Today, Mystic Mag‘s Marko Velimirovic interviewed Tina Encarnacion, Intuitive Medium and Master Reiki Energy Healer. In this article, you can learn about her career, Energy Healing, and what she loves most about her profession.
When did you first know that being an Intuitive Medium and Master Reiki Energy Healer was your calling and how did it come about?
I realized that I was meant to be a healer at the age of 24 when I lost my oldest daughter. However I ran from my purpose and denied this truth for several years. It was not until I started to work on healing myself that I listened to God’s voice leading me to step into this role as a medium & Reiki Master. It has been an honor to serve God and watch so many lives transformed through using the gifts He has given me.
What services do you offer?
I offer Life Coaching, Reiki Energy Healing, Hypnotherapy & Mediumship readings. I have taken the healing modalities that most impacted my life and mastered them so that I can assist others in their healing process. One of my biggest challenges in my journey was to find other healers that were trustworthy and good at their art. I wanted to be able to offer all of the services that impacted me so my clients wouldn’t have to search if one modality didn’t work for them. Healing is not one size fits all, each person needs individualized healings.
What is Energy Healing and how does it work?
Energy healing is like a therapy session with no words. Your trauma is stored within the energy chakras throughout the body. When we stuff & suppress our trauma our body will manifest the emotion into physical ailments. We ignore the warning signs because it is too painful to relive our past. Reiki Energy goes into the trauma or suppressed emotion removing the pain so you can let go of the pain and move forward in your life.
What can a person expect from your sessions?
During your session you will reduce your stress, clear any anxious feelings, alleviate sadness and grief. Through communication with the Divine Spirit, you will be guided in letting go of any trauma or suppressed emotions from your past that are hindering your progress. Many times loved ones that have passed before you will visit you in your session and give you advice and closure you are needing. You can do a session in person or virtually there are no limits or boundaries to energy.
What is the most important detail in maintaining a relationship of mutual trust with clients?
The most important thing is creating a safe space with the strictest confidentiality. If your client can’t trust you then there is no way they can truly be vulnerable. If they can’t open up they can’t let go of the issues that are causing their pain.
What do you love most about your profession?
What I love most about my profession is seeing the life changing transformations in my clients. Many of my clients spend years in talk therapy with little to no results. After only a few sessions with me they can’t even recognize the person they were when walking through my doors. They are able to overcome their anxiousness, sadness, grief and loss. My clients find restful sleep, clearer minds and are capable of processing their past, they approach life in a deeper, more meaningful way.