In an enlightening interview with MysticMag, Kristin Reed of Healing Reiki Brooklyn unveils the profound essence of Reiki healing, underscoring the pivotal role of self-healing in the journey toward wellness.
Through Reed’s experienced lens, we learn how the synergy of practitioner and client, guided by Reiki’s high-frequency energy, fosters the unobstructed flow of life force, essential for holistic health. The integration of crystal energies in her practice further amplifies Reiki’s healing potential, creating a deeply therapeutic environment.
For those intrigued by the healing arts or seeking personal equilibrium, Reed’s dialogue with MysticMag offers a compelling glimpse into the transformative power of Reiki and the path to becoming a practitioner through her comprehensive certification courses.
What are the core principles of Reiki healing offered at Healing Reiki Brooklyn, and how do they promote well-being?
In my practice, I acknowledge that all healing is self-healing. The practitioner is there with their training and experience to hold space for their client and channel the higher-frequency energy of Reiki, to guide the session. The person receiving does not have to believe in Reiki—they just need to allow it.
The free flow of balanced energy in our bodies promotes good health. Throughout our lives we experience many physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual traumas whose energetic remnants are embedded in our bodies, blocking the free flow of energy. Reiki helps to release the energetic flow, helping us to heal.
Through our many traumas and other conditioning in life, we develop thoughts and thought patterns, beliefs and belief systems, habits, and habitual behavior that do not support our greatest good and highest intentions. With the development of self-awareness and Reiki, we can take advantage of our own neuroplasticity to slowly make mental changes that support who we would like to become. In my practice, I use Reiki to support these changes.
Can you detail the unique benefits of combining Reiki with crystal healing in your treatments?
Crystals receive, store, and transmit energy. Many scientific applications take advantage of these properties, such as watch batteries, lasers, radios, etc.Different crystals have different properties that can be programmed to focus the energy of Reiki, making them little “healing buddies” to the Reiki energy. They are a tool that can lend themselves effectively to transmitting the higher frequency Reiki energy.
What types of Reiki certification classes are available at your center, and who are they suited for?
Any human can do Reiki. It is a very simple practice that you can learn in a weekend class with attunements from a competent Reiki Master. But it is more than a modality—it is an understanding of our energetic lifestream and cosmic continuity. Once you get the training it takes practice and dedication to become a good healer. This develops over time and with dedication.
I offer Reiki I & II certification classes in the Usui/Tibetan lineage. I have been a professional Master/Teacher affiliated with The International Center of Reiki Training for almost 20 years. I also teach the 3rd level of Reiki which is broken into 2 parts. Advanced Reiki Training (ART) and the Master/Teacher level. Once certified at this level you can initiate and teach others. It is recommended to wait a year after Reiki I & II to develop your practice and become accustomed to the Reiki energy.
How does Reiki work in a session, especially for first-time clients, and what should they expect?
I spend the first part of the session with a client talking to them about where they are in their life and what might be missing for them to progress. I ask them why they have come for Reiki and what they would like to accomplish during the session. At this time I observe many things about them from what they tell me, their body language, their ability to make eye contact, and their energy level.
Then together we discuss the intent of the session in concise, positive terms. When we move to the Reiki table I ask them to relax with their eyes closed while I call for the Reiki energy to work on their behalf. I use my hands to guide the energy, sometimes with a light touch or hovering over their body and aura with my hands.
Usually, the client slips off into a deep state of relaxation where they are aware that I am there but are more likely focussed on an interior space where healing occurs. After about an hour at the table, we got back about what they remembered and what I observed.
What evidence supports the effectiveness of Reiki, as seen in its use in hospitals and research initiatives?
First I’d like to say that I am not an expert in this area. There is an article on www.reiki.org called “Reiki the Scientific Evidence by Ann Linda Baldwin, PhD. and there is an accessible website www.centerforreikiresearch.org to promote people’s scientific awareness of Reiki.
It has always been my understanding that it has been easy to show that heart rates in people and animals drop while receiving Reiki proving that it is relaxing. I never make claims about Reiki’s effectiveness. I let my clients make their own decisions about that. Self-healing with Reiki has made many positive changes in my life.
How does the attunement process work in Reiki, and what does it enable a practitioner to do?
During the Attunement process, the ability to channel Reiki energy frequencies is passed on from Master to student. It is a process where the consciousness adjusts the student’s energy pathways and centers to accommodate the ability to channel higher-frequency Reiki energy.
This creates a pathway from the student to the energy source. The Master does not direct the process but is simply a channel for the Reiki energy. Each person has a different experience. For many the attunement can be a life-changing experience.
Find out more at: www.healingreikibrooklyn.com