MysticMag chats with Cindy Kaza, a renowned psychic medium best known for her work on Travel Channel’s The Dead Files, The Holzer Files, and Ghosts of Devil’s Perch. Intuitive since childhood, Cindy had her first profound experience with Spirit at age 10. Her journey of awakening in her 20s led her to develop her multi-faceted abilities through training in the U.S. and at the Arthur Findlay School of Intuitive Sciences in England. Cindy is passionate about compassionately sharing her gift and empowering others to recognize their own intuitive connection to Spirit.
Cindy, your first memorable encounter with a spirit occurred when you were 10 years old. How did that experience shape your journey, and at what point did you realize that your psychic abilities were real and not just dreams?
It wasn’t until my 20s that I understood it was more than just a dream. I had this experience that felt like what many call a visitation dream. These dreams are so vivid that every detail remains etched in your memory: the person’s appearance, their clothing, your feelings, and even your surroundings. However, this was different; I clearly remember waking up, seeing her, and then falling back asleep. At that time, I had no particular interest or knowledge of psychic mediumship. I grew up in a household where such topics were not discussed, as my family has a strong Catholic background. Regardless, I never really forgot about it. That memory stayed with me, and as I grew older, I often found myself reflecting on it, thinking, “That was a strange experience, wasn’t it?”
This reflection would come and go, and I often ignored its significance. It wasn’t until later that I recognized other psychic experiences were beginning to emerge within me. I started to sense when events would unfold, often before they happened, and I developed an intuitive ability to read people and their energies. When I was 19, I met my first mentor, who looked at me with and said, “You’re a psychic medium.” At that time, I was skeptical and thought she must be mistaken. Her name was Bonnie. She passed away in 2011. I loved her so much because she was patient with me and saw something I didn’t yet see in myself. That moment truly planted a seed, and by the time I reached my 20s, everything just clicked into place! I realized I needed to explore this further, and once I began that journey, I couldn’t look back. It was then that I reflected on that childhood memory and thought, That wasn’t a dream—that was real. I realized that all those experiences I’d had over the years were also real, including the anxiety I’d struggled with. Many people who are highly intuitive or tapped in experience anxiety, especially when they don’t understand what’s happening. That moment marked the beginning of truly understanding myself and my connection to Spirit.
As someone who has trained at the Arthur Findlay School of Intuitive Sciences, what are some of the most valuable lessons you’ve learned during your formal training that continue to influence your work today?
I hardly know where to begin—it has been one of the most extraordinary and transformative journeys of my career to study at Arthur Findlay College alongside the Spiritualists. While I don’t identify as a spiritualist or consider myself part of that religion, I hold immense respect for spiritualism and its teachings, which offer so much depth and value to the world.
One of the most significant influences on my journey has been Paul Jacobs, my primary mentor at Arthur Findlay College. I remember when I was placed in his class, people would say, “Oh, Paul is so intimidating, so strict!” But for me, he was incredible. Yes, he was tough, but in the best possible way. What Paul did for me—and continues to do—was profound. He shattered my ego. When I arrived, I thought I was good at what I did, but Paul didn’t hesitate to show me all the areas where I needed to improve.
Paul taught me humility. He taught me the discipline to stick with the connection, to deliver messages with care, and to approach mediumship with the proper etiquette, particularly when working on the platform. I’ll never forget when he told me, “You’re only as good as your last message.” That stuck with me because it emphasized the importance of always striving for excellence and integrity in this work.
I also remember him saying something that initially confused me: “If you allow it, the spirit world will take everything from you—it’ll take your relationships, your house, your money.” At the time, I wondered what he was talking about. But later, I realized he was warning us about the importance of staying grounded. If you lose touch with the physical world because you’re too absorbed in the spirit world, you can lose sight of what’s right in front of you. That lesson was so impactful—being grounded is essential for maintaining balance in both life and work as a psychic medium. Another pivotal moment with Paul was when he told me to stop studying and start working. I wanted to keep learning and stay in the safety of school, but he insisted, “Don’t come back—you need to go out and work.” That was a critical turning point for me.
Earlier this year, I had the wonderful opportunity to work alongside Paul. Teaming up with the mentor who has influenced me in countless ways truly filled my heart with joy. In addition to my time at Arthur Findlay College, I studied extensively at Lily Dale, the Spiritualist community in upstate New York. I would spend summers there, staying for a month or more, and participating in every service I could as a guest medium. Those experiences—of working tirelessly, immersing myself in the community, and constantly honing my craft—were invaluable.
When people ask me how I got to where I am today, my answer is simple: I worked incredibly hard. I approached this with deep respect and took the responsibility of this work seriously. It’s always evolving, and I’m always learning. But the foundation Paul gave me—especially his emphasis on keeping my ego in check—was pivotal. It taught me to stay disciplined, to be self-aware, and to remember that this work isn’t about me. Before stepping on stage now, I always take a moment to reflect: What is my purpose in this moment? I intentionally set my ego aside because, ultimately, this is not about me—it’s about serving others and making a positive impact. This continuous internal reflection helps me remain centered and attentive to those I aim to reach.
My time at Arthur Findlay College exposed me to a broad range of teachings in spiritualism, metaphysics, and mediumship. I learned from various teachers and explored different topics, from trance mediumship to aura studies, providing me with the extensive knowledge I now apply when teaching others. While I’m not a trance medium myself, studying it helped me recognize and support those abilities in my peer students.
The journey through mediumship is profoundly interconnected with personal growth. It’s a journey of introspection. It allows us to nurture a deep connection with Spirit in order to gain a better understanding of our true selves. Each interaction with the spirit world offers a unique opportunity to explore and heal different aspects of our being. We are never separate from Spirit; our lives are a tapestry of interconnectedness. With each step along this path, I continually learn valuable lessons about this connection. It’s all about compassion. As the Dalai Lama said, “Compassion is the radicalism of our time.”
You’ve worked on several paranormal shows, including The Dead Files and The Holzer Files. How does the process of communicating with spirits in front of the camera differ from private readings, and what unique challenges does this present?
I never imagined I would become a paranormal investigator—it felt so intimidating at first. My background was rooted in studying with spiritualists and practicing platform mediumship, so stepping into this new realm was a completely different experience. It was nerve-wracking, no doubt, but also incredibly exciting because it allowed me to utilize the full range of tools in my spiritual “toolbelt.”
For example, when I’m demonstrating mediumship on a platform, my focus is purely on connecting with spirit, and creating a space of open communication and understanding between the Spirit world and those in the living. However, paranormal investigations become a dynamic blend of mediumship, psychic abilities, and other practices. I draw on various skills: psychometry, automatic writing, spirit art, remote viewing, and, of course, mediumship. It’s important to clearly piece together the stories of the families or individuals in the home, examining how the paranormal experiences have affected their lives and why. This process requires a blending of abilities; without a solid foundation, it can be challenging.
When I’m called to a location—often an old building—I receive no prior information, which adds another layer of difficulty. I have to go in blind and set a clear intention: “Please let me connect with the timeline I need for this investigation.” In a house that’s 300 years old, countless people could have lived there, which means I could potentially tune into any of them. And no, spirits don’t have to have died in the house for me to connect with them. In fact, on some episodes of The Dead Files, the spirits hadn’t died in the house at all—they had passed away in the surrounding area but were drawn to the home due to psychic imprints or because someone living there was particularly open to their presence.
The pressure of a walkthrough presents a whole new challenge. In many paranormal shows, the medium’s walkthrough essentially sets the tone for the entire episode. Everyone relies on you to pick up on what’s happening, which can be overwhelming. Early on, I felt incredibly nervous, bearing the weight of that expectation. But eventually, I had to surrender and remind myself, “It will be what it will be.” Even with that mindset, it wasn’t easy; it required a tremendous amount of trust in myself and the process.
I’m genuinely grateful for the experience. It pushed me to grow as a medium and an investigator, uniting all my skills in ways I hadn’t expected. This journey is not only fascinating and intense, but it’s also profoundly rewarding.
You often mention that everyone has some level of intuitive ability. What advice would you give to someone who is just starting to explore their own psychic potential or mediumship?
I believe it is essential to emphasize that part of a psychic medium’s role—especially in the public eye but also beyond—is to remind people that they, too, can connect with these energies. I always say that everyone can play the piano, though not everyone will become a concert pianist. However, to tell someone they lack the potential or ability to connect is simply untrue. We all enter this world with an inherent connection to something greater than ourselves, but we often forget. We forget that we are not separate from it. The journey, then, is about remembering—remembering who we truly are and that this connection exists within all of us.
Trust is a crucial component in this journey. The more you believe, the more you receive. Doubt often stands in the way. This is a key reason many individuals report having visitation dreams. When we dream, we’re not consciously crafting narratives or fully in command of the experience (unless you’re a lucid dreamer). Dreams create a space where doubt is muted, allowing these connections to feel true and genuine.
I genuinely hope science and spirituality will continue to merge—it’s already happening. This work isn’t some “woo-woo” concept; it’s grounded in energy and frequency. Everything is frequency. Everything is sound. Science can explain how we got from 1 to 10, but they find it challenging to clarify how we transitioned from 0 to 1. Perhaps we will never fully grasp that leap. But to me, that’s where the beauty lies—the mystery of it all—being present with the mystery has its own kind of fulfillment.
At this stage in my life, I’ve come to realize that all of this information—the connection to spirit, the wisdom of the universe—is accessible to us in the present moment, within ourselves. Every mystical tradition has taught this truth: it’s not outside of us; it’s within. That realization wasn’t something I learned through formal study; it’s something I’ve discovered through meditation.
One of the most important lessons I learned came from another mentor at the Arthur Findlay College, Jose Gosschalk. She told me, “Don’t be so sure of what you’re sure of.” That advice has stayed with me and taught me to remain open. When I began traveling and exploring different cultures and religions, I observed firsthand how people from diverse traditions interpret the spirit world and the afterlife in their own unique ways. Two mediums from completely different backgrounds can encounter the same frequency yet describe it in entirely different terms. Neither is wrong; it simply is. That understanding—“don’t be so sure of what you’re sure of”—has created a space for curiosity within me, and that curiosity has allowed me to grow and evolve. Reflecting on the past, my perspective has changed completely from how I saw things 10 years ago, and I’m confident it will keep evolving. That’s the essence of this journey—it’s never static, always unfolding.
You’re about to embark on a mystical journey through Egypt in 2025. How do you think visiting ancient spiritual sites will influence your mediumistic abilities, and what do you hope participants will gain from the experience?
I’m so excited to visit Egypt—this will be my first time! Reflecting on my past experiences in places like Indonesia and India, I can’t help but feel that this journey will be equally transformative. I recently returned from India, where I meditated almost every day, and the teachings I received during those moments of stillness were incredibly profound and deeply moving. It felt like opening a channel to something greater, downloading wisdom from the energy of the land itself. I’m hoping Egypt offers a similar experience—a chance to learn, grow, and connect in ways I can’t yet anticipate.
Of course, the pyramids are a wonder in and of themselves—the mystery of their construction is awe-inspiring. But beyond merely marveling at their physical presence, I’m eager to experience the energy of the place, to truly be present and feel it on a deeper level. For me, it’s not just about seeing—it’s about stepping out of my mind and into my body and heart, allowing the living energy of these sacred places to speak to me. It’s such a different way of engaging with life, and I find it deeply fulfilling.
What’s even more fascinating is how many people today seem to be waking up—experiencing spiritual awakenings and embracing their roles as healers or energy workers, often unexpectedly. It feels as though there is a collective shift in consciousness occurring globally, and I’ve been noticing it increasingly.
I interview many individuals in this field, and almost everyone I speak to is observing the same phenomenon. There’s a shared sense that consciousness is rising, and it’s now undeniable.
People who never imagined themselves as healers are suddenly being activated, stepping into this work, and asking, “What is happening?” It’s incredible to witness. Part of the responsibility for those of us who have been in this space for a while is to hold space and offer support for these newly awakening individuals. It’s also crucial to guide the younger generation of mediums and energy workers who are stepping into their power. What’s fascinating about the younger generation is their approach to this work—they’re not interested in being confined to rigid structures or traditional frameworks. They’re open, free, and willing to explore new possibilities, which is truly inspiring to see.
I feel as though I’m standing at a crossroads between the traditional values I deeply respect and a new wave of energy and ideas. I love having the foundation of the old ways while also embracing the expansive and unconventional aspects, like exploring concepts about aliens and other realms. It creates a balance that allows me to flow between these worlds. But most importantly, it’s about being present for the younger generation. They’re the future of this work, and they’re poised to lead it in ways we’ve never seen before. Supporting them, holding space for them, and encouraging them to explore freely is vital to the journey ahead. With all these shifts in consciousness, I genuinely believe the world is moving toward a place where we embrace more heart and less mind—and that’s exactly what we need.
If you would like to find out more about Cindy Kaza, please visit https://cindykaza.com/