![Tamera Rackham: Unleashing Well-Being by Clearing Imbalances and Unprocessed Energies](https://www.mysticmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/MysticMag-Tamera-Rackham.png.webp)
Research shows that unprocessed emotions and other unbeneficial energies can become “trapped” in your biofield and create imbalances. We all have these imbalances. They result from past traumas, hurts, and neglect and from times when, for whatever reason, life was too much. These and other unprocessed energies are what many refer to as “our stuff or baggage”. This stuff underlies and contributes to many of the undesirable physical, mental, and emotional issues, conditions, and patterns we experience. Pinpointing, and then correcting or releasing these imbalances is fast, easy, and NON-INVASIVE using the unique blend of modalities I have to offer.
If you are interested in learning more, read this delightfully informative interview MysticMag conducted with Tamera Rackham.
Could you explain the principles and methodology behind muscle testing and how it’s utilized to assess imbalances or issues in the body?
Muscle testing enables one to tap into the subconscious mind to gather information about physical, mental, and emotional well-being. There is a history of more than 50 years of healthcare practitioners using MT or MC IN CLINICAL SETTINGS. Anne Jensen with the Oxford Dept of Continuing Education – Evidence-Based Health Care, made an educated guess that there are more than a million practitioners using some form of muscle testing or muscle checking. With muscle testing being used by so many for many years now, and there is an ever-expanding body of wisdom and guiding principles that have developed, none of it has been scientifically proven.
A handful of commonly agreed-upon principles regarding muscle testing include the importance of neutrality as the testing is done, clear intent – being free of any kind of ulterior motive, and access to subjective information only. It is also known that one can only get yes/no or true/false responses, so in addition to the manual aspect, there is an art, the way questions are asked does matter. There is no single method used in muscle testing. The most commonly experienced method would be the testing of an arm either held straight out to one’s side or straight out in front of one, and many people use what’s called the ring-in-ring method. Once the question has been asked, the muscle can be tested and the answer is immediate.
In the context of energy healing and therapy, how do distance sessions work? What mechanisms are believed to enable the practitioner to influence a client’s well-being from a remote location?
We are connected to the Universe and each other energetically, science has shown that to be accurate on many levels. Distance healing utilizes these connections. Distance sessions can occur in two different ways.
The first is that we are on the phone with each other as the session progresses.
The second is that we have a conversation and identify what the session goal is, and then I go ahead with the session, usually immediately after our conversation or later that day. After the distance session, as with all sessions, I type up a recap of the imbalances that were released and send that via email.
There are thousands of anecdotal stories about distance healing, of being able to feel the energy/shifts, and though the effects have been scientifically documented, it seems to remain “Spooky action at a distance” as Einstein first described it in regard to the mechanisms of “How.”
Can you describe the core concepts of Emotion Code® and Body Code™ therapies? How are trapped emotions or imbalances identified and released using these techniques?
Many energy-balancing modalities are based on the accepted knowledge that everything is energy, vibrating at different frequencies. The Emotion Code® and Body Code™ are also based on that knowledge. As we go through life, stuff happens. Sometimes it’s lots of stuff, and sometimes it is pretty horrid and disturbing stuff. As we go through the stuff life brings to us, we feel various emotions. These emotions are meant to be felt, processed, and released. We are also exposed to other energies that can get trapped in our biofield, ideally processed and released. Sometimes, when too much is going on, you’re already overwhelmed or imbalanced, or for some other reason, these energies do not process and become “trapped” in our biofield, creating incoherent energy patterns that can affect you on the physical, mental, and emotional levels. The Emotion Code® is a part of the Body Code™ program. Dr. Nelson, the creator of these phenomenal tools, has developed a comprehensive program called Mind Maps that allows us to use muscle testing, the program, and his charts to rapidly identify an imbalance, be it a trapped emotion or one of the other imbalances within the Body Code™ system. Once the imbalance has been identified, we run a magnet down the governing meridian while giving intent and instructions to the system of the client to release the energy that we have just identified as a contributor to whatever we are looking to shift.
What is PSYCH-K® and how does it differ from other belief change modalities? Could you provide an example of how a session might unfold and the potential benefits clients might experience?
PSYCH-K® is a simple, powerful process to change self-limiting and self-sabotaging beliefs we have on the subconscious level. This approach to facilitating change at the subconscious level, which controls about 95% of what we do in our lives, is totally non-invasive and does not require you to uncover or figure out the undesirable, limiting belief to “overwrite” it with something beneficial and empowering. As a belief change balance is being facilitated, the change in your biofield happens in “real-time”, as mapped and discussed by the neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey Fannin.
Brain Mapping – talks about brain mapping with Dr Rob Williams, developer of PSYCH-K®, and the changes that occur when “new” subconscious beliefs are installed.
There are other methods that can facilitate subconscious reprogramming. I am unfamiliar with most of those offered by practitioners as I have used PSYCH-K® for 16 years with great results. One can embark on their own journey into subconscious reprogramming through subliminals (I would recommend innertalk.com), or Dr. Bruce Lipton talks about recording and playing back for yourself over and over and over, your desired new beliefs.
When I do sessions, I let your subconscious determine what we do. I always ask for the priority imbalances that are contributing to or associated with our target goal. Sometimes that is the Body Code™ (which includes Emotion Code® and soon the Belief Code), sometimes that is PSYCH-K®, and occasionally it is a bit of EFT tapping or a BodyIntuitive reset or healing roadmap. I do it this way because each of these modalities works a bit differently and your subconscious knows which is going to be the most effective. Sessions often move back and forth between modalities.
Regardless of which modality your subconscious chooses, the changes in your biofield occur instantly, though the length of time it takes for someone to see changes is going to be different for each person and each issue is addressed. I have had feedback over the years that suggests the shifts are noticed pretty quickly in many cases (like before the end of the session).
The changes with Body Code are also instant and the results can be felt at that exact moment, though often is a bit longer before you “notice” the changes
What is the EMF Balancing Technique® and how does it address electromagnetic imbalances in the body’s energy field? How have clients reported improvements after undergoing this technique?
The EMF Balancing Technique® is a unique modality that is all about accelerating personal evolution, growth, and personal mastery. There are thirteen phases in the complete system, each phase containing a session with a distinct form and focus targeted towards calibrating (or fine-tuning) your Universal Calibration Lattice, a specific structure within one’s energy anatomy.
Documented benefits of the EMF sessions include profound peace, greater mastery in one’s life, improved well-being, and less “trauma and drama” in your life.
Skeptics might question the scientific basis of these alternative healing modalities. How would you respond to someone who is interested but unsure about the effectiveness of these techniques, especially in comparison to more conventional medical approaches?
I am a member of ACEP – Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology and they have a couple of extensive courses on the science behind energy healing. They are pretty fascinating.
The following is from them, as of 2021.
Over 200 review articles, research studies, and meta-analyses have been published in
professional, peer-reviewed journals. This includes:
- 65 randomized controlled trials
- 50 clinical outcome studies
(All except one of the above 115 studies document Energy Psychology’s effectiveness)
- 5 meta-analyses
- 4 systematic reviews of Energy Psychology modalities
- 9 comparative reviews (Energy Psychology & other therapies) (All reviews document Energy Psychology’s effectiveness)