MysticMag chats with Trudi Holden, a Natural Health therapist and founder of Wild Samsara, dedicated to helping women reconnect with nature’s rhythms and their own innate cycles. Trudi’s work integrates advanced massage, shamanic journeys, energy healing, herbalism, and spiritual coaching to support women in every phase of life. Based in Cornwall, UK, Trudi offers organic healing, rituals, and Reiki training both online and in-person, fostering deeper self-awareness and connection to the Earth.
Trudi, your offerings at Wild Samsara blend various holistic therapies like shamanic journeys, energy work, herbalism, and aromatherapy. What inspired you to create this unique fusion of healing modalities, and how do they complement each other in supporting women’s connection to their natural cycles?
Like many practitioners, my work has evolved as a combination of following breadcrumbs of my healing and meeting the needs of my clients.
What started as a very traditional holistic approach to working with the menstrual cycle rapidly became intertwined with my spiritual understanding of how we as women are intricately connected to the natural world.
Our inner cycle can never live independently from the lunar cycle, the migration of birds, the solar shifts during the wheel of the year etc.
As I witnessed how women changed throughout the year, I saw our innate wisdom was rooted in our relationship with everything around us.
Plant medicines – especially in the form of essential oils and herbs – have been synonymous with feminine mysteries for as long as we can remember.
The ancient priestess healers of all lineages used oils and herbs in all their practices, and after 10 years of working with the womb, I can see that it’s the energy and plant work that has the most impact.
Some of it is about resonant vibration, and dropping back into natural flow with Gaia, but I also believe we have been born from and alongside these healing plants for the exact intention that we can become whole when we drift into union with them.
You often refer to the “wild nature” of women and the importance of reconnecting with them. Could you explain what this concept means to you and how your ceremonies and rituals help women rediscover this aspect of themselves?
Let’s face it, as women we are constantly told how to be.
It’s hidden behind consumerism, influencers and even the media we consume. And yet we spend our lives in a state of ‘becoming’. Seeking to be better, stronger, wiser, healed, more beautiful…
I offer women the invitation to be exactly as they are.
To access their divinity through all the wild ways they are. Through their pain, rage, anger, jealousy, and fear, these dark feminine aspects are often suppressed and shamed within, and it all shows up in their womb.
Many of my ceremonies, circles and trainings focus on finding the magic of their bodies. Relearning their ancient rites, feeling safe in sisterhood to express themselves in all of their experience – not just the sexy, shiny, inspirational ways – but the deep in their gut emotions that they have forgotten how to feel.
Of course, we also do this by dropping deeply into our cyclical wisdom.
Not just menstrual and lunar but through the wheel of the year, our circadian wisdom, biomancy practices, somatic spellcraft, and working with our plant and animal allies.
Womb healing plays a central role in your practice. How do you believe addressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the womb can transform a woman’s health and well-being, particularly for those dealing with conditions like PCOS or endometriosis?
The womb is by far our biggest gift as women. She is a mirror of the health of our whole being.
I honestly believe that is why we are seeing so much disease in our wombs. Generations of women have been starved of the feminine mysteries that revere our bodies as temples, so we are left with only shame and resentment for our blood.
At the root of almost all pathologies of the womb, I see abuse, oppression, fear, shame or complete denial of the feminine.
Many clients come to me to ‘fix’ their wombs. It’s seen as something outside of them that needs to act a certain way. If that’s not a metaphor for the feminine I don’t know what is!!
Our current medical model in the West is still so under informed about the female body and treats PCOS, Endometriosis or Fibroids as an alien disease, a permanent state of being that needs to be barbarically cut out, burned, or shut down with drugs.
In my work first and foremost I reconnect the client with her womb. Teach her to listen to the symptoms, to what’s underneath. What are they telling her? How does she feel there? How does it feel to be a woman in her body?
From there we can learn to interpret the symptoms, and most importantly detach from them as an identity. To entertain the prospect that you could be free from a disease is to be open to healing.
A woman’s spirituality and emotional expression are vital to understanding the womb.
Your healing sanctuary, located in the wild woodlands of Truro, seems to emphasize a deep connection with nature. How does the environment of your healing space contribute to the transformative experiences of your clients?
Oh wow! My healing yurt is just the most healing space I have worked from.
You are nestled amongst ancient trees, by a flowing river and surrounded by birds of prey.
The land itself is very close to my heart. The woodland I have walked and foraged in for years, and many have said that they feel that they have been here in previous lives.
The land we built the yurt on is buzzing with energy. Everyone who sits in a circle or receives treatment inside comments how they feel that the land lovingly embraces them and takes away any burdens they have been carrying.
There is nothing like sitting inside on the Full Moon, just a few candles lighting the space, and you can hear the Owls hooting, the wind and river moving, and you feel like you have been transported back in time. You feel safe and yet free.
We are still in the process of landscaping and intend this Winter to build a large fire pit. Being so close to the elements gives us perspective and a primal place to be held.
You offer both in-person and online services, including ceremonies, womb healing, and Reiki training. How do you approach translating the deeply personal and spiritual aspects of these practices into an online format, ensuring that clients still receive the full depth of healing?
In short, I can’t! My in-person offerings are unlike anything that could be translated online, especially where there is a physical touch.
This is why my online offerings are all uniquely created for digital expression rather than trying to recreate something from my physical offerings.
When working with me online – whether that’s my yoni steam ceremonies, Womb Reiki or Cyclical Wisdom Mentoring – we are excavating your unique gifts and wisdom.
We are exploring your deep inner world, dropping gently into your womb with beautiful Priestess practices, and letting her speak through you. It’s a very personal and soft way of working, yet the transformations are rapid.
My Womb Reiki practitioner training, for example, is first and foremost a personal journey. By experiencing the healing first hand my students finish the training truly understanding the process, and yet having so much scope to weave in their magic.
If you would like to find out more about Trudi Holden, please visit https://wildsamsara.co.uk/