Neels Els is a full time gifted psychic, clairvoyant and medium and although a very renowned psychic, he remains humble, respectful and empathic. Neels is based in Pretoria, South Africa, and works with clients from all over the world.
Neels, when did you realise that you were psychically gifted and how did you channel this ability?
I have had premonitions as far back as I can remember. I’m not sure that I did ever channel these gifts apart from the fact that my grandmother used to ask me heal her back.
You mention that mediumship came naturally to you but fortune telling required more work. Can you explain why?
The tarot deck uses 78 cards, all of which I had to learn. Some of these cards have more than ten meanings. This kept me pretty busy for a number of weeks.
Do you feel that combining both psychic healing and clairvoyance can help reach specific goals or are the two modalities best used on their own?
Psychic healing works directly with a person’s soul. The soul undergoes a healing process. I think clairvoyance in this scenario is futile.
Can psychic healing cure a physical ailment or state of being?
Psychic healing focuses on the soul. A person will also benefit hugely on an emotional level from these healing sessions. For physical problems I do energy healings where I touch the affected area or pressure points on the body. Women often have burning feet because of wearing high heels and the pressure point for this is in the lower back.
In your experience, what do the majority of your clients come to you for?
The majority of people come for future readings. A large number come with healing referrals or requests for a house cleaning.
Why are some people bewitched and how does one cast a spell?
Jealousy is rife amongst humans and this is normally why spells are cast. Typically, spells are also cast when relationships end or business deals go sour. How spells are cast, I don’t really know apart from the fact that hair, nails and other such things are used for their creation. I have personally never learnt how or even been interested in learning how to cast spells. I have simply learnt how to remove them.
How do you remove a spell and is one sitting generally enough?
Spells attach themselves to the soul. I remove a spell from the soul, enlarge it, divide it and send it back to the originator(s) and Creator(s). One session is more than enough to remove it. If people have to go back for a spell removal the healer does not know what he is doing.
Can/do you help people interpret their dreams?
Personally I believe that dreams are fears and hopes. I don’t work with dreams.
How much importance should we give our dreams?
Personally, I ignore dreams.
In your opinion, will the COVID-19 pandemic ever end?
I foresee that COVID will be with us for most of this year. I have mentioned to people close to me that the vaccinations were going to be problematic and yes, the first problems were in the news on Monday.