Martha Mendes is a distinguished educator and transpersonal psychoanalyst with a PhD in Psychoanalysis Applied to Education and Health, a postgraduate degree in Psychosomatics, and expertise in Bach Flower Remedies, Clinical and Ericksonian Hypnosis. She is the founder and president of the Martha Mendes Institute, a certified member of the European Association for Regression Therapy (EARTh), and the creator of Psicobiosofia®. A researcher, author, and former president of ABHTR, Martha has organized national and international congresses and is dedicated to advancing education and research in her field. MysticMag finds out more.
The Psicobiosofia® is described as a pedagogy of the soul that integrates mind and body. How has your clinical practice and research over the decades contributed to shaping this concept, and what specific challenges or gaps in traditional therapies do you aim to address?
Since my first transformative experience with Bach Flower Remedies in 1991, during a personal therapeutic process, I realized the power these essences have to clarify and transform emotions. This awakening led me to a deep interest in Bach Flower Remedies and eventually to the creation of Psicobiosofia®. In the environment of an Early Childhood Education School, where I served as the pedagogical director, I closely observed the dynamics between children and parents. I noticed that each individual has unique characteristics and that their reactions to similar events were quite distinct. This observation led me to recognize the complexity and grandeur of the human mind, which perceives and reacts to the world in such diverse ways. With more than three decades of clinical practice, it became clear to me that an integrated approach, considering physical, mental, and spiritual aspects, is essential for lasting transformations. Many traditional therapies tend to treat mind and body in isolation, focusing only on symptoms. Psicobiosofia® seeks to fill this gap by promoting a deep understanding of the emotional and existential causes of problems, thus offering an alternative to therapies that do not address the human being in their entirety.
The institute incorporates Bach Flower Remedies, hypnotherapy, and regression therapy in its courses. How do you approach the integration of these modalities in therapeutic practice and what factors guide you in determining the most suitable method for each client?
Psicobiosofia® aims for the complete transformation and integration of the Being and, to this end, incorporates various therapeutic modalities such as Bach Flower Remedies, hypnotherapy, and regression therapy. Each of these approaches plays a unique role in the therapeutic process. Bach Flower Remedies are fundamental in reclaiming the vital energy that may have been lost during traumatic experiences. They help balance emotional states through consciousness, promoting an organization of thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs. Initially, I use the Flower Remedies to prepare the ground, enabling the client to recover their vital energy and organize their internal processes. During the therapeutic process, dreams are seen as valuable revelations, acting as a map that encompasses time, space, and hidden facts, offering deep insights into the unconscious. Hypnotherapy and regression therapy, in turn, allow access to these deeper layers of the unconscious. They help the client identify and dissociate from painful experiences, promoting a clearer understanding of themselves and their life experiences.
The choice of the most suitable modality is made through a careful assessment of each client. I consider their personal, family, social, and spiritual history, as well as the transformation they seek. Often, a specific issue brings the client to the office, but the therapeutic process reveals hidden needs that, when addressed, result in freedom and happiness. Difficulties such as anxiety, low self-esteem, fears, challenging interpersonal relationships, losses, among others, can be significantly improved. The self-knowledge acquired throughout the process allows for more effective emotional management, leading to profound and lasting results.
With your experience in regression therapy and leadership in related associations, what role do you believe past life regression or memory work plays in contemporary psychotherapy? Are there specific cases or experiences from your practice that highlight its transformative potential?
Integrative and complementary therapies, such as regression therapy, play an essential role in contemporary psychotherapy, significantly expanding the possibilities for self-healing. Modern psychotherapy seeks to integrate practices from different approaches, enriching the care offered to the individual and adapting to new scientific discoveries that expand its effectiveness and reach. In Brazil, these therapies are incorporated into the Unified Health System (SUS), highlighting the value of multidisciplinary work for the integral health of the human being. Courses, congresses, and workshops have promoted greater awareness of our complexity and potential, encouraging us to explore and integrate this “more” into our life experiences. Past life regression or memory therapy is a valuable tool that allows clients to revisit painful experiences under the careful guidance of the therapist. This process helps identify underlying causes, dissociate from crystallized emotions, and embrace the part that suffers, promoting true self-healing. More than a treatment focused solely on mental illnesses or psychological disorders, integrative psychotherapy promotes the restoration of integral health, considering emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual aspects. A striking example of the transformative potential of regression therapy is the case of “Maria,” a 40-year-old businesswoman who suffered from intense rib pain without a clinical cause and weakness. After a year of seeking medical answers, she was referred to therapy. Initially, we worked with Bach Flower Remedies to organize her thoughts and recover her vital energy. During a session, Maria reported a disturbing dream, which led to a spontaneous regression. She relived a past life memory where a man, whom she identified as herself, suffered a fatal wound in a horse competition. This memory was symbolically linked to feelings of devaluation and failure in her current life. By revisiting and reframing this experience, Maria was able to release the associated emotional pain, and her physical pains began to decrease significantly. This process allowed her to integrate the strength and resilience of that “Warrior” into her own life, transforming weaknesses into achievements. Regression therapy, through identification, disidentification, and integration, offers a powerful path for personal transformation, helping individuals reconnect with their divine and innate potential for healing and balance.
Case/Year 2006 Woman, represented here as the character Maria Age: 40 years Profession: Businesswoman Temperament: Strong, intolerant, feeling of devaluation Belief: I am dying Complaint: Intense pain in the ribs, right side, and weakness, without clinical cause; she took strong painkillers at the hospital during her frequent emergency visits. *The rapport established with the client from the first consultation is fundamental for this moment, and the therapist’s feeling for intervention is necessary.
The Psicobiosofia® course focuses on ethics, especially in applying techniques such as hypnosis and regression therapy. How do you ensure that professionals maintain ethical standards while working with clients in a deeply sensitive and impactful manner?
Ethics is a central pillar in Psicobiosofia®, especially when using sensitive techniques like hypnosis and regression therapy. Our courses are carefully structured to include specific modules dedicated to ethical conduct, providing students with a deep understanding of the principles and practices that ensure respect for client autonomy. Through case studies and practical supervision, we prepare professionals to act with sensitivity and responsibility, minimizing the emotional risks inherent in these practices. The training is offered in Portuguese and is entirely online and live, ensuring an interactive and dynamic learning experience. We do not use recorded classes, as we believe live interaction is essential for developing the necessary sensitivity and clinical acumen. During the course, students undergo the therapeutic process with flower remedies, experiencing the techniques themselves to deepen their understanding and skills. We hold biweekly question-and-answer sessions that foster the exchange of experiences, essential for individual and group development. The modules include practical experiences shared among students, always under the guidance of experienced teachers. To maintain teaching quality, we limit enrollment and offer the possibility of two classes.
We are committed to expanding the course for Portuguese speakers, with future plans to offer training in other languages. During and after training, students receive continuous support, and the internship system involves supervised sessions by peers, ensuring the quality of care. At congresses organized by the Martha Mendes Institute, we welcome participants from various countries, who take the knowledge acquired with them. This reflects the impact and scope of our course, as well as increasing international interest in the training. The postgraduate program in Psicobiosofia® is the latest addition to our institute. After a rigorous process of university extension, it was registered with the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) at the beginning of 2024, confirming its credibility and excellence in specialist training. The faculty is composed of specialists, masters, and doctors, ensuring the quality of the content and experiences provided to students.
Your courses are accredited for university extension and are available both in-person and online, attracting a diverse student base both in Brazil and internationally. How do you ensure that participants from diverse backgrounds gain a deep and practical understanding of the advanced therapeutic techniques you teach?
Our courses are carefully structured to cater to a diverse student base, both nationally and internationally, ensuring a deep and practical understanding of the advanced therapeutic techniques we teach. Initially, we offer our materials and classes in Portuguese, using accessible formats and examples applicable to different cultural contexts to facilitate learning. The training includes scientific methodology classes, empowering students to develop scientific articles that culminate in the publication of a class book. This not only reinforces theoretical knowledge but also encourages practical application and academic contribution. Additionally, we offer entrepreneurship modules that address strategies for providing quality online care and sustainability as a business strategy, preparing students to face the challenges of the current market. To ensure all participants have the necessary support, we maintain continuous support channels for questions and personalized mentoring. A remarkable example is a student from Europe who successfully integrated the Bach Flower Remedies learned in our course into his local practice. He reported excellent results with clients who had never experienced Bach Flower Remedies and other integrative therapies, demonstrating the positive impact and adaptability of the techniques taught. This multidimensional approach not only provides a solid knowledge base but also empowers our students to effectively apply the techniques in their specific cultural contexts, promoting innovation and excellence in the field of integrative therapies.
If you would like to find out more about Martha Mendes, please visit https://institutomarthamendes.com.br/