Are you feeling stuck, unsure, or looking for a transformative shift in your life? If so, Merry Street’s personalized services may be just what you need.
With a unique blend of intuitive intelligence, remote-viewing, behavioral coaching, and energy restoration, Merry introduced us to her holistic approach which helps her clients overcome challenges and achieve their dreams.
What transformative experiences can clients expect from your consultations?
You know, I’m always in awe of the journeys my clients go through. It’s hard to put into words, but I’ll try.
When someone sits down with me for an intuitive intelligence consultation, they’re often feeling stuck or unsure. Maybe they’re struggling with a relationship, or feeling lost in their career.
I use a unique approach I’ve developed over the years – it’s a blend of advanced intuitive techniques, remote-viewing based techniques, behavioural coaching as well as a few other modalities.
Once I connect with a client’s energy and target their goal, within minutes, I’ll pick up on something – a person, place, thing, metaphor, pattern, a block that’s been holding them back or an upcoming shift in their future – when I share it, there’s this moment when it’s like they’re seeing themselves clearly for the first time.
I remember a client, let’s call her Lisa. She came to me struggling to find a compatible partner. As we dove into our session, I intuitively picked up on a pattern connected to her relationship with her father. Through her session, it became apparent that she was subconsciously choosing men similar to her father, hoping to heal the rift between them.
When I shared this insight, Lisa was shocked. It had never occurred to her that this was what she was doing. As she looked back at her dating history, she could see the pattern clearly. That’s when the lightbulb really went off for her.
By the end of our session, I suggested that she consider therapy to work through her abandonment issues and find peace. It wasn’t just about her love life anymore – it was about healing a core part of herself.
But here’s the thing – it’s not just about that one moment. It’s what happens after. Clients like Lisa tell me they feel more confident making decisions. They handle relationships differently. Some even say they finally feel like themselves.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, the consultations… they’re transformative because they touch every part of a person’s life. It’s not about quick fixes. It’s about deep, lasting change and being part of that process is the most rewarding thing I can imagine.
*I’d also like to add that I never tell a client what to do. I suggest that they use a triad to make well-rounded decisions, which is: my intuitive insights, their intuition and due diligence. Then I leave it to them to decide whether or not to move forward.
How does your energy restoration approach promote holistic well-being?
When clients ask me about my energy restoration approach, I often see their eyes light up as I explain the process. At its core, my energy restoration work is about freedom and clarity.
Over time, we accumulate energetic links to people, situations, environments, and even objects that can hold us back. These links often aren’t visible to us, but they can be incredibly powerful in shaping our experiences, limiting our potential, and in many cases, running our lives.
My process involves identifying these blocks, using behavioral coaching to reframe them, locating them energetically, then removing them. I like to describe it as clearing the junk out of the trunk – suddenly, there’s space to breathe, to move, to create.
Clients often describe feeling lighter, more open, and truly free after our sessions.
But it goes beyond just removing the old. This process also enhances one’s intuitive perception, like fine-tuning an internal compass. With this heightened awareness, clients become more observant of the world around them. They start noticing opportunities they might have missed before – chances for growth, connection, and advancement in their personal and professional lives.
The way I look at it, it’s not just about feeling good in the moment; it’s about equipping my clients with the tools to continually create the life they want. I always tailor my approach to each client’s unique needs, using a combination of different processes.
While the removal of energetic blocks forms the foundation of my work, oftentimes I will suggest complementing this technique with additional techniques to help clients reach their specific goals more efficiently and effectively.
For example, I frequently work with clients struggling to find suitable employment. In these cases, I combine energy restoration with a process I call “Reconfiguring.” This reconfiguring process allows me to energetically accelerate job opportunities on their timeline because once the energy blocks have been revealed and removed, the road to success opens. This integrated approach often leads to quicker success, helping clients secure desirable positions sooner than they might have otherwise.
I’ve seen clients transform their relationships, excel in their careers, and find a deeper sense of purpose, all stemming from this energy work. It’s truly holistic because it touches every aspect of their lives – physical, emotional, and spiritual.
In essence, my energy restoration approach is about empowering people to live in harmony with their true selves and the world around them. And that, I believe, is the very definition of holistic well-being.
In what unique ways does hypno-coaching empower clients to achieve their goals?
The beauty of hypno-coaching lies in its versatility and depth. I’ve found that combining hypnosis, coaching, energy psychology and other modalities creates a powerfully synergistic approach to helping clients achieve their goals.
What makes my method unique is how I integrate various processes while the client’s subconscious mind is in a highly-receptive, hypnotic state. It’s not just about traditional hypnosis – I weave in other modalities as I’m intuitively guided during the session. This integration allows us to work on multiple levels simultaneously – conscious, subconscious, and energetic. This is when having a toolbox full of modalites to choose from is a blessing.
Before we even begin the hypnotic work, I always collaborate with the client to formulate very clear and specific goals and commit them to paper. This primes their subconscious mind to shift in that direction once we start the session. What’s fascinating is how readily the subconscious aligns with these goals once we engage the higher self – that wise, intuitive part of us that often gets overshadowed in our daily lives.
I’ve witnessed time and again how this higher self provides precisely the insights and answers a client needs. It’s as if we’re unlocking a door to their inner wisdom. More importantly, it gives them permission to heal themselves, which is incredibly empowering.
Another unique aspect of my approach is that every session is tailored to the individual client. No two sessions are exactly alike because each person’s needs and goals are unique. I let my intuition guide me to use the right combination of techniques for each client in the moment.
To ensure the effects of our work continue beyond the session, I provide clients with a recording of their personalized hypnosis. I encourage them to listen to this recording just before sleep or upon waking – times when the subconscious mind is naturally more receptive. This helps to further integrate the work we’ve done and reinforces the positive changes we’ve initiated.
I remember a client who came to me struggling with chronic procrastination. During our hypno-coaching sessions, we discovered that her procrastination was rooted in a fear of success stemming from childhood experiences. By using a combination of hypnosis and a few other modalities, we were able to release this fear and install new, empowering beliefs. The personalized recording helped her reinforce these changes daily. Within weeks, she reported feeling more motivated and productive than ever before.
This multi-faceted, personalized approach doesn’t just help clients achieve their immediate goals – it transforms their entire perspective on what’s possible for them. It empowers them with tools and insights they can use long after our sessions end, creating lasting change in all areas of their lives.
How does your remote-viewing based expertise provide valuable insights and guidance?
My approach to providing insights and guidance is rooted in remote-viewing based techniques, though it’s important to note that I’ve developed my own unique process over the years. While I don’t use all the typical Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) protocols, my method is still fundamentally a form of ESP, or what some call Anomalous Cognition.
Like traditional remote viewing, I prefer to know nothing about my target when I begin. This blank-slate approach ensures that my insights are as unbiased and clear as possible. Once I tap into the target, information begins to flow to me in an intuitive stream. It’s fascinating how this information takes on a life of its own, with different threads emerging and offering deeper insights into the question at hand.
What sets my process apart is a technique I call “blending with the target.” This ability to merge my awareness with the subject of the viewing allows me to gather even more detailed and nuanced information. Interestingly, this aspect of my process developed spontaneously during a public mediumship session. To be honest, I was a bit freaked out when it first started happening but the information and the feedback I received from the participants proved to be so accurate and useful that it became an integral part of my approach.
This remote-viewing based expertise has become my go-to tool for what I like to call “intuitive reconnaissance.” It’s such a valuable part of my process, allowing me to explore what I refer to as “intuitive threads” – subtle connections and patterns that might otherwise go unnoticed.
When I engage in this process for a client, it’s like opening a door to a vast landscape of information. I can explore different aspects of their situation – past, present, and potential futures – from a unique perspective. This often reveals hidden dynamics, underlying issues, or unexpected opportunities that neither the client nor I would have considered through conventional analysis alone.
For example, I once worked with a business owner who was struggling to understand why her company wasn’t growing despite her best efforts. Through my remote-viewing based technique, I was able to perceive a conflict within her team that she wasn’t aware of. This insight allowed us to address the real issue holding her business back, leading to significant improvements in both team dynamics and company growth.
What’s particularly valuable about this approach is that it often provides context and depth to the information we gather through more traditional means. It’s not about replacing logical analysis or practical strategies – it’s about complimenting them with insights that can only be accessed through intuitive means.
In essence, my remote-viewing based expertise acts as a bridge between the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown. It provides valuable insights and guidance by revealing the deeper currents running beneath the surface of our everyday awareness, allowing for more holistic and effective solutions to whatever challenges my clients are facing.
Can you share inspiring stories of clients who have overcome challenges and achieved their dreams with your help?
Absolutely! One story that always stands out to me is about a client who had been out of work for a year. He was skeptical about holistic approaches, but his depression was worsening, and his wife was becoming extremely worried. On faith, he decided to come in for an energy rebalancing and Reconfiguring session. During our work together, he openly wept as we resolved some core issues. The results were remarkable – within a week, he had secured a job and received a total of five job offers! He joked that his new greatest stress was choosing which job to take. It was a complete turnaround from where he had been just days before.
Another fascinating case involved a client who couldn’t sell her house, even in a booming market. The home was modern and located in an area where it stood out dramatically from the surrounding properties. During our session, I sensed that the house had absorbed a tremendous amount of negative energy from verbal attacks by neighbors. Interestingly, during the energy rebalancing process, a woman actually came by and told the agent how much she hated the home! But after I cleansed and readjusted its energy, things shifted quickly. A week later the house sold for full price.
I also love sharing the story of a woman who came to me looking for love. We worked on her energy and self-perception, and I provided guidance on following her intuition. She took action steps, stayed open to opportunities, and kept her focus on evidence that the universe was supporting her goal. It wasn’t an overnight change, but within a year, she was married to a compatible partner who aligned perfectly with what she had envisioned.
One important point I want to make is there is no quick fix in this work. Yes, it is about clearing the energetic pathways but it’s also about taking action steps following your intuition, and staying attuned to the signs that you’re on the right path. When clients commit to this process, the results can be truly life-changing.
What inspires me most about these stories is seeing how people’s lives can transform when they open themselves up to this kind of work. Whether it’s finding a job, selling a house, or meeting a life partner, the principles remain the same: clear the energy, stay open to possibilities, and take inspired action. It’s a privilege to be part of these journeys and to see people step into lives they once only dreamed of.
Who are the ideal individuals who can benefit most from your personalized services?
In my two decades of practice, I’ve had the privilege of working with an incredibly diverse range of clients, each with their unique challenges and aspirations. But my work extends beyond one-on-one consultations – I’ve also had the honor of teaching over 400 intuitive intelligence classes, sharing these valuable skills with those interested in working as a professional intuitive.
One particularly fascinating aspect of my work involves higher-level military personnel. These individuals come to me not only for career guidance but also to learn how to harness intuitive perception and intuitive reconnaissance to stay informed and safe in their high-stakes environments. It’s incredibly rewarding to see how these skills, which I’ve refined through years of practice and teaching, can be applied in such critical contexts.
I also work extensively with corporate professionals across various sectors and I consult long-term with many of those clients. One CEO who I have worked with for years, consults with me on a regular basis regarding crucial hiring decisions and uses my intuitive reconnaissance to gain insights into potential new hires. The information I provided helped her navigate these complex situations, ultimately leading to some excellent additions to her team.
This experience opened up new avenues in my practice. Soon, I found myself working with executives exploring potential new companies to join, entrepreneurs gauging the viability of entering certain job sectors, and even individuals interested in the stock market looking for intuitive insights to inform their investment strategies. Many of these clients have also attended my intuitive intelligence classes, further honing their skills to apply in their professional lives.
But it’s not just in the corporate or military world where these skills make a difference. I often work with individuals seeking to enhance their decision-making in personal matters too. I remember a client struggling with a challenging family dynamic. Through our sessions and the techniques she learned in my classes, we uncovered hidden motivations and relationship patterns that had been causing friction for years. Armed with these insights, my client was able to transform these challenges into opportunities for deeper connection and understanding.
One of the most rewarding aspects of my work, and perhaps one of the greatest perks of being in business so long, is the opportunity to work with the children of my long-term clients. There’s something incredibly special about helping multiple generations of a family navigate life’s challenges and opportunities. It’s a testament to the enduring value of this work and the trust my clients place in me.
After 20 years in this field and hundreds of classes taught, I’m still amazed and humbled by the positive impact this work can have on people’s lives.