Karen McPhee’s journey to spiritual awakening began at the tender age of five, marked by the opening of her empathic nature and heightened sensitivity.
This early awakening, coupled with another profound experience during her teenage years while recovering from cancer surgery, set her on a path of deep spiritual exploration. Her quest for inner peace and enlightenment intensified in her late twenties and early thirties, leading her to a pivotal moment of stepping into witnessing consciousness. Through her experiences, including working closely with Eckhart Tolle, Karen evolved into a spiritual teacher, dedicated to guiding others in awakening their true nature and embodying a heart-centered presence.
In this interview with MysticMag, she shares her transformative journey and insights.
Can you share your journey to spiritual awakening and how that led to becoming a spiritual teacher?
One could say that the awakening process awakens our spiritual gifts and nature and often happens over a period of time. I would say this awakening journey started when I was about 5 years old with the opening of my empathic nature. I became aware of the feelings and energies of those around me and a heightened sensitivity awakened in me that has continued my whole life. I had another awakening at 16 when I spontaneously entered awakened awareness. I had been going through cancer surgery and recovery when I suddenly entered a more expansive sense of self. It was very subtle and quiet, yet there was an undeniable sense of presence and wisdom.
An inner voice spoke to me and explained that my life was not going to be what I thought it was. There were no words, only an undeniable knowing that this was the truth. It communicated that I was not here for a ‘normal’ human life but for some other purpose. I had no context for this, so I just went on with life until the truth of this was revealed to me through my unfolding process.
The awakening process began in earnest in my late twenties through being given books and exposed to teachings and therapies that began to deepen my awakening. The pivotal moment came in my early thirties when I had the experience of stepping out of the back of my body and fully into witnessing consciousness. It was as if a door opened into the greater self and I moved beyond the limited sense of self. I was no longer just a body or personality; my identity expanded to include the allness of being. That door has never closed and that awakening catalyzed my process of self-realization.
I went into a period of profound mediation and inquiry and was exposed to a number of teachers and teachings. After a while a kind of intensity built up that became intolerable. I was experiencing indescribable bliss and peace in hours of meditation daily only to find I would lose that inner state when encountering the world during work and relating to others.
One day I reached a breaking point and I spoke to the Universe saying, ‘Bring me a peace that doesn’t come and go, that lasts, or I quit’. And I really meant it. I stopped meditation and felt a deep inner surrender. Shortly after that, someone brought the book The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle to my home. As I began to read it, I knew I had found what I was seeking.
I practiced Eckhart’s Inner Body meditation and his other practices daily. I met Eckhart soon after this and began to work with him intensely, both in retreat settings and in private meetings.
Once I reached a state of stable presence, Eckhart invited me to teach presence to others and thus began my function as a spiritual teacher.
How has your teaching evolved?
Ten years after teaching presence I experienced a profound awakening to non-dual awareness. My self-image completely dissolved and there was a falling away of the false sense of self. After a period of integration, the next part of my evolution began with a process of heart awakening that continued to deep over the next 10 years.
This profoundly affected the nature of my life and method of teaching. All the various components of awakening blended into a state of embodiment that is now the focus of my work. It includes awakening true nature, establishing witness consciousness, awakening the heart, and embodying the fullness of being.
How do you view what is happening in the collective right now?
Eckhart and other teachers and teachings have long spoken about the evolution of human consciousness, and we are in the thick of it now. Humanity is collectively moving through the Shift of the Ages, which is a profound evolution of consciousness. In simple terms, this is the shift from being mind-dominated to being heart-centered. This involves relinquishing our old identity as being the ‘small self’ and embracing our infinite, eternal nature.
The small self is the ego or the sense of being identified with our body and mind as if it were our entire being. In reality, we are magnificent beings of light here to bring the totality of our being to help shift the human collective. Our essential nature is love, and as we become more aware of our greater self, we awaken the heart, and this loving nature comes online. Through heart awakening, we have made the shift and are then able to be instruments of divine love in service to humanity’s transformation.
What are the core principles of your teachings?
My core offerings are about going beyond the limited sense of self and making the shift to a heart-centered being. This process involves releasing what is keeping the old, limited sense of self in place. This includes limiting beliefs, traumas, and conditioning, including ancestral patterns of behavior and thought. We are collectively clearing all ancestral trauma at this time and that is one of the reasons things are so intense in the world. It’s the release of the density that has been held in the human shadow.
It first has to come up before it can be released.
I also focus on healing the core wound of separation which is the pain that underlies most of our struggles, particularly those that are repetitive. Becoming more conscious of how conditioned patterns and core wounding are affecting you is essential to making the shift into a more enlightened way of being.
How does your work help individuals connect with their true nature?
In private sessions and group workshops, I guide people into the direct experience of true nature. I have found over these many years that concepts can only take us so far. Often, we end up postponing our healing and awakening by spending too much time in analysis and trying to understand. As we mature spiritually, we tend to focus more on the experiential. Once we get to that stage, things move very quickly. Experiencing true nature is the shortcut to healing and liberation. So, all of my work with people focuses on that.
I support people in moving from being mind-based to heart-based, in seeing through limiting beliefs, and in untangling consciousness from unconscious patterns that keep playing out in ways that cause struggle and suffering. The main focus is on awakening true nature because that is an inner essence that, once awakened, activates a potent healing power that heals and liberates all that is causing our struggles and suffering.
My main focus is assisting people in awakening their hearts, which is the inner temple of presence awareness. This is very empowering because it gives us access to our inner wisdom and healing essence which alchemizes pain and brings transformation.
Can you describe the types of services and sessions you offer?
I offer one-on-one private sessions, primarily on Zoom. Often people will book a series of sessions to support healing, awakening, or embodiment of true nature.
I offer packages to support that. Additionally, I regularly offer workshops that awaken the heart and activate the heart’s profound wisdom and healing power. All of my offerings also involve liberation of limiting mental patterns, recognition of true nature, and embodiment of the spirit in day-to-day life so that it becomes very practical and accessible.
What kind of transformations have you witnessed in your clients?
Over the years, there have been many transformations. I regularly witness clients becoming more conscious and thereby more able to heal and transcend limitations, struggles, and habitual patterns that cause suffering.
There have been many who have had spontaneous and lasting heart openings that catalyzed wonderful changes including being free from the past and empowered to be in creator consciousness in their lives.
What advice would you give to someone starting their spiritual journey?
Don’t waste time; go directly to the heart and practice heart-centered awareness. Everything will unfold from there as the heart is the inner guru and healer. It will lead you all the way to spiritual awakening.
Below is a simple yet powerful practice you can begin today. If you do this with intention, you will feel a shift instantly. Often people will have immediate emotional releases and / or receive clarity. I’ve seen this process, when practiced consistently, radically change people’s lives by bringing a deeper connection to their inner wisdom and providing clarity in all areas of life including relationships.
1. Close your eyes and take a moment to ground yourself into your body. It’s helpful to feel your feet on the floor and notice the sensations of your body in the moment.
2. Gently place one or both hands on the center of your chest with the intention of connecting to your heart’s wisdom and power.
3. Take a few slow, deep breaths and feel as if you are breathing through the heart center.
4. Tune into your inner heart space and sense what is present right now. Just be with whatever is present inside without judging it or trying to change it. This will help you shift into a more integrated, conscious state of being.
5. A final, optional step is to drop a question deep into the heart and wait for an answer. It’s like dropping a stone into a deep well and listening for what comes back. You don’t engage the mind or try to come up with an answer. You become passive inside and receptive. This cannot be done by the ego, so this step automatically takes you beyond that limited sense of self. Some example questions are below; see which one seems most relevant to your experience at this moment.
6. When you are finished, ground again open your eyes, and make note of any answers the heart gives.
Example questions:
• What am I feeling right now?
• What truth am I needing to see or face?
• Is there anyone I need to forgive?
• What is the most loving thing I can do for myself in this moment?
• What am I avoiding feeling?
If you would like to experience a deeper heart connection, go to my website, www.karenmcphee.com, and sign up for my mailing list to receive a free heart-activating meditation.