MysticMag has the pleasure of chatting with Merie Weismiller Wallace, CBCP, a passionate and skilled practitioner of the Emotion Code & Body Code. Based in both California and Europe, Merie combines her talents of perception from a career in photography with her intuitive abilities to facilitate healing for others. With empathy and joy, she assists clients in releasing persistent emotional and physical discomforts that may have haunted them for years. Through her work, Merie helps individuals rediscover their authentic selves by freeing them from the burdens of past negative experiences that may still linger and affect their wellbeing.
What can you tell our readers about your own personal journey and how your energy has shifted along the way?
I was brought up with no spirituality or religion in our family. As a young American girl, I only understood the material world around me. However, at a young age, I had a profound out-of-body experience that left me with a sense of expanded consciousness, and a connection to an ancestor. When I started describing it and asking questions, I was met with skepticism and dismissal from others. Friends and family thought it was bizarre and urged me to stop pursuing those questions and beliefs. So, I suppressed that part of myself for the next 30 years (although there were indeed some additional odd and esoteric experiences which kept me wondering).
During those years, I had a successful and rewarding career as a still photographer in the film industry. However, I reached a point where I felt a strong sense of dissatisfaction because I knew I wasn’t helping to solve the problems we’re facing in the world. It was during this time that I came across an organization called Edgewalker Group International (EGI), and met kindred spirits who were passionate about progressive ideas and making a positive impact. This encounter set me on the path I’m on today.
At that point, I was focused on wanting something more in my life, I longed for a way to make a difference. I kept putting my desires out into the universe, but nothing was coming to fruition. Finally, I decided to take my own advice – which I later shared in my book coming out this year – and I began to focus on what truly interested me and what mattered to me. That’s when an EGI member shared a video of Dr. Bradley Nelson discussing the Emotion Code, and I was immediately captivated. Chills ran through my body, I knew it was what I was meant to do.
I read Dr. Nelson’s book, The Body Code, learned the techniques, and started applying them to myself. To my amazement, it was working, sorrows and tensions I had borne for years were lifting as quickly as I could locate them. I immediately became certified in the Emotion Code, then moved directly on to the Body Code, creating a website to establish my practice. As part of my training, I conducted student sessions, and many of those individuals continued as my clients. When I added my name to the practitioners’ website, I began receiving inquiries and cold-calls from people who needed assistance. From there, my practice has grown steadily and smoothly, providing me with a fulfilling and rewarding way to help people heal and actualize.
Could you explain in more detail how the Emotion Code works to release trapped negative emotions and rebalance energetic fields ?
Every emotion and thought has an energetic frequency. In the realm of energy, everything is interconnected. Whether we refer to it as the quantum field, the universal field, or God, it is a reality that operates on an energetic level. What I learned from Dr. Nelson is that human beings possess the ability to connect through this field and access information deep in our subconscious minds. It is essential to emphasize here that using the Emotion Code and Body Code healing modalities, our intentions are always aligned with the Light, working only for our clients’ greatest good.
When clients come seeking assistance with emotional stress or physical symptoms, I first obtain their permission to establish a connection with them. Once granted, I connect with my highest self and their highest self on the level of their subconscious mind. Through this connection, and through muscle testing and questions, I can inquire about the root of the problem and what needs to be released that no longer serves them. I conduct many of my sessions remotely via platforms like FaceTime and Zoom, and the connection in the quantum field is every bit as strong as in person. While in-person sessions would typically involve my muscle testing my client for strength and weakness using applied kinesiology, I can achieve the same results remotely; acting as a surrogate, I muscle test myself and receive clear answers. Interestingly, with more experience, I can now discern whether we have hit a bullseye based on the muscle strength of the response – whether it’s a resounding yes or a subtle indication that we are on the right track.
What led you to become a Certified Emotion Code practitioner, and how has your training and experience influenced your understanding of the impact of trapped emotions on our health and well-being?
As I mentioned, becoming a certified Emotion Code practitioner was a natural progression for me after viewing a YouTube video by Dr. Bradley Nelson. Intrigued by the concept, I delved into the book and worked on myself. Without hesitation, I pursued certification, as it felt profoundly like the right path for me.
As an Emotion Code and Body Code practitioner, I experience that people’s subconscious minds hold the answers to their emotional, mental and physical health issues. It knows exactly why they sought my help, what needs to be released, and what no longer serves them. For example, if a client mentions experiencing persistent feelings like worry or misery – often without a clear present cause – I simply ask their subconscious mind if there is something we can address in relation to this specific issue. The response, determined through muscle testing, guides our process until we get to the original event or circumstance that the repeating emotions stem from.
Once identified, any trapped emotion, limiting belief or other recurring negative frequency can be released. Sometimes, just the awareness of what it is is enough to initiate the release. Other times, further exploration is needed, such as uncovering the underlying cause or original event associated with the emotion, helping the client understand the connection between today’s problems and past events. Through muscle testing and yes-no questions, we navigate through time periods, relationships, or significant life events until we pinpoint the source of the unresolved issue. Upon releasing the trapped emotion, the negative charge dissipates completely from their body and energetic field, never to return.
It’s important to note that while the memory remains, the energetic frequency tied to it is no longer present. The “bad feeling” or energetic burden that was linked to the event is gone.
Are there any limitations or considerations to keep in mind when undergoing Emotion Code sessions?
Not in my experience – people approach me as an Emotion Code practitioner when they are ready and eager to resolve the problems that are troubling them. Then their subconscious mind is ready to release. If fear, for example, is still serving a purpose in their current situation, their subconscious mind won’t bring it forward for us to work on, as they still need it. But if it’s a fear related to a past experience – like a traumatic encounter with someone years ago that they never fully processed and moved past, yet it no longer poses a threat in their life and doesn’t serve them in the present – their subconscious mind will reveal it to us to be released. This process is very gentle and straightforward, and can be so rewarding! Only what the subconscious mind deems appropriate for the person to handle at that time will come up. In every case, my client’s subconscious mind is their greatest advocate and protector, working only for their wellbeing.
In addition to the Emotion Code, you also mentioned the Body Code. Could you briefly explain what the Body Code entails and how it complements the Emotion Code in helping individuals return to their original blueprint of health and well-being?
The Emotion Code focuses on addressing emotions that are stuck and repeating within a person. The Body Code comes into play when unprocessed emotions or unresolved personal issues start manifesting as physical symptoms in the body. Let’s say someone is experiencing chronic stress and anxiety, over time, the constant strain can lead to physical discomfort and exhaustion. When people come with physical complaints like tension in their solar plexus, heartache, headaches, muscular tightness or joint pain, the Body Code is employed to identify and resolve the underlying negative frequencies affecting the body. Our bodies are designed to heal themselves completely, but sometimes there are barriers to that natural healing process. The Body Code addresses energetic imbalances related to physical symptoms, allowing the body to release the negative frequencies, restoring balance, and allowing the body to self-heal. It encompasses a broader range of factors than the Emotion Code which only targets pure emotions like sorrow, grief, fear, despair, and overwhelm.
I do need to add that the Body Code and Emotion Code are Energy Work modalities for restoring the best energetic conditions for health in the body, spirit, mind and emotions. When physical symptoms exist, these modalities never take the place of seeing a physician, and are never used to identify or treat disease. Rather, they work to release negative frequencies and restore balance, so the client can resume normal self-healing – people are designed to self-heal from skin scrapes to heartbreak.
Merie goes on to share some information about her upcoming book:
I just finished writing my book Building Your Best Life, and am self-publishing through Archway Publishing. Although it’s not directly related to the Emotion Code and Body Code, I do touch on related topics of energy, healing and wellbeing throughout. The book is aimed at empowering young people to discover their true potential through what matters to them. While people may not remember what we came here to achieve in our lifetime, we can still be inspired and ignite passions relating to our life’s purpose. Later this year I’ll be promoting the book, and I look forward to being back in touch with MysticMag then!
If you would like to find out more about Merie, please visit https://www.releaseenergywork.com/