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Embracing the Path of Awakening: A Journey with a Soul Guide

Embracing the Path of Awakening: A Journey with a Soul Guide

Have you ever felt a deep-seated calling to connect with your inner self, to unlock the mysteries of your soul? If so, you’re not alone. Many people seek guidance and support on their spiritual journeys. In this blog post, Mystic Mag delves into the world of Soul Guides and explore the transformative experiences they can offer.

When did you first know that being a Soul Guide was your calling and how did it come about?

I first knew of myself as a Soul Guide from my early 20’s (the 1990s), there was this flourishing expansion of psychic gifts and a deep inward pull into my inner world, the realms of soul and into communion with my own soul. I suddenly became able to perceive without any effort, the deeper processes in someone’s life, their suffering, its flavors and history. I could perceive the deepest longings, and the light of their own soul nature, as I moved through my life. A person would pass me on the street or at the swimming pool and it was as if I was given an unsought reading of who they were at their deepest level.

There is always a dreaming path in someone’s life. It is like a way forward that is illuminated energetically. It has a feeling. It has energy. It often has images, information and knowing. Many people are looking to come into alignment with that direction and to be able to walk it clearly because they know this is a path of meaning, fulfillment, satisfaction, creativity and the deepest offering of themselves in this life. This is also the path of healing.

The path toward being a healer who focused on soul and spiritual awakening ultimately was very obvious, but this was the early 1990’s, there was no internet and I really did not know how to find my way there.

I would say, at a deeper level, the essence of being a soul guide, the energy and frequency of that has always been with me from birth. It has been with me for many lifetimes, and is a role I have fulfilled many times. This current life is another expression, an opportunity to create and play and serve in that role.

What does it mean to be a Soul Guide?

Our Soul is our eternal, radiant, wisest nature, that is connected to and exists in a fractal state of infinite consciousness. It is spoken of in many cultures. It has traveled through many lifetimes and forms inside the soul body, the subtle body, and it is profoundly beautiful. Soul is sacred.

So, to be a Soul Guide is to support someone to remember and reconnect to the sacred, eternal energy, the essence, the knowing of who they are as a Soul. To merge into that soul, commune and become one with it. It is to support someone to be able to receive their own direct guidance and healing from their soul and to begin to live their life in a practical way from this nourishing frequency. To live in alignment with our soul is to live in alignment with our destiny, to escape the entanglement of fate and Karma. To walk the path of Soul, with our soul, as our soul, is to walk a satisfying and often adventurous journey – both inner and outer or both – and it does not mean it is going to always be easy. Sometimes the soul path is very challenging. It asks us to face adversity and can be counter to our desires and wants. Often we are put into situations where we have to surrender to the call of our soul and relinquish our identity. These are all possible events on the paths to Awakening.
To be a Soul Guide is to empower someone to come into relationship with their deepest nature; to live from that place and to walk that unique path as a journey of awakening. The path of ultimate freedom.

Could you tell us more about Kundalini Awakening?

Kundalini is a divine, sacred, very powerful higher consciousness energy and light, often referred to as Shakti. It innately dwells in every one of us.

For the vast majority of people this energy is dormant and inactive at the base of the spine.

When Kundalini is activated it is literally woken up from “sleep” to consciousness and it begins an active process of purification of a person’s body and energy system with the ultimate goal of supporting your awakening, samadhi, enlightenment, and merging with God, Source.

Kundalini is increasingly easier to awaken these days because of the elevation of consciousness on this planet. Many thousands of people are having spontaneous, sought and unsought awakenings of Kundalini activity. Kundalini can be awakened by Spiritual practices, psychedelics, reading books or watching videos on spiritual subjects; powerful healings, sitting with a spiritual teacher, having a profound experience in nature and so many other triggers. The activation possibilities of Kundalini these days are very vast.

Kundalini is a beloved, loving, conscious power. It is here to set us free of our suffering, our personal history, liberate us from our trauma bodies, and allow us to relax into our most exquisite, blissful, radiant freedom. To be awakened into Kundalini is to have a gradual and inextricable shift in your reference point in your understanding of who you really are. It begins to spiritualize a person – gives them the ability to activate high levels of consciousness, access to bliss, states of expansive awareness, oneness with God. This is what the Sages and Saints around the world have pointed to for millenia, and Kundalini is a servant of that process.

When Kundalini activates it is important to be aware that some people could have a very difficult time. Their Kundalini may spontaneously activate too strongly, too fast, or is purifying their body at a rate that is more than the individual can cope with. Kundalini can create unwelcome or unexpected symptoms, and can create a lot of change very quickly. This can happen for many reasons including that a person has had difficult external influences, a complex trauma history, or their Kundalini activated in a difficult or painful way, or through unfacilitated psychedelics, or the person is unwilling, unprepared or overwhelmed. These days spontaneous awakening happens to people whose systems have not gone through the yogic preparations that can take up to 10 years to complete. It can be scary to have a new energy and consciousness in your body if you are unprepared.

This is where my work comes in!

What services do you offer?

My work is dedicated to supporting those on a path of awakening, both those of ease and flow, and also ones that are challenging and full of the unraveling of trauma, difficult personal history, unexpected body symptoms, painful mental health processes and big, bold, beautiful callings.

In my work I bring my many decades of training from therapy and counseling, from trauma studies, from facilitation of conflict, and my gifts as an energetic healer. I bring the wisdom and gifts and knowledge of my own awakening to serve the people who arrive in my practice.

I am able to meet people exactly where they are at, no matter how deep the pain or how confusing or complex the situation they are in. My clairvoyant gifts allow me to visually see and map the Kundalini activity and energetic processes, and spiritual evolution of someone very clearly. I use this information to help build a map of what is happening for them and to find the pathway forward and bring the healing that is needed. I help people to understand the often mysterious symptoms, changes and evolution that is happening inside of them so that they can feel safe, contextualize their process and be able to work with it in ways that are empowering.

My deepest dedication is that everyone is able to walk their awakened path with as much ease, alignment and personal power as possible. As people stabilize and recover we begin to look at the bigger callings of their awakening. What is wanting to flow through them into form? How are they here to serve? What needs to be completed or moved toward in order to facilitate that? How can they blossom in both a personal and professional way.

What can a person expect from your sessions?

People have diverse experiences in sessions with me. Every session is a unique combination of using my different gifts and ways of working, in order to serve a person’s highest intention. Every element of someone is welcome in the session, including the things they feel most shy about, things that they feel are most deeply strange or unacceptable in most places in their world/s, things they feel that no one will understand and perhaps haven’t till now. We make sacred space for their deepest, most vulnerable beauty and their injured places to be welcomed.

In a session I work very strongly with my incredible Spirit Team – a team of thousands of beings of light, angels, guides, healers and deities. They work with me to serve, support and bring the deepest healing possible to each individual who comes to my practice.

One of the features of my work is that no matter how deep, or how dark a person’s process, we can always find the lightness. We can always bring some joy, beauty and delight. Even the heaviest lifting that we have to do with Soul can be met with the genuine beauty, deep joy and heartfelt compassion of who we are as Souls.

What do you love most about your profession?

The thing that brings me joy in every moment of my life is that through my profession I get to serve Souls, the beauty of who you are, your deepest nature, your awakened awareness and your unique path of awakening. In doing this I honor that I am fulfilling my own calling and destiny and this brings me a deep sense of satisfaction, in every breath, that is infinite. For this I feel incredibly grateful.

The potential of transformation and what is possible for every individual and group never ceases to astonish me, and I bow to its power. To see a person go from darkness, trauma and suicidal ideation to self love, to finding a rich and natural skill set that emerges from wrestling with their edges and their own becoming, and ultimately finding a deep understanding of their journey: witnessing this never ceases to inspire and humble me.

Getting to work with the gifts I came into this lifetime with is a privilege and an honor that I can hardly believe at times. That I found a way of being and working that includes all of the more unusual, creative, psychic, clairvoyant, contemplative elements of me and also has allowed me to mine the learnings of my own deep suffering, while supporting others on their immense paths, is an aspect of my love of this work that I could not have anticipated.

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Petar Vojinovic is a content editor for Mystic Mag, where he curates and oversees content related to mysticism, psychics, and spiritual practices. In his role, Petar oversees content creation, ensuring that each article, interview, and feature provides valuable insights into the mystical world. He collaborates with experts in the field to present a wide range of topics, from tarot readings to holistic healing methods, maintaining the site's reputation for authenticity and depth. Petar's interest in spirituality and mysticism has been a lifelong passion. He has a background in cultural studies, which gave him a unique perspective on ancient spiritual practices and their relevance in modern times. Before joining Mystic Mag, Petar wrote for various publications, focusing on alternative medicine and the metaphysical. Outside of work, Petar enjoys practicing meditation and studying astrology. His fascination with the occult continues to fuel his dedication to exploring the unknown.