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Become a Thyroid Thriver With Jaclyn Kiernan

Become a Thyroid Thriver With Jaclyn Kiernan

In today’s article, Mystic Mag is interviewing Jaclyn Kiernan, a passionate guide who empowers women to become “Thyroid Thrivers.” Learn how she educates and raises awareness about thyroid disorders, helping women reclaim their health and feel their sexiest, healthiest selves.

Many people struggle with understanding thyroid health. How do you educate and raise awareness about thyroid disorders to help others become Thyroid Thrivers?

Thyroid and hormonal health is absolutely complex and has multiple layers to it. I am a big believer in education and focus on raising awareness through education itself. Many women suffer from a variety of symptoms that are related to a hormonal imbalance or a thyroid dis-ease. One of my favorite ways to encourage women to start asking questions is by discussing symptoms and encouraging them to begin questioning what feels like the norm based on society but doesn’t feel like it should be the norm based on their intuition. For example, why do your joints hurt? Why won’t the weight budge? Why are you always feeling chronically fatigued?

I also have a small tattoo on my left wrist of the thyroid disease awareness symbol. Since it looks like a butterfly, I often receive compliments on it and when I do I always explain it is for thyroid disease awareness.

For those newly diagnosed with thyroid conditions, what advice or resources would you recommend to help them navigate their journey toward becoming a Thyroid Thriver?

My first piece of advice is to feel all of the feelings that come with the diagnosis. For some people, receiving a diagnosis is a victory since they have not felt well for years and for some, it is devastating. Either way it is absolutely life changing.

I encourage everyone who has been diagnosed with a thyroid disease to recognize that there are ways to start feeling better and that while it does take commitment it absolutely is possible! I start by telling them to focus on the law of vibration and the law of inspired action. The first step is to decide you want to feel better and recognize you deserve to feel well. You have to focus on raising yourself to a vibration where feeling good is within your reach and this looks different for everyone, which is part of what I work on with clients. Once someone recognizes they deserve to and truly believe they can feel better we focus on the law of inspired action. This can be done through changing nutrition, personal care products, stress management and so much more. Everyone’s approach with the law of inspired action will look a bit different since everyone’s journey with thyroid dis-ease is different and this is when things become much more personalized.

Weight loss journeys can be challenging. What mindset shifts or mental strategies do you find most effective in helping individuals embrace their sexiest, healthy selves?

Weight loss journeys are wildly challenging at times and I personally believe this is due to a resistance to change. As a society we often only focus on diet and exercise when it comes to weight loss, however, there is so much more to it, especially as women.

Our stress levels, hormones, sleep schedule, thoughts and more impact our weight journey. If someone is struggling with weight loss or finding her sexiest self, I encourage her to start with focusing on what is holding her back. Focusing on the shadow work and learning what is leading to eating habits and thinking habits when it comes to weight loss is key. Once we address the shadow work and focus on breaking patterns (thought patterns, physical patterns and spiritual patterns) I see success with clients. Our bodies hold on to so much emotion and trauma that this can impact weight so much more than people realize.

Can you share success stories from individuals who have transformed their lives by achieving their sexiest, healthy weight? What common threads do you see in these stories?

Absolutely! One of my favorite clients started her journey with thyroid and weight ready for change. By the time she had come to me she was feeling frustrated and greatly ready for a change and realized focusing on a holistic approach that involved different spiritual techniques might be for her. Once she entered my office she never left the same. Together we focused on embracing what was holding her back, her thoughts and how they impacted her lifestyle, she became a reiki practitioner and started diving even deeper into shadow work and we focused on how her childhood shaped her emotions and actions towards eating. She is thriving today and we remain in touch.

One of the most common threads I see is an underlying feeling that a woman doesn’t deserve to feel sexy. Often there is guilt for putting herself first and taking care of herself. I also often see women who have been let down by traditional medical approaches time and time again. I think the first step when it comes to weight loss for women is focusing on how to help her feel sexy and know she deserves to feel that way. I am wildly passionate about ensuring women feel sexy and know they deserve to feel good physically, emotionally and spiritually. Once I help women recognize they deserve to feel sexy and just simply feel good in all areas of life, we dive into the rest.

What inspired you to focus on the fertility journey, and how do you support individuals or couples facing challenges in conceiving?

I have met with so many women who feel they aren’t able to conceive and are struggling with fertility. Hearing this over and over and seeing friends and family struggle broke my heart. My approach to fertility is very similar to weight loss and thyroid disease. We focus on shadow work, law of vibration followed by law of inspired action. The law of inspired action may be focusing on nutrition, energy healing or even swapping out personal care products for cleaner ones.

For couples considering fertility treatments, what advice do you offer to help them navigate the process and make informed decisions about their fertility journey?

For this, I think it depends on the fertility treatment. I will always recommend is acupuncture and a variety of different energy sessions. I always recommend starting slow and focusing on the process and trying to learn something from it. Fertility journeys can be very taxing and often take quite a bit of energy. My best piece of advice is to focus on the journey, which absolutely is easier said than done. I remind women that their fertility journey can teach them so much and provide so many opportunities to grow and fall in love with their body even more and that while challenges arise, the challenges may help you learn more about yourself and help you be an even better mother in the long run.

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MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.