Welcome to the realm where soul transformation transcends convention. Join Mystic Mag on this journey where we explore the transformative power of alchemy, moving beyond the confines of linear understanding to unveil the soul’s full potential. Through real-life examples and experiential insights, discover the profound shifts that occur in one’s spiritual journey.
As a Multidimensional Soul Alchemist, how do you define and practice the alchemical transformation of the soul, and can you share an example where your work has facilitated a profound shift or evolution in someone’s spiritual journey?
For me the word alchemy refers to transformation, traditionally this is a word that is associated with chemistry and transforming the properties of metals. When we use it to refer to our soul I use this word to express inner transformation. This is about shifting and moving energies from within, to dissolve and transmute any blocks, so that we can be free from what holds us back and reach our full potential. These energy blocks have an impact on our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and morphogenic fields, the alchemical transformation required to create impactful shifts is about working across all these multidimensional layers.
One of my clients came to me struggling with implementing new found awareness into practical daily life both personally and professionally. Professionally she wanted to have a change of role. She choose to sign up to my Integration & Embodiment Package which is 6 weeks of practical guidance and support, with an emphasis on conscious creation.
After doing some alchemical work and quantum shifting into a new embodied self-identity she received an email stating the position was being reopened and she was invited to apply following a recommendation. Her application was successful. By being able to fully dissolve attachments to old emotional stories she was holding on to she liberated herself and transitioned into embracing a new spiritually empowered way of being. This resulted in an alignment between her internal vibration and external reality, creating what she felt were miraculous synchronicities.
I see the role she got as part of the bigger shift in consciousness and awakening of humanity. The old systems start to crumble and those that are tasked with building the new are being strategically placed in government administrations.
In your role as an artist, how does your creative expression contribute to the multidimensional aspects of your work, and how do you incorporate art as a tool for spiritual exploration and transformation?
I love the way that art is a multiversal language that bypasses the human need to over think or mentalise. With art we can settle into a knowing that the nature of abstract expressions can be felt without a judgment on whether our opinion is right or wrong.
In this way it can support us connecting to our higher consciousness, also called our higher self. Liberated in the stillness so we can allow the emergence of our own inner wisdom to birth through.
One of the tools I use with my clients is a simple creative exercise. This creative exercise can be used to easily guide my clients to intuitively express where they feel they’re holding onto specific blocked energies within their body. This allows them to be included in their soul healing journey by tapping into their own intuition.
The colors my clients use to express blocked/stagnant energies in their body and along the spinal column also supports the energy work that will be included in the clients sessions. We use their creative expression as a pathway to start dissolving secondary and root causes of the blocked energy, before we invoke and integrate new energies.
In this way my clients creatively express their own soul healing journey which I then use to guide them into energy work and higher dimensional visualizations.
As a guide, what methodologies or practices do you employ to assist individuals in navigating their multidimensional selves, and how do you tailor your guidance to meet the unique needs and experiences of each person you work with?
The initial consultation is my opportunity to feel into and access my potential clients current level of awareness. I feel I have a responsibility to ensure that what is covered in their sessions and how it is delivered is in alignment with what they are ready to receive. I also allow their higher self to express what is ready to be revealed, cleared, released and integrated receiving this through psychic intuition, clear senses and a higher state of consciousness.
The bespoke packages are then created detailing what topics will be explored.
Depending on where I feel they are at on their awakening journey depends on how deep a layer is excavated.
What I found in my work is that to really dissolve a recurring non-serving karmic cycle showing up as repetitive loops and patterns, or addressing victim consciousness, generational imprinting, inner conflicts, soul contracts, soul vows or the resurrection of the Divine Feminine, to name a few involves revisiting through a different dimensional lens. With each revisit a deeper layer is dissolved and released to the light. Where we start from is guided by my client and where they are at on their awakening journey.
To support my clients navigating and tapping into their multidimensional selves one of the tools I use is a creative exercise. This allows them to easily bypass the mental mind that can still be in a state of echoic tendencies creating blocks for them to receive clarity.
The sessions cover dissolving these old emotional stories stored at the cellular level and the words keeping it in place, this addresses the mental body.
Emotional words hold energetic signatures, it is through conscious inquiry do we find the signature word that can be spoken to so it can be released to the light creating a lasting impact, this weaves another layer, the emotional body.
This process and methodology is the start of addressing the clients multidimensional self. Subsequent sessions will either revisit the layer for deeper excavation or bring into awareness another multidimensional layer that has been holding hidden non-serving influences.
In the context of soul alchemy, how do you incorporate various spiritual traditions or modalities into your practice, and how do you honor the diversity of individual paths within your guidance and transformative work?
I feel that we are now in the Age of Synthesis and this is an age of weaving modalities together to address our multidimensional nature and spiritual inner work, bringing us together as a human collective.
There are common threads in our human journey and experience that we can all relate to. Some core soul wounds, such as abandonment, rejection, connection, purpose and how these present in our stories and beliefs such as fear of the unknown, self-worth and value, enslavement or persecution are shared across individual diversity.
If the sessions include exploring society/parental conditioning and imprinting and bringing awareness to this then I will always start with conscious inquiry to feel into the level of depth that is ready to be brought into the light.
Honoring where my client is at and what beliefs they hold is incredibly important to me as a practitioner. This is another reason why I love using creative exercises as a tool because it is multiversal.
Can you discuss a specific artistic creation or project that reflects the essence of your multidimensional soul alchemy, and how do you intend for your art to serve as a catalyst for spiritual exploration and insight?
Light frequencies from the 6th Dimension can be expressed in form through artistic creativity from mark making to the colors, similar to sacred geometry and light language.
My latest artistic creations are unique artworks that express a part of the soul’s journey through the cosmos that holds the gifts and wisdom that can support the soul mission in this lifetime.
I call these art pieces Cosmic Blueprints, these are commissioned unique and custom pieces. From the essential oils mixed with the paint, colors, and semi-precious crystals these works support the awakening of the soul and connection to my clients Divine Source Point by creating an energy highway to their Divine Gateway, the 12th Dimensional portal.
In addition I also create pieces that are for sacred spaces which I call Divine Light Portals. These pieces look similar to a soul’s Cosmic Blueprint, they are created with a different intent and hold a different energetic signature.
I’m currently creating a new collection, working closely with 11 Ascension Rays to birth through a new collection of light and color codes to support the raising of vibration as humanity shifts into higher consciousness.
As a guide, artist, and soul alchemist, how do you foster a sense of empowerment and self-discovery in those you work with, and what role does self-expression and creativity play in the overall journey of personal and spiritual transformation?
I have a passion to inspire and empower my clients. My packages include self-practice to be done in between sessions to foster a sense of accountability, self-commitment and momentum. The tools and techniques shared are bespoke to the client, some are energetic hygienic techniques or they are reflective exercises to support conscious self- inquiry.
From my experience, to maximize on lasting transformation my clients need to be part of their own healing journey. This involves bringing their own intuition and soul wisdom to the forefront. I’m the cosmic translator and connector for them to see how everything occurring in their life is interwoven. There are usually plenty of ‘aha’ moments for them and I feel this is necessary for them to fully receive the awareness being brought through.
I don’t feel an external influence can ‘do’ the work for clients. I’m here to be a guide and to create a safe container and support my clients in finding their hidden influences. By bringing this into the light of awareness to be dissolved and cleared my clients can begin to write a new life story that supports their soul mission and vision and they can consciously create happier, more fulfilling life experiences.
Creativity is about accessing infinite possibilities, a product of imagination and inspiration and I support my clients to fly higher over the walls of a false matrix created out of non-serving illusions.