In the world of business coaching, Linda Berger takes a unique approach by integrating spiritual insights from the Akashic Records into business strategies.
In her interview with MysticMag, she shares how her journey began in 1997 when she first learned about the Akashic Records, eventually leading her to develop Akashic Record Business Coaching. By accessing the soul of a business, Linda helps entrepreneurs uncover hidden obstacles, clear limiting beliefs, and align their ventures with their higher purpose.
This transformative method has empowered countless business owners to achieve clarity, growth, and success beyond traditional strategies.
What inspired the creation of Akashic Record Business Coaching, and how does it integrate spiritual insights into business strategies?
It all started after I learned about the Akashic Records and became a teacher in 1997. By 2007, I decided to venture into business coaching and began integrating my own Akashic Records into my coaching sessions with clients. What I noticed was that the guidance they received through this approach was far more concise and personalized compared to generic business advice.
It wasn’t just about helping them grow their business; it was also about helping them identify the internal blocks that were preventing them from achieving what they said they wanted. During our coaching calls, with my Akashic Records open, we were able to uncover and clear these blocks—whether they were limiting beliefs, old programming, or other obstacles—that were holding their business back.
Once we addressed these barriers and expanded their mindset, they began to see significant growth in their businesses. This success inspired me to delve deeper into my own records and allow the Record Keepers to teach me more about the true essence of what a business is and how spiritual insights can transform business strategies.
Can you elaborate on how accessing the Akashic Records can provide unique perspectives on business challenges and opportunities?
Yes, absolutely. What I’ve learned—and what I’ve been teaching and working on with my coaching clients—is that a business is essentially an entity. Think of it as an orb, a big circle, if you will. This orb is formed and created by a segment of humanity that vibrates at a particular frequency, driven by a shared need, desire, or want.
This orb, for simplicity’s sake, goes out and finds the soul—the individual—who has the ability to ground it in our dimension. This person typically has the most talent, training, experience, or whatever qualities that particular segment of humanity needs or desires. The orb forms a relationship with this individual, who then becomes the owner and starts the business.
Where many business owners get stuck is in believing they’re not enough to run the business. By accessing the Akashic Records of the business, we can gain profound insights. Think of it like an infinity sign: on one side, you have the business, and on the other, you have the individual or individuals who own it.
The business is ready to fulfill its contracts with that segment of humanity that created it. However, as the energy flows through the infinity sign, it often hits up against the owner’s old patterns of limitation—whether it’s self-doubt, fear, or other blocks. This creates a struggle for the owner.
This is where an Akashic Records coach, like myself, comes in. We identify those blocks and clear them, allowing the business to continue growing. What the owner discovers is not only do they receive clearer strategies, but doors start opening that they couldn’t see before. This happens because their old patterns, conditioning, and limitations are cleared, allowing the business to fulfill its purpose.
The infinity sign is a powerful symbol because it illustrates the flow between the business and the owner. If the business is flowing but hits a block, it can’t flow back. The business exists to fulfill its contracts with humanity, while the owner may want wealth, a fulfilling life, or to be of service—there are countless reasons people start businesses. The business wants to give the owner what they desire, but the owner has to overcome their internal barriers for the infinity flow to work. Once they do, the business can keep growing and expanding.
And if the owner feels they’ve reached a point where they want to retire or move on, they can sell the business to someone else who can open it up to an even greater expression of its purpose and mission. However, it’s important to remember that this “orb” or soul of the business needs a human being to ground it in our dimension. Without a human to carry it forward, the business cannot fully manifest its purpose.
The business itself has a bigger purpose—it’s not just there to serve the needs of its customers. It also serves the real estate it occupies, the providers it works with, and the broader ecosystem it’s part of. Whether it’s a service, a product, or anything else, the business exists for a reason.
For example, think about lawyers. There are many lawyers, but each one vibrates at a particular frequency, attracting a specific segment of humanity. That’s why there are so many souls available for businesses to connect with—each one resonates with a unique frequency and purpose.
How do your coaching sessions assist entrepreneurs in aligning their business practices with their soul’s purpose and higher consciousness?
It really depends on where the entrepreneur is in their business journey. Some people are just starting out, while others are looking to shift their focus or take their business in a new direction.
The first step in my coaching sessions is to open the records of the business. It’s important to understand that the business has its own soul, which is very different from the owner’s soul. Our souls are multidimensional, carrying past-life experiences and a vast array of energies. In contrast, the business’s soul has a singular purpose: to fulfill the contracts it has with the segment of humanity that created it. Think of it as a specific energetic frequency—like a unique shade of yellow, for example. There are trillions of possible frequencies, and each business vibrates on its own.
When we open the records of the business, we gain insight into what the business expects from the owner for its growth. The business’s records will reveal its higher purpose—why it was formed and what it’s here to achieve. Often, this purpose can feel overwhelming because it’s so expansive. As coaches, our role is to break it down into actionable, day-to-day steps so the owner can work toward it without feeling daunted. After all, we’re human, and we need to feel like the goals are manageable and something we can grow into.
Sometimes, we also open the records of the business owner. Remember, the business and the owner are two separate souls with different purposes. We identify what the business needs from the owner at that particular moment and what the owner needs to overcome to take the business to the next level. For example, if the owner is frustrated because they’re not making enough money or attracting enough clients, there’s likely something within them that’s blocking the business’s growth.
The business will communicate what the next most important step is, and we’ll identify the actions needed to achieve it. Then, we ask: Is there anything within the owner that’s blocking them from taking that step? If there is, we work on clearing that block. I always consult the Record Keepers—the guides I work with internally—to provide the necessary insights. I don’t just give the owners information; I help them ask the right questions, like, What’s the next step? Why isn’t my business making money? Where are my clients?
Sometimes, the issue isn’t external, like the economy—it’s internal. The business might need to change its trajectory because it’s going in the wrong direction. The business will always guide the owner, as long as the owner is listening, toward fulfilling its contracts with that segment of humanity.
One of the key things I teach my clients and students is this: You are not your business, and your business is not you. Many people identify so strongly with their business that they think it’s an extension of themselves. But from a higher perspective, the business chose them because they are the most likely person to help it succeed. The business’s only goal is to fulfill its contracts with humanity. It’s not about the owner’s ego or identity—it’s about the business’s purpose.
Could you share a success story where your coaching significantly transformed a client’s business trajectory or personal growth?
Yes, absolutely. One of my first clients was a divorce attorney. When we started working together, she was struggling in almost every aspect of her life—personally, professionally, and in her business. At the time, I was coaching her primarily as a business coach, but I also introduced her to the concept of working with the Akashic Records. This was something I approached carefully because not everyone is open to it, especially in a business context. They often worry it might come across as too “woo-woo.” However, with my background in business coaching, I’m able to take those spiritual insights and translate them into strategic, actionable steps that drive real business growth.
We worked together for two years, and during that time, I accessed both her personal records and the records of her business. The transformation she experienced was profound. Even now, a couple of years after our coaching contract ended, I’ve seen her completely change her business, her life, and the trajectory of her career.
She shifted from practicing traditional divorce law to focusing on mediation. She realized she didn’t agree with how the court system was handling family dynamics during divorce, so she created her own approach. Now, she combines divorce law with life coaching, helping families navigate separation in a way that fosters healing rather than conflict. She’s built a practice centered on creating co-parenting relationships that heal rather than tear families apart.
I follow her on Facebook, and it’s incredible to see the impact she’s making. She went from struggling in her marriage, business, and client relationships to fully stepping into her soul’s purpose. She’s now in complete alignment with the soul of her business, which is all about transforming the dynamics of families in turmoil.
Her journey is one of the most transformational stories I’ve witnessed. She moved from one extreme—feeling stuck and overwhelmed—to fully embodying who she truly is. She was always an amazing person, but now she’s living and working from a place of deep heart and soul alignment. Her business has become a true reflection of her purpose, and I couldn’t be prouder of her.
What specific tools or methodologies do you employ to facilitate client’s access to the Akashic Records during your sessions?
It depends on the client. If they’re one of my students, I teach them the access process, which is essentially a statement of intention that opens the records. I guide them through this process and show them how to use it effectively.
For clients who are new to the Akashic Records or have no prior experience, I use a simpler method that anyone can try. I teach them to sit quietly in a room by themselves and imagine their business as a separate entity sitting in another chair. It’s like having a board meeting with their business.
On my website, Akashic Record Business Coaching, there’s a free download that provides five questions to ask during this process. I’ve also led groups through this exercise at expos and events. Here’s how it works:
1. Get into a meditative state: Take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
2. Open your heart: Bring your business’s name into your heart—whether it’s “ABC Interviews” or “Mystic Mag,” for example.
3. Ask the questions:
– Why did you select me?
– What can I do for you?
– What is the next best step for me to take to help you reach the segment of humanity you’re meant to serve?
– What in me is blocking me from doing that?
This last question is particularly powerful and often brings up emotional responses. Many people are moved to tears because they didn’t realize they could connect with their business in this way.
You don’t need to use the formal protocol I teach to connect with your business. This simple exercise can be done daily or weekly to stay aligned. For example, you might ask, “What are we doing this week?” or “What in me might block me from achieving this?” This awareness helps you stay on track and overcome any internal barriers that might prevent you from taking the steps your business knows you’re capable of.
Find out more at: www.akashicrecordbusinesscoaching.com