Lynn Raeside is a licensed practitioner of Past Life Regression and Future Life Progression, Reiki Master Teacher and trained psychic. In this interview Lynn shares insights into her journey of energy healing and the benefits that can be experienced.
Could you tell us a bit about your journey into energy healing and what inspired you to pursue this professionally?
Having worked in an office environment for many years and suffered with neck and back problems and also stress, I started to look towards complementary therapies as natural and effective ways of managing my problems. My journey into healing energy started when I went to an NFSH Healing Trust group over 20 years ago. I felt the benefits of the healing almost immediately and I instantly decided to train as a healer to help others and myself, I really enjoyed it. A few years later I woke up one morning with a complete and utter desire to train in Reiki, which has changed my life and I have never looked back.
I started giving treatments as a hobby to family, friends, and my work colleagues, even running free meditation classes at work. I realized after many years of doing this ‘hobby’ and seeing the benefits to people, added to the fact that I enjoyed it so much more than my office job, that I took early retirement and set up my practice around nine years ago.
What healing modalities do you offer, and do you have a personal preference?
I offer Reiki to humans and animals, Past Life Regression, Future Life Progression, Sound Baths, Meditation, Indian Head Massage, Tsuboki Hand Massage, Holistic Facials and many workshops including Crystals, Angels, Meditation and Manifestation. I enjoy all my treatments, which I chose especially for their healing abilities but I my personal preference is Reiki as it is so powerful. Although I do also love the Regression sessions as these help to clear any issues we are holding onto from the Past. The Future Life sessions are my next preference as they really help people to be aware of their Souls path, plus by going into the future it can help people to save a lot of time effort and even money in the current life.
What are some of the more common aspects people approach you with and how can energy healing be beneficial?
I see a full range of people from those with physical conditions such as back/neck pain but a lot suffering with anxiety, also weight issues, low self-esteem. Energy healing helps release any emotional and physical blocks, which can be the cause of much ‘dis-ease’ within the body. I also have people contact me because they do not know which job to go for, which house to buy or even which partner to be with so I take them into the future. While in the future the person can also release any blocks they are holding onto and reenergize, they can connect with their future self, gaining advice and guidance, which enables them to have a much better life.
You are also a teacher of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, could you tell us a bit more about what this entails?
My passion is teaching Reiki, as I love to help people on their spiritual journey and enable them to help themselves and others. There are four Levels in Reiki with an attunement at each level to connect them to the Reiki energies. I also teach Reiki Techniques and Meditations at each level which I believe are an important part of the Reiki healing practice. I am very grateful to be able to connect with the old Reiki Masters who give me new Reiki Meditations to practice. I also teach the importance of using Reiki into our everyday lives, as Reiki is not just about healing. It can be used for many areas of our lives such as manifestation, connecting with our past lives and our future, our Akashic records, protection, cleansing, relationships, situations and so much more. Students receive a certificate at each level and are required to complete case studies. Each Level covers different aspects of the Reiki:
I teach Reiki Level 1 over two days, which covers an explanation and the history of Reiki and students learn how to use the Reiki energies to perform self-healing and to use the Reiki energies on friends, family, pets, plants, and non-living things, such as charging water and crystals. I cover how the energy is important in looking after the Chakras and the Meridians and most importantly the protection of their energy.
Level 2 Practitioner is also taught over two days at least a month after Level 1 and students learn about the first three sacred symbols of Reiki and how they can be used to further the healing practice. I also cover how to perform specific healing such as Distant Healing, Beaming and Scanning, space and room clearing, balancing the male and female energies and how to practice as a professional Reiki Practitioner.
I teach Reiki Level 3 Master Practitioner as a one-day course at least nine months from Level 1. At this level students discover the Usui Master Symbol and how it heals the spiritual body plus how it can be used to advance the healing practice by performing further specific healing. Students also learn how to perform Reiki Psychic Surgery.
Finally Level 4 is the Reiki Master Teacher and taught as a further one-day course and provides an explanation and the attunement to the Reiki energies to Master Teacher Level. Students discover the Master Teacher Reiki symbols and how to use them attune others to each Level. I also cover how to be a teacher of Reiki and the responsibilities involved.
Being an Energy Healer and having to consistently heal and help others, how do you conserve and protect your own energy?
I think it is very important to conserve and protect my energy but not just when I am healing but in everyday life. They are many needy people out there and very happy to take some of our energy. I discovered this many years ago while sitting next to someone at a meeting at work where by the end of the meeting I felt completely drained of energy and found it difficult to talk; I knew nothing about such things then. I use a few techniques every morning such as a white bubble, the Reiki Symbols, especially on my Chakras, I also wear crystals. I give my-self Reiki everyday and also walk everyday to ground myself and get fresh air. I also believe that it is important cleanse my aura everyday as we can pick up so much as we go about our daily lives. Trying to keep my vibration high is especially important to protect my energy.
Lastly, what do you love most about your profession?
I enjoy that I can help people with any emotional or physical issues through my treatments but being able to help them on their spiritual journey is what I love the most about my profession.