Valerie Lundgren‘s journey into founding Mindful Wellness began nine years ago after her melanoma diagnosis, leading her on a path of deep healing from anxiety and depression through nutritional, mind, and soul connections. Now, as a certified Health Coach and Energy Healer, with expertise in Hypnotherapy and Quantum Light Reiki, Valerie offers personalized coaching programs and Kids Reiki sessions, empowering individuals to find inner strength and holistic healing. Learn more in her exclusive MysticMag interview below.
What is the story behind Mindful Wellness and how was it founded?
Mindful Wellness was founded 9 years ago after my diagnosis with melanoma. This cancer was operable, so I considered myself lucky, but it really took me into a tailspin of anxiety and depression, which led to me needing to do some deep healing work.
I did a lot of nutritional healing, mind healing, and soul connecting to find me again. I wanted to share with others all that I had learned, so I went to school for Health Coaching and Energy healing as well as hypnotherapy so others would not have to suffer as long as I did.
What energy healing modalities do you use?
I use Hypnotherapy and Timeline therapy as well as Quantum Light Reiki, Emotion Code, and HeartMath.
How does Hypno Reiki work and how much is it different from other forms of Reiki?
Hypno Reiki is where we do a hypnotherapy session and while you are in the session I am guiding you and sending you reiki at the same time for an amplified effect of the hypnosis.
What can people expect from your coaching programs?
Personalized attention, connection, and healing. During my 3 month program, we meet weekly for coaching and energy healing, you will also be given homework each week depending on your goals. During these 3 months, you will discover your inner strength and a deeper connection with your soul.
You also offer Kids Reiki. What are some unique aspects of working with kids?
I love working with kids, they are so attentive and attuned. I offer a Kids Emotional wellness program where I work with the child for 6 weeks, using mindfulness-based techniques and somatic understandings so they can connect with their emotions and understand them better. During this program, they also receive Reiki weekly for deeper healing
Is there anything else about your work that you’d like to share that we haven’t covered?
I also offer classes, workshops, and free reiki every third Thursday of the month. I want to empower more women so they are confident and can take control of their healing journey.
To learn more about Valerie and Mindful Wellness, you can visit