We are thrilled to have Vidisha Patel here today, a licensed mental health counselor who has dedicated her career to helping individuals overcome life’s challenges and improve their mental well-being. Vidisha has gained a reputation as a compassionate and effective therapist, known for her innovative approach to therapy and her commitment to providing evidence-based care. Her expertise spans a wide range of areas, including anxiety, depression, trauma, and relationship issues, and she has worked with clients from all walks of life. She will share her insights and expertise with us, and to learn more about her approach to counseling and her vision for the future of mental health care. Stay with Mystic Mag and enjoy!
When did you first know that being a Mental Health Counselor was your calling and how did it come about?
My career as a mental health counselor began as a pivot in my personal life about 30 years ago. I had been working in Finance and International business and found that I wanted to do something that was more personally fulfilling. In the process of shifting my career focus, I realized that I have always been someone that listened well to others and was frequently sought out by peers for support. From as young as early adolescence, I would support my friends when they were troubled or upset about situations in their life.
Soon after I was married, I relocated across the country with my husband. I was not able to work for the year and was fortunate to have time to reflect on my life and how I wanted it to look going forward. After much thought, conversation with others, and time spent volunteering in various organizations, I decided that I wanted to pursue a career in counseling. When we moved to our current location, I applied to graduate programs in Psychology and began the road to educate myself and start my private practice.
What type of services do you offer?
I offer one on one therapeutic services to children and families. My work is relationship based helping individuals with issues related to stress, anxiety, and behavioral concerns. I do some couples counseling as it relates to communication and parenting. I infuse HeartMath techniques into most sessions and I also provide coaching with purely HeartMath techniques.
What can a person expect from your sessions?
Sessions last about 50 minutes on average and are mostly focused on talk therapy. I ask questions of my clients to guide them in coming to their own realizations about their situations. Successes are celebrated and challenges are explored further.
What is your approach to helping clients who are dealing with anxiety, depression or other common mental health concerns?
I typically work from a relational perspective. My intention is to help clients probe their situations to come to their own conclusions about their situation. I model listening and compassion and suggest practical strategies where appropriate.
What is the most important detail in maintaining a relationship of mutual trust with clients?
Trust is developed over time and I work to be authentic and honest with my clients. I give them a safe space to explore the concerns they bring to session.
What do you love most about your profession?
There are many things that I love about my work. Most of all I love the connection with others and the ability to support people as they discover how to help themselves.