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A Dive Into Past Life and Life Between Lives Regression Therapy With Scott Fitzgerald De Tamble

A Dive Into Past Life and Life Between Lives Regression Therapy With Scott Fitzgerald De Tamble

Curiosity about past lives and the journey of the soul often arises from deep questions about existence, purpose, and connection. For some, it’s a natural progression of introspection; for others, an event or book sparks a longing to explore.

In this blog post, we delve into the world of regression therapy through the words of an experienced practitioner, Scott Fitzgerald De Tamble.

From the spark that ignites interest to the process and insights gained, this conversation unveils the transformative potential of these spiritual explorations. Whether you’re curious or hesitant, this guide offers clarity and inspiration for your own inner journey.

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What initially sparked your interest in past life regression and life between lives therapy?

Thank you for this opportunity to share and connect with you and your audience!

In my case, it wasn’t a single spark that spurred or guided me; but more like a long, slow, unstoppable flow of lava that relentlessly pushed me into this profession.

Even as a young boy, I was curious, thoughtful, intuitive, and always pondering. I was fascinated with the past; the creation of our world, the dawn of life, the movements of the continents and oceans, and the rolling pageant of the different epochs and eras. I studied about the earliest forms of humans coming on the scene, and then became enchanted with learning about the various cultures of our great early civilizations: Sumer, Asia Minor, Egypt, India, China, Greece. I was also intrigued by the hints and tales of long-lost almost mythical lands such as Lemuria and Atlantis. And like many of us, I was personally drawn to certain times and places.

While I was focused on the past, I was also born into the Space Age, when mankind was reaching out beyond our planet. And so the greater universe and the Future also beckoned.

I’d long been subtly aware that there was a ‘me’ that was immersed and participating in growing up and living in Southern California in the 1960’s and ’70’s, a wonderfully creative scene; yet simultaneously, there was also another part of me that stood or hovered outside, and was an observer of all of these activities. So I knew there was something beyond what the eyes could see.

And so as a teen, my interest shifted a bit into the mysteries of existence. Who am I? Why am I here? What is life? What is death? What is the purpose of it all? Is there a purpose? Or perhaps it’s all just random? No, that can’t be; it’s all too complex. But what is really behind the veil?

I delved deeply into the mysteries, reading everything I could get my hands on regarding magic, mysticism, spirituality, religion, metaphysics, the occult, the mystic arts. It all resonated, and beckoned me further into the secrets of the ages.

Along the way, I found a book called “You Were Born Again To Be Together” by Dick Sutphen which showed how couples reincarnated over and over again, to be together, play together, work together, and sometimes thrash out various dramas together. As a teenage romantic, this only served to whet my appetite for more information about souls, and how and why they incarnate.

Later, as an adult, I determined to personally explore these things. I wanted to know about other lives and existences, both other folks,’ and my own. I knew that hypnosis was one way to delve into these deep memories, so I started taking classes and trainings in hypnosis and hypnotherapy. I was able to attend workshops with Dick Sutphen, the regression pioneer whose books I had read many years previously. I opened my hypnotherapy practice, focusing mainly on Past Life Regression. A few years later, I found a notice telling of Dr. Michael Newton teaching a course in his ‘Life Between Lives’ methods, which I had read about in the 1990’s when his first book came out. His first training with his own organization was going to be held in Los Angeles, so I was able to attend. And wow, that five days of training, which included my first Life Between Lives sessions as therapist and as client… did that ever open things up.

How do you prepare clients for a past life regression or life between lives session, and what can they expect during the process?

Client preparation is of prime importance ahead of these sessions, because there is such a swamp of hype, expectations, and misinformation to be swept away. A thorough preparation of my clients is my ‘secret weapon’ in consistently facilitating successful sessions. Building this solid foundation together with a client paves the way for a beautiful and meaningful experience.

Preparation starts with informing a person about the reality of hypnosis, regression, what it can do, and what it may feel like; and sharing tips and tricks about how to best ‘work’ the session in order to squeeze the most juice from the experience. I accomplish this with a Pre-Talk video, by having a person read information and instructions, and often by chatting via phone or Zoom about everything prior to meeting and working together. I may also provide a brief guided meditation audio recording as practice, so a person can get used to my voice and energy, and rehearse or train themselves to be able to slow down a bit and focus.

I also need to prepare myself, in the sense that I want a clear target for the session. What is this person looking for? What’s the background? What’s going on with them now, and in their life? I ask people to determine a singular focus, and also a few other questions, other items or issues they want to explore in their session.

As for what people can expect during this process, there’s a wide arc or spectrum regarding each person’s natural faculty for this. Some people go super deep, and I can barely get them to speak! Most are feeling a bit relaxed, just a little different, though they are very much awake and aware, and are having various thoughts run through their minds. Then, there are the very light subjects, like myself. We are extremely aware of everything, and probably analyzing like crazy as we go. Yet we’re still able to retrieve incredible details about our souls’ journeys, and connect with our Guides and others in spirit.

I do in-person sessions at my office, as well as online sessions via Zoom. So there are some distinctions in preparing for each mode of delivery, or type of session. But the setup is essentially similar. When we meet for their appointment, we will confer and discuss again some of the basics regarding what to expect, and how they can help work the session. Clients are encouraged to ask questions about the process, or about whatever else is on their mind. We also look over their particular questions or issues to be explored, because again, we want to have a target, goals, objectives. It’s important to bring each person to the resolution and guidance that they need. And I want to come through for them as strongly as I possibly can.

As we’re ready to begin, we’ll set the scene with some soft lighting, maybe some candles or a hint of incense, some very soft background music, and/or whatever else makes each person feel comfortable. I usually have clients lie down with pillows and blankets, because these sessions are lengthy. We want them to be comfortable. But a person can assume whatever posture they wish. Once they’re ready, we’ll begin with some gentle and effective verbal techniques designed to help open up the gates. Basically, that boils down to me speaking to them in a softening voice. We want to create an atmosphere of calm, peace, safety, openness, and magic.

We’ll then spend a little time deepening the state, and eventually move on to exploring earlier times in the client’s soul history, or whatever we are questing for in their session.

The words are important; but it’s really the intention, the atmosphere, and the ritual that does the work. And, the quiet confidence. I need to instill within them the expectation and the knowing that we’re going to open portals to other times and places. And so we do.

With a ‘Past Life & Spirit Guide’ session (PLR), we’ll go back and visit another time and place, an incarnation of the client’s that has a meaningful connection to their current life and situation. We’ll move to and fro through the lifetime, touching on some of the significant details, scenes and situations, turning points. And we want to understand the main theme of the life. Eventually, we’ll move on to the last day, move through the death, and ascend into spirit, where we will find and communicate with one or more of their personal Spirit Guides, to help us make sense of the findings in the session. We seek to have a resolution of the client’s issue or questions, and these wise ones are kind enough to help. We ask that they do this by communicating in the client’s mind or even through their voice, as if translating for, or even channeling the Guide. So this is not a psychic reading by me; it’s a client’s personal experience of remembering, and of connecting with their Guides. And I think it’s important that the information comes through the client’s own voice.

With a ‘Life Between Lives’ session (LBL), it’s a little more involved. We will usually move backwards in time from the present, visiting or observing some fun or peaceful childhood scenes or experiences. Gliding further back in time, we may stop here or there in childhood, but eventually we’ll flow back to the time spent in their mother’s womb, before a person is born. There’s such a wealth of information to be found there. Then, we’ll jump further back to visit a Past Life that they lived, spend some time there gathering information, and move through the death and into spirit. This is where the LBL really begins, as we are re-experiencing the time between their physical lifetimes.

We’ll often visit with one or more of the client’s Spirit Guides; we may visit a place of restoration or healing; we may visit with their Soul Group friends or primary Soulmate, if they have one. We may visit with a wise Council of Elders, great sages even more advanced than their Spirit Guides. We may visit the Library or Akashic Records, or even go back to when the client was planning their current lifetime, with their advisors and Guides, to recall and understand even more deeply why they chose the current lifetime. We may even have the opportunity to visit and communicate with crossed-over loved ones in a session. And we may have various other adventures that have never been written about in a book, or even experienced by another person! Because, like us, each session is absolutely unique; and the Spirit World is infinite and always evolving.

Eventually, with each type of session, the journey will naturally wind down, and we conclude. We’ll spend a few minutes resting and returning peacefully to the here and now.

It should be noted that we don’t have to robotically follow a pre-scripted path as chronicled here. We have a robust framework, but these explorations are completely flexible, and can be tailored towards each individual client’s wishes and needs.

What are some of the most common themes or insights that emerge from your clients’ sessions?

As mentioned, the session journeys are unique to each individual, and so the themes or insights are dependent upon what this particular person is looking for at this moment in their life.

Many people are wanting information and guidance about their Life Purpose. Why are they here now? What are they supposed to be doing? Are they on the right track? This we certainly can examine, with the help of their wise Guides and Councils. Most of us have committed to various layers of lessons, challenges, and experiences to undergo. You might say that a human lifetime contains many stages or eras within itself. There are diverse encounters with an assortment of different people, different conditions, certain landmarks or achievements to pursue at different junctures. So it’s not a ‘one and done’ type of thing, a lifetime. There are always numerous possibilities.

Besides Purpose, there are other concerns most of us have: Love, Money, Relationships, and Health. So we often delve into these areas in sessions.

It’s interesting because we do plan and create blueprints for a lifetime, yet we also have free will to go off script, to turn left instead of right, and do something completely different or have a contrasting outcome than we may have planned. We also have multiple possible exit points, something like a freeway with many off-ramps. It’s hard to imagine the planning that goes on upstairs, with all of the possible contingencies, ‘ad-libbing’ and ‘improvising’ by people, not to mention the vagaries of the world, or you might say, the movements of the playing board itself. It’s complicated, and the talented beings or ‘weavers’ that help things along must have access to some incredible moment-by-moment guidance system.

With respect to what commonly emerges, yes there are some recurrent themes. One is that, basically, you’re right where you need to be. You are on track… because there is no wrong track! We learn from everything. And we have all of eternity, so there’s really no rush. Yes, we want to enjoy our lives, do good in the world, love, give, share, leave something beautiful behind if we can. But if we learn one or two things, or improve upon these lessons, that’s a worthwhile life well-lived. So a common message is, quit trying so hard. You’re doing fine. In fact, you could probably have a little more fun!

At the same time, when visiting with our Guides after a lifetime, and asking about our performance, they often say something like, ‘You did well — but you could have done more.’ We can always do more. So that is also something to ponder.

It sounds contradictory: ‘Have more fun, but get more done.’ Who knows, maybe it’s in following our passion and fun that we actually achieve more, for ourselves and in service of the universe.

In passing through death and returning to the spiritual realms, there is a common feeling of returning Home. There is our real home, those are our forever friends and family, these are our teachers. There are our favorite places or spaces. So there is a sense of coming home, and it’s usually quite a relief. Our earthly or physical lives are like field trips, where we go out and have some adventure; but then we return, have our homecoming, often with a ‘welcome back’ party to enjoy. And it’s there once more that gravitate again into the activities we love, with the people we treasure.

Along with that homecoming is a sense of Unconditional Love. It’s just in the air, it’s the vibration we return to, and it’s lovely indeed. It’s kind of like a cool refreshing drink of water, a nourishing meal, and a cleansing shower, after wandering in the desert for a hundred years.

Finally, there are a couple of messages our Guides or Teachers often close with as a comfort to us in these sessions: ‘You Are Loved, and All Is Well.’

How has your understanding of the human soul and consciousness evolved through your work as a therapist and researcher?

Sitting with a client and consulting with some high, wise being through them… it’s quite an honor and a privilege. We’ve met up with Spirit Guides, Angelic Beings, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Galactic or Star teacher beings, Other-Dimensional teachers, and some of the great religious figures of our time. Communicating with your clients’ higher-ups certainly broadens your perspective.

One thing I’ve come to understand about souls is they’re not really ‘human’ per se. We are sparks of the Divine, immortal and imperishable. Some of us do live human lives on Earth or on other physical planets; others have no interest in being here at all. Too messy! There seem to be infinite dimensions in which to live and move and express, so the physical is only one category in which souls may inhabit and move. It does offer certain challenges, and thus enables swifter advancement.

It is inherent within us soul/spirit/intelligent light beings, that we are rather curious. We want to expand our awareness. We’re always looking beyond the next hill, or the next cloud, or the next world, and wondering, hmm, what’s going on over there? We want to learn and grow, to experience and express. This is the Way of the Source. And, as far as I can tell, it’s also the Why of it.

There are a vast number of people living human lives today who are not ‘human’ souls at all, but come from other places or other dimensions. Many of us have lived countless lives on other worlds, whether physical planets, quasi-physical domains, mental worlds, or other phases of existence. In fact, Earth right now is kind of like the Las Vegas of the universe! It’s a pretty exciting place to be, because there is a great opportunity now to raise the vibration of this world to a new level. And so, souls from throughout creation have gathered, to witness and to help.

We are indeed multi-dimensional beings. And we have quite a lot going on! We only bring a slice or portion of our soul’s greater energy into any one lifetime. The ‘rest’ of us is off experiencing other things, participating in a multitude of other adventures in various realms.

Time is an interesting concept. As physical beings with a certain type of brain, we experience time as a linear succession of moments, one after the other. We measure this by the movement of the heavenly bodies. The Earth rotates around its axis, that’s a day; it revolves around the sun, that’s a year, and we have all of these divisions of linear time.

But Spirit Time is something altogether different, if time can even be said to exist there. There is no physicality; it’s a different dimension, beyond time. We are shown that all of our lifetimes are actually simultaneous; there is no ‘past life,’ no ‘future life;’ it’s all Now. Different parts of us are focusing on different experiences. When we die and return to the spiritual dimensions (or visit, with a spiritual session or other experience), we remember this and feel it, and we can leap around in it.

All of our lifetimes are interconnected, and constantly influence one another. It’s easy to imagine that an action we take in our current life may affect our future lives. But it also affects our past lives! So, in some incomprehensible way, our soul existence is a constant flux and dance. It’s more than my human mind can fathom. But it’s good to feel a sense of magic in just being.

What advice would you give to someone who is curious about exploring past lives or life between lives but is hesitant to try it?

This type of session isn’t for everyone. There are some folks whose life purpose is to be an architect, say, and design beautiful homes, get married, raise a loving family, and live a happy life. And just focus on that. They don’t need to get involved in all of this spiritual stuff. And they’re probably not too interested anyway, because they just don’t need to be.

For those who are curious, I think it’s natural to feel a little unsure about doing a new and different thing. So it’s normal to have some hesitancy about this. There may be concerns about the cost, the time, the effort, any travel involved, and most of all, the Hope they would invest in this. These are all valid concerns, and a person needs to sit with themselves and decide whether it’s the right thing for them to pursue in this moment.

People may have little fears or worries, such as, ‘What if I find out I was someone awful in a past life? What if I suffered a painful death in a past life, do I have to go through that again? What if I learn that my wife is not my soulmate after all, what then? What if I’ve been on the wrong track my whole life?’

I can respect these anxieties. But for those who are curious and feel called or drawn, it’s probably for a reason. Something to remember is that these other lives, these other aspects of your soul’s existence, they are affecting you now. You can’t get really away from it, because it’s all connected. Always. It may be subconscious, but it’s still having an effect. You can choose to try and stay ignorant and hope for the best. But wouldn’t it be good to really know the truth of these matters? To understand why you’re drawn to a certain path. To understand why you’re drawn to a certain person, or have so much drama in your relationship. To understand why you have this annoying health issue that no doctor can figure out or even detect. To reconnect in a conscious way with your Spirit Guides. Wouldn’t that actually open things up for you?

If you are feeling a nudge about this, I would suggest, simply: follow your inner feelings. Get quiet within yourself, and ask a few questions.

One question might be, simply: “Do I really need to do this? Is my soul calling? Is someone else tapping me on the shoulder?” If the answer is yes, move to next question.

“When? When should I do this?” I’ve had clients who heard about LBL or PLR on Wednesday, and they made an appointment on Thursday, because they were so excited by the prospect. Then, there are others who have contemplated and ruminated about it for years, even decades, before finally making a move. And that’s okay. You have to trust in your own timing, and in the timing of the universe.

If you get another green light, a third question might be, “With whom should I do this? Who is the right guide for me?” Ask to be led to that person. You can always do some research on the internet, ask among friends, etc. It’s good to look into a therapist’s qualifications, their experience level, whatever you feel is necessary to feel confident about their abilities. But in the final analysis, I would suggest going with your gut feeling on this. You have to resonate with this person. It’s something of an intimate experience, so for the greatest success, you need to feel a sense of comfort and trust.

So yes, if people are feeling that nudge, but are unsure, my suggestion would be: trust your inner feelings. They are your guidance system. If it doesn’t feel quite right, wait. If it does feel right, take action.

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MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Petar Vojinovic is a content editor for Mystic Mag, where he curates and oversees content related to mysticism, psychics, and spiritual practices. In his role, Petar oversees content creation, ensuring that each article, interview, and feature provides valuable insights into the mystical world. He collaborates with experts in the field to present a wide range of topics, from tarot readings to holistic healing methods, maintaining the site's reputation for authenticity and depth. Petar's interest in spirituality and mysticism has been a lifelong passion. He has a background in cultural studies, which gave him a unique perspective on ancient spiritual practices and their relevance in modern times. Before joining Mystic Mag, Petar wrote for various publications, focusing on alternative medicine and the metaphysical. Outside of work, Petar enjoys practicing meditation and studying astrology. His fascination with the occult continues to fuel his dedication to exploring the unknown.