Today, Mystic Mag interviewed Roberto Suarez, Happiness and Breathwork Facilitator. We learned more about his career, what can a person expect from his sessions, and how he maintains a relationship of mutual trust with clients.
When did you first know that being a Breathwork Practitioner was your calling and how did it come about?
In the late 90’s my life and business games were heading in the wrong direction, so I started doing transformation work, meditating, practicing tai-chi and yoga. In my spiritual journey, Denise Dobbs, my cousin, introduced me to Rebirthing, a breathing method that is also known as Spiritual Orgasm.
What services do you offer?
I help leaders, aspiring breathworkers, coaches and entrepreneurs learn how to control their breathing to achieve greater clarity, control emotions, and tune into their peak performance state on demand?
That’s what my El HappyBreath Method does through the following 3 programs.
– Personal or Group Coaching
– el HappyBreath Mastery Training
– el Happy Breath Events
How does “Breath Shifting” help?
By shifting your breath patterns you balance your physical, emotional, psychological and natural state of well-being. And by following your breath you will live life with less resistance – and success will naturally flow towards you.
What can a person expect from your sessions?
– Attain clarity of mind & purpose: “be focused”
– Master emotions, productively and intelligently
– Attain a higher level of personal fulfillment
– Shift your current paradigm with power & ease
– Align with your values & empowering beliefs
– Master el Happy Breathing Techniques
– And lastly, you will have a Self-Healing, Self-Esteem
– and Higher Consciousness Breath Technique for the rest of your life.
What is the most important detail in maintaining a relationship of mutual trust with clients?
From my perspective is to listen from a clear and quiet space to allow them to shift their world by shifting their breath.
What do you love most about your profession?
The re-evolution of consciousness and seeing the World Breathing Happy.