Today, Mystic Mag had the opportunity to interview Mary Baca – a Reiki practitioner, sound healer, energy worker, teacher, and mentor, who believes healing takes place deep within us. She often uses sound and frequency in the modalities she practices to not only produce relaxation but also to help the nervous system regain its balance. Mary communicates with the body to promote profound whole body-mind-soul healing. She enjoys music of all kinds, nature, and the connections she makes with people she meets daily.
When did you first know that being an Holistic Healer was your calling and how did it come about?
Ever since I was a child, I felt “different” which unfortunately led me to feelings of not belonging. I wish I had known then that the differences were actually blessings. I never felt alone, but now I have clarity that indeed I wasn’t alone and have had this amazing Spirit Team with me forever and beyond.
Over twenty-four years ago as a Licensed Counselor I was trained in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing). It really resonated with me how the protocol included the body. Then about Fifteen years ago I was in an office building and met a Reiki Master from whom I received my first level of Reiki Training. Interestingly enough I had been organically positioning my hands over my dogs and closing my eyes directing energy onto them. I realized later this truly was when I started doing energy work.
Somewhere in that time frame of approximately twelve years ago I got introduced by a friend to Wholistic Kinesiology and muscle testing. I wish muscle testing was not named what it is because it’s somewhat misleading. I’ll explain in a bit. Anyway when my friend introduced me and suggested I get certified in Wholistic Kinesiology I scoffed at muscle testing. I’d laugh every time because I really thought it was some kind of “hocus pocus” thing. Fast forward to today I not only use it in EVERY session of energy work I do, but I have actually used it in the modalities I have created. I even teach others individually or as a group how to muscle test. Crazy huh?!? I’m not exaggerating when I say Muscle testing truly changed the trajectory of my life!
Then this profound miracle happened. Ten years ago I had a sister pass away and another sister stop talking to me (thank God temporarily). I was in such an emotional crisis at that time because of the profound grief and loss I experienced suicidal ideation. I was SO angry at God, but thankfully God can take that. Somewhere in my desperation I had a spiritual awakening, and to be honest my life changed completely. I went to see my own therapist at this time and also went and had some profound energy work and hypnotherapy.
All of these things which I’m sure were divinely guided pulled me out of the depth of despair I was in. I started to find my intuitive gifts which is HOW I became an “awakened” holistic practitioner. Yes I was already using Wholistic Kinesiology to practice on people and Reiki once I received my Level 2 Certification, but it was the awakening that really was the catalyst for me to step into my shoes as an Intuitive Holistic Healer. I also went on to get Certified in Reiki 3 and as a Reiki Master and Trainer.
What services do you offer?
I offer Reiki, Sound and Vibrational Healing, Medical Intuition, Quantum Alignment & TrauSoma (both of these are my own modalities that I created), Intuitive Aromatherapy, Crystal Healing, Intuitive Guidance Life Coaching, Psychic Readings, Somatic Therapy, Counseling, and Mentoring.
Could you tell us more about Sound Healing and how does it help?
Sound Healing is an ancient practice that uses sound vibrations to promote healing and relaxation. It’s based on the idea that sound is vibrational in nature, and that humans are vibrational beings. Our bodies vibrate to certain frequencies.
During a sound healing session, a person(s) lies or sits down in a comfortable position, closes their eyes, and focuses on sounds made by instruments. I use crystal singing bowls, crystal singing pyramids, gongs, and a crystal harp. A sound bath can incorporate several instruments at the same time or simultaneously in a session.
The instruments vibrate at different frequencies that either match or offset frequencies that organically exist in the body. Let me explain. When we get out of alignment to whatever degree due to normal things like fatigue or very extreme situations like disease, mental and emotional imbalances, or trauma, the vibration and frequencies in our bodies become dysregulated. Sound healing helps the whole internal and external body to get back into alignment which results in the person feeling completely relaxed like they had a massage even though the techniques I use are hands-off.
This modality also regulates the sympathetic nervous system which is where the “fight or flight” process is activated in the brain and body. Dysregulation of this part of the nervous system happens when for example a person perceives there is a bear chasing them, their body is going to physiologically respond whether or not there is a real threat present. The problem is if this is activated every time the person perceives a threat, they are continually walking around with a dysregulated nervous system which profoundly impacts the vagus nerve which impacts the spleen, small intestine, and so on. So sound healing is beyond just a feel good modality. It has a profound impact on the nervous system.
So many diseases have been linked to stress and anxiety. Sound healing is a modality where a person can have powerful work done on the body while sleeping? Now, that is a win-win! Also, I am a trauma specialist and am extra sensitive and careful not to touch a person’s body as it may trigger trauma. In my professional opinion and experience it is not necessary to touch a person’s body in order to have amazing results. You’re already in the person’s energy and auric fields at three feet, so I can work in these parameters. Exceptions would be modalities that obviously involve touch like massage therapy.
What does it mean to be a Wholistic Kinesiologist?
Wholistic Kinesiology is a trademarked name given by Dr. J Dunn who created this powerful modality. It is a modality that utilizes muscle testing, monitoring points, testing kits, anatomy and physiology and so much more to identify levels of physical, mental, and emotional imbalances in the body and a variety of ways to bring the body back into balance including diet, supplements, exercise, etc. However, by using muscle testing and the modality of Wholistic Kinesiology I’m able to create a specific regimen for a particular person’s body specifically and in detail. This is a very simplified explanation of what WK is. Truly it’s amazing! I’m a certified Wholistic Kinesiologist AND I receive this modality as well.
What can a person expect from your sessions?
My full mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual presence with the person. I also will explain what I’ll be doing as well as asking the permission of the person to use any techniques during the session that I’m trained in. I let them know I will not touch their body, but as their energy is moving during the course of treatment, they may feel like I have touched them. Often, things will come to me intuitively as to what the person’s body needs that are not clear at the onset. I let the person know that their body is the one in charge and that I won’t do anything I’m not given permission by the body to do.
For example, if a person’s kidneys are communicating they’re in need of release for example of stored trauma then I’ll do energy work on that area. Our bodies hold onto the energy from everything we go through both positive and negative. I know this sounds strange, but our bodies actually communicate with us. It is us who often do not listen.
At the beginning, I ask the person what they want and expect from the session answering any questions they may have. Importantly, I let them know if at any time they are uncomfortable to please let me know and at any point they can stop the session altogether.
What do you love most about your profession?
By now in this interview you will be able to tell how much I love my profession. Not only do I love helping people heal but I love teaching them how they truly can heal themselves. I love being a teacher and light worker but also awakening in them their own inner healer.
I love giving them tips and then watching them take those tips and expand their learning even further themselves. I learn something from every client I have ever seen whether it’s one time I see them for a session or twenty times.
You can contact Mary via email at [email protected].
Mary’s website: https://www.resilience-integrative.com/