What first drew you to astrology and psychic abilities?
Those are two separate things, and I’ll explain. From a very young age, I was naturally psychic. I didn’t realize it was something unique; I assumed everyone had this ability. For example, I’d tell my parents not to take a particular road because I “knew” it would be blocked. To me, it was normal. It wasn’t until I got older that I understood this ability was quite rare and not everyone possessed it. My journey into astrology later confirmed this psychic gift.
Astrology, however, came into my life differently. At 13, a classmate came up to me with an astrology book and asked for my birthdate. When I told her, she read something like, “You’re immovable, plodding, fixed, and dislike change.” I remember thinking, That’s not me at all! I asked her what book she was reading, and she said it was astrology. Determined to prove her wrong, I went to the library that day and borrowed as many astrology books as I could.
In the process, I realized how little most people actually know about astrology. It’s not just the vague forecasts of what might happen next week. That’s a modern, watered-down version. True astrology is vast and intricate—it’s like looking at a whole tree with its roots, branches, and leaves, not just the trunk.
As I studied, I started mapping my own life and choices through my natal chart. The accuracy amazed me. I went on to chart my family, friends, and anyone willing to let me practice. Over time, someone said, “You’re really good at this; you should do it professionally.” That’s when I decided to take the leap and explore astrology as a career.
How does your intuition influence your astrological readings?
When I do a reading, it’s like interpreting a map. I have the astrological chart in front of me, which represents that person’s entire life path. Each piece of information on the chart is like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle. But as I read the chart, I’m also downloading intuitive information as a natural psychic. These two processes work together—interpreting the map and receiving intuitive insights—to provide the messages the person needs to hear.
People often ask how I do this. I explain that their personal guides are trying to communicate something they can’t hear directly. Their guides convey the messages to my guides, who then share that information with me. In essence, I’m just a channel, passing along what their guides want them to know.
When I was 21, a year after I started practicing astrology, I had a near-death experience that profoundly shaped my life and work. I went to the other side, to the light, and was embraced by unconditional love. During this experience, I was shown something extraordinary that has influenced every aspect of my work. I saw human souls preparing for their next incarnation, designing their lives to learn specific lessons and gain new experiences.
Each soul was surrounded by beings of light, radiating the same unconditional love I felt. These beings didn’t interfere unless the soul tried to take on more than they could handle—like a student attempting coursework beyond their level. Souls would plan their lives step by step, choosing challenges, lessons, and even the major players in their lives. For instance, if a soul needed to experience what it’s like to have an alcoholic parent, another soul would volunteer to play that role. Every relationship, whether it’s with a parent, partner, child, or boss, is prearranged to help us grow.
I came to see life as a university, where the challenges we face are the coursework we’ve chosen for ourselves. When people feel victimized by their circumstances, I encourage them to ask, Why did I choose this? What am I meant to learn from this? This perspective shifts them into their power.
As an astrologer, my work is to interpret the astrological chart—a map of what that person’s soul chose for this lifetime. When clients come to me for a reading, they’ve often reached a point where they’re ready for a reminder of their life’s purpose and path. The chart shows everything: the parents they chose, their career path, relationships, health, and challenges. Over the years, I’ve done thousands of charts, and I’ve never seen two that are exactly alike—not even for identical twins. Even the seconds between their births create subtle yet significant differences.
Ultimately, every person is perfect and exactly as they’re meant to be, living the life their soul carefully designed for growth and evolution.
What has been the most memorable experience in your work as a psychic astrologer?
The most memorable experience in my life, by far, was my near-death experience. It profoundly shaped how I approach my work. But when it comes to my career as an astrologer, there have been countless memorable moments with clients.
I’ll never forget my very first client. At the time, I was just putting my toe in the water, wondering if I should do this professionally and whether I could actually charge for my work. I placed a card in a local shop, and a woman saw it, called me, and scheduled a reading. We met in a café, and I was incredibly nervous. This was the first time I was doing a chart reading for someone as a paid astrologer—I was only 20 years old.
As luck would have it, this client gave me nothing to work with. She had a completely blank expression, offering no confirmation or clues as to whether I was on the right track. It was intimidating, but I reminded myself that I didn’t need her reactions. I knew astrology worked.
For the next hour, I dived into every aspect of her life, describing her chart in detail. When I finished, I sat back and waited. She looked at me and finally said, “How can you know me so well when you’ve never even met me before?” At that moment, I thought, This works—even when I’m paid! It was a powerful validation that gave me the confidence to pursue this path.
Since then, I’ve had countless memorable experiences with clients—those moments when someone says, “You’ve changed my life” or “You’ve given me exactly the confirmation I needed.” Each one of those moments is a reminder of how meaningful and fulfilling this work truly is.
How do you approach guiding clients through difficult insights?
In addition to being an astrologer and psychic, I also work as a healer. What I’ve found is that the root of most difficulties—whether physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual—is often a loss of personal power. When people lose their sense of power, it can create a downward spiral in various areas of their lives.
My approach is to guide clients back to their own power. It’s not about making them dependent on me or anyone else to “fix” them. That would only disempower them further. Instead, I remind them of their ability to heal themselves and provide them with tools to access that inner strength.
Even when the insights are difficult, I focus on showing clients how they can handle these challenges in a way that leads to the best possible outcome. Empowerment is key. My goal is to ensure that they leave a session feeling stronger and more capable of navigating their path.
What misconceptions do people often have about psychic astrology?
I think this question touches on a broader misconception people often have—not just about astrology but also about the role of psychic intuition. Let me explain. Many people assume astrology is overly simplistic, thinking that everyone who shares the same sun sign must be identical. But this is far from the truth.
Here’s an analogy: saying all Geminis are the same is like saying all foods made with flour are identical. A pancake, gravy, a waffle, and bread all share flour as a key ingredient, but they’re entirely different. Similarly, while someone might share a sun sign with others, their moon sign, Mercury sign, Venus sign, and ascendant (among other factors) make their astrological profile unique. Most people don’t realize how much complexity lies beyond the surface.
When I first wanted to share astrology on a larger platform, I aimed to educate people about this depth. I eventually got a radio slot, but the station initially wanted me to do simple weekly forecasts—the kind of “popular astrology” that only scratches the surface. I pushed back, explaining that this wasn’t true astrology.
Instead, I proposed going live on air, where listeners would submit their birth date, time, and place in advance. Without ever meeting them, I would prepare their chart and describe their life—relationships, career, and more—live on air. The station agreed, and the results were incredibly impactful. It was a chance to show the world what real astrology is: a detailed, intricate map of someone’s life, not just vague generalizations.
How has your work influenced your personal life and beliefs?
My work has truly been my life—it’s intertwined with everything I do. Perhaps a better question is: How did your childhood influence your life? After all, we are all shaped by our early experiences.
As a little girl, I couldn’t understand my mum. She was such a mystery to me, and I became determined to solve the riddle of who she was. I began searching for tools to figure her out, and astrology became a method of understanding people—how they think, what drives them, and what makes them who they are.
What I didn’t realize at the time was that my desire to understand my mother and “fix” her was what truly motivated me. But instead of solving just her, I found myself helping so many others.
Our childhood shapes us in ways we often don’t fully grasp until later. Looking back, I can see that I chose to have a challenging mother. Without her, I wouldn’t have been led into the work I do now. Those early influences pushed me toward my path, and I’m endlessly grateful for it.
Today, I find joy in helping people—giving them insights, sharing knowledge, restoring their sense of power, and providing the tools they need to improve their lives. It’s an incredible privilege to do what I love while making a positive difference for others.
Feel free to reach out to Leticia via:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +44 7956 155105
Also, be sure to get a copy of Leticia’s book (available from Amazon)
‘WHY ON EARTH’ by Leticia Parmer.