tools to help you in this journey we call life. Most include guided meditations. For instance, the latest https://mindbodyspirit.fm/shows/seize-your-day/ podcast is called Fearless Flying which contains reassuring statistics for flying and a guided meditation to take along with you on your next flight. I’m really proud of the podcast and Seize Your Day It’s also available wherever you enjoy your podcasts.
If you would like to find out more about Susan Dintino, visit https://susandintino.com/