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Empowering Women Through Holistic Wellness: An Interview with Rochel Marie Lawson

Empowering Women Through Holistic Wellness: An Interview with Rochel Marie Lawson

Rochel Marie Lawson’s journey to creating Blissful Living 4 U was fueled by her passion for empowering women to achieve balance in wellness, wisdom, and wealth.

Recognizing that women often prioritize others over themselves, she sought to address this imbalance by promoting self-care and holistic health. In her interview with MysticMag, Rochel shared how her expertise in Ayurvedic and holistic medicine forms the backbone of her services, offering tailored solutions that help women transform their lives.

Her approach is deeply personalized, focusing on each individual’s unique characteristics, or dosha, to guide them toward optimal health and well-being.

What inspired you to create Blissful Living 4U?

My inspiration to create Blissful Living 4 U was my identification of a need for people to understand the power of having wellness, wisdom, and wealth in their lives, particularly women. We women tend to be the last people we take care of in our lives. We take care of everybody else first and then run out of time to take care of ourselves. I wanted to make an impact with women—career women and women entrepreneurs—on how important it is to have wellness, wisdom, and wealth, and to balance those pillars. That’s how Blissful Living came about.

Can you describe the key services and products you offer?

Yes, the key services and products I offer are tailored to wellness, wisdom, and wealth. I use Ayurvedic medicine, holistic medicine from India, which I have been using for almost five decades for my own health and well-being. Not only that, I incorporate these principles into everything I do. Whether it’s focusing on well-being, mindset, or wealth, which includes running my businesses, I share this with the people I work with. This helps them understand that the wisdom I share from Ayurveda is not just for health and well-being, but for every aspect of life. These principles can be utilized to build, sustain, scale, and grow your business empire or career.

How do you approach the concept of holistic wellness in your practice?

I approach holistic wellness by first identifying each person’s unique characteristics, known in Ayurveda as their dosha. Your dosha is created at the moment of conception when the egg allows the sperm to enter. Everyone has a unique dosha, even twins, who may have different capacities within their doshas. Understanding an individual’s unique essence and helping them understand it allows me to guide them in transforming their wellness, wisdom, and wealth based on how they uniquely show up in the world.

For example, my approach to wellness, wisdom, and wealth may not work for you if you have a different dosha. Some aspects might be beneficial, but others might not be. Because we are all unique, it is crucial to understand our individual makeup. Once that is understood, I can tailor my guidance to help anyone transform their wellness, wisdom, and wealth.

What are some common wellness challenges your clients face, and how do you help them overcome these?

The common wellness challenges my clients face are all related to stress, whether they realize it or not. They might come to me wanting to lose weight but can’t figure out why they can’t, despite trying everything. They might have low energy or sleeping challenges and can’t understand the cause. Some may have cardiac problems or respiratory issues and just want to feel better.

Many clients have been trying various things in their lives without success, so they often come to me for detoxification. During this process, we release a lot of built-up issues and discover other areas affecting their health and well-being that might have been hidden. It’s like finding a lost sock in a pile of clothes.

We then work on balancing their wellness internally so it reflects in their body and overall health. By identifying their unique challenges—whether it’s sleeping, eating, weight management, or managing medical conditions—we start from there. I cater my approach to meet their specific needs, helping them to transform and ultimately feel better.

Can you share a success story from a client who has benefited from your services?

Yes, there’s a success story. I had a client named Gail who saw me speak at a conference that was videotaped and uploaded to YouTube. She reached out to me via email, and we connected. Gail was struggling with being overweight, which had led her to be pre-diabetic, and she was on the verge of needing oral medications for diabetes. Additionally, she was battling high blood pressure.

We began with a strategic session to identify her unique dosha, and I tailored a plan for her to balance it. Gail started making changes to her diet, incorporating short meditations and affirmations throughout the day, and taking more walks—even just five minutes at work or parking farther away and walking to her office.

Gradually, she started craving healthier, natural foods suitable for her dosha. Over the course of our work together, Gail went from being pre-diabetic to having no diabetic-related symptoms. Her doctor was amazed. Her blood pressure normalized from being in the 160s/100s, and she lost about 30 pounds.

The doctor couldn’t believe her transformation and asked what she was doing. Gail explained that she changed the way she thought about self-care, focusing on herself first, and made simple changes like preparing meals the night before. This shift helped her avoid stress and the temptation of fast food.

Gail’s transformation was phenomenal. She no longer needed oral medication for pre-diabetes began weaning off her high blood pressure medication, lost weight, and felt great. She had more energy, slept better, and had a clearer mindset. Her skin glowed, and she looked more youthful and vibrant.

This success story is powerful because Gail didn’t know me personally—she found me through a YouTube video and decided to reach out. I was thrilled to help her, and even after 10 years, I hear from her at least twice a year. She’s maintained her weight loss, continues to follow the routine I shared with her, and performs detoxifications quarterly. Gail feels great, looks fantastic, and continues to thrive without any medications.

What advice would you give to someone starting their journey towards holistic wellness?

Be patient with yourself. As the saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Start with simple, small changes that won’t overwhelm you. For instance, if you usually have coffee with milk, try drinking it without milk. If you don’t have time to make a smoothie, take an apple with you instead. Starting small helps prevent feeling overwhelmed, and all those little changes will add up to something significant over time.

It’s crucial to focus on doing a little bit each day. Many people want immediate results and try to do everything at once, which leads to feeling overwhelmed and giving up after a few days. If you start with just one small change each day, or maybe two if you can handle it, you’ll see progress. For example, doing 14 small things in a week, and even more over a month, adds up.

When you start noticing changes, don’t stop. Keep making small changes daily until you reach a comfortable and sustainable routine. This approach will help you successfully transition to a more holistic form of health and wellness.

For instance, if you’ve eaten meat all your life, switching to a vegetarian diet overnight might not work. Instead, start by reducing the amount gradually. If you eat three burgers a week, cut down to two, then one, and eventually none. This gradual approach makes you feel successful with each small step and builds up to a complete lifestyle change over time.

Remember, it’s about taking small steps each day, not jumping into the deep end when you can’t swim. Start in the shallow end and gradually move to deeper waters as you become more comfortable and confident.

Find out more at: www.blissfulliving4u.com

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Luka is passionate about the environment and wildlife, captivated by the intriguing domains of energy restoration and hypnotic therapy.