In today’s article, Mystic Mag had the opportunity to interview Sarah Jacobs, also known as The Salty Spiritualist, who shared her journey from the corporate world to the wonders of energy healing. Learn how a chance encounter led her to Reiki and a path of helping others find relaxation and self-discovery. If you’re curious about alternative healing modalities, this is a must-read!
When did you first know that being an Energy Healer was your calling and how did it come about?
I was guided to Reiki in 2012. I’m not sure how or when I became aware of Reiki but the word seemed familiar, in a sense. I was new to the metaphysical world and only knew of psychics, mediums, aura photos, and crystals. Energy healing wasn’t in my awareness until I decided to go to a metaphysical and psychic expo in 2012. I had my first experience with chakra work, sound healing, and feeling the energy of crystals. I walked up to a booth that had information about Reiki, and I asked about it. It felt as though it was something that I had known but had forgotten. A few weeks later I decided to learn more and did a Google search for Reiki classes in my town. I found a spiritual center that was offering classes and there was a photo of the Reiki Master, Tracy.
That same day I went to our local crystal shop to explore crystals. When I got to the counter to pay for my items, I noticed there was an events calendar with a Reiki class scheduled. “Oh, you do Reiki classes!” I exclaimed. “I was just looking online today at classes.” I looked up at the woman behind the counter, and was stunned to realize it was Tracy, the woman from the website I had looked at only a few hours earlier! She was the owner of the crystal store.
I knew the Universe guided me there, and I signed up for her Reiki 1 class. As they say, “The rest is history.” I took a lot of classes from that crystal shop, met a lot of wonderful friends, found tons of material and ideas to study, and stayed curious. Being in the metaphysical field just felt right and exciting. After a few years of learning, I started taking clients part time on nights and weekends. I went full time around 2022.
What services do you offer?
I offer Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy (AKA: Healing with the Angels), Reflexology, Beyond Quantum Healing (hypnosis regression), sound healing with both crystal singing bowls and tuning forks, distance healing with intuitive messages, essential oils, kid’s Reiki, classes, workshops, and retreats. I’ve also designed my own deck of oracle cards. You can connect with me through my link: https://linktr.ee/the_salty_spiritualist
Could you tell us more about Reflexology and how does it help?
Reflexology is an amazing stand alone healing modality as well as a great complement to any other healing therapy you are using. All of the organs and skeletal systems are represented in the foot, hand, face and ear reflex points. When we press or stimulate these reflexes, the body activates blood, oxygen, and even chi (life force energy) to flow more freely. This supports your body to come into homeostasis, for self regulating and healing.
Most everyone sits at a desk and works on a computer these days. Reflexology can help release stress and tightness in the neck, shoulders, hips and spine. It can help regulate hormones, reduce stress and anxiety by regulating the nervous system. It reduces pain and helps your body heal itself, naturally. I enjoy pairing it with an energy healing session, as it brings the client to the point of ultimate relaxation. I call it, “Sole to soul healing, helping you step into your best life!”
How would you describe Hypnosis Regression?
I tell clients it’s like listening to a guided meditation. I read a script that is designed to relax their mind and body and get them to a point of letting go of ego control. Even though you are in a trance state, you are awake and in control of your body. Clients are free to come with questions that we explore in the session. Some people want to know why certain behaviors are driving them, or why they are having difficulties in relationships. They could be curious about what path they should take or what their life mission is. They may want to discover past lives to see if their current life is being affected by an event or lesson carried over from the past. Some even want to know if they have had lives and families on other planets! Before the session starts, we explore the questions together, so I can get a clear intention for their session.
When the client is under hypnosis, it’s my job to help them bring forth as much information as possible, so they get the best experience and the most answers possible. Some people see images in their mind’s eye, some people receive thoughts and information, some people sense the answers. Information comes through for them in ways that are safe and comfortable for them to experience. If something comes up to be healed and cleared, I work with them to release the energy and sometimes I’ll add sound healing or Reiki to assist with this. They usually remember everything that they said and experienced, after the session. It can be a very powerful experience, leaving a client with a great understanding and sometimes with more questions and curiosity!
What can a person expect from your sessions?
I bring respect to each session and I meet the clients where they are at, emotionally and spiritually. Most of my clients are experiencing burn out or they have been through difficult times and they just need someone to care for them and to unburden the energy they have been carrying. I don’t initiate conversation and I tell clients we don’t have to talk if they don’t want to. It’s their 60 to 90 minutes of pure self care with no one and no thing needing them.
Whether it’s Reiki or Reflexology, I usually incorporate sound healing, tuning forks, and some aromatherapy. Post sessions I ask if they would like my intuitive feedback and guidance. Sometimes I receive guidance from their Spirit Team and other times I have my own useful tips to help themselves continue their healing journey. 99.9% of my clients will tell me they feel deeply relaxed, post session. Relaxation can be healing, in and of itself!
What do you love most about your profession?
I find it deeply fulfilling when a client feels cared for and lighter, after a session. So many people are busy taking care of others that they don’t have energy left over for themselves. We don’t have to always DIY our self care. It’s a wonderful gift to give yourself when you allow an energy healer, massage therapist, reflexologist, etc. to care for you. I love the variety of clients I meet and experiencing what their energy teaches me, each session. Humans are always evolving and that means the sessions are always unique.
The healing and metaphysical fields are so expansive and creative that you can study many modalities or choose one and spend years understanding it and learning new ways to apply it. As a healer, you create a strong capacity of respect, empathy, and compassion when you do this work long enough. You realize we are all just trying to heal our past so we can love our present. Healers can receive as much healing and compassion for themselves, as their clients, if they do this work with an open mind and an open heart.