This week, we had a unique opportunity to speak with a hypnotherapist – we spoke with Larry McMahon, who is being practicing Hypnotherapy for the last 35 years! We covered his beginnings, dove deeper into healing properties of the Hypnotherapy, and discussed how he manages to keep a good relationship with clients.
What is Hypnotherapy and how does it heal?
Hypnotherapy is simply a method for talking directly to the Unconscious Mind. As a hypnotist, I then get it to agree to bring about healing changes for my client. It’s a bit like negotiating gently with a very sophisticated supercomputer! If it is at all possible to heal naturally from any condition (mental or physical) – then Hypnotherapy simply triggers this process. It works for a vast range of conditions, from Depression to Cancer. So yes – it’s all about activating “Nature’s Cure”.
When did you first realize you have this gift?
Well I have to confess, that my initial motivation was purely commercial! Many years ago, I was working as a management training consultant. Then I came across Hypnosis. I remember thinking – “M-m-m … I wonder if I could learn this stuff – and maybe use it on my training courses?”. So I did. And I found I really enjoyed it. It was a fantastic method for dealing with topics like Motivation, Creativity and Stress Management. Far better than management textbooks or case studies!
But then, following my sessions, I began to hear that many of my business clients were starting to heal from various ailments! Now this got me really hooked! I then moved more and more into the use of Hypnosis as a powerful healing therapy for everyone!
Some of the psychic/healing sessions are still performed in person. What about you? How has your work been affected by the pandemic?
Yes – for years, I resisted the idea of doing “remote therapy”. But then, along comes this Pandemic!
A client in far-away Australia, got in touch with me, looking for help. And it got me thinking. Might there perhaps be an even better way of doing this? So I developed my new Hypnosis Online method. Nowadays I use Zoom for the actual consultation bit. And then I send a tailor-made MP3 trance recording to my client. To my pleasant surprise – I now find that this works even better than the traditional face-to-face approach!
And it takes just one session – to trigger the results that my client needs. So no need for expensive, long-drawn-out weekly consultations!
Nowadays, I work exclusively online. My method combines all the benefits of face-to-face therapy with the technology of the Internet. And it works really well! It also means that my overseas clients no longer have to take long-distance flights to see me.
What is the most important detail in maintaining a relationship of mutual trust with customers?
The more ownership my client has, over the decision to see me, the more likely it is to work. So I like to provide full information beforehand – and avoid the “hard sell” approach. Then, during the session itself, the client has my full attention. I suppose the most important detail is mutual respect and rapport.
What do you love most about your profession?
Getting a deep understanding of each client’s unique problems and challenges. And then, I do get a real creative “buzz” from providing a solution that works. Most of my clients have already tried Counselling, Psychotherapy, Psychiatry, Surgery, antidepressants etc. So I must confess getting “one up on the competition” gives me a real boost! But of course, the actual successful results are the main reward.
Do you have a special message for our readers in these difficult times?
Well yes – “Stay safe!”. Avoid face-to-face therapy sessions. To spend hours indoors with a therapist (and with no face-masks!) is not a good idea, these days! So shop around for a good therapist – who can also operate online!