This week we had the opportunity to speak with Suzy Berry from Serene Senses. We spoke about her healing gift, relation with customers, and what can a person expect from a treatment.
When did you first realize you have a healing gift?
I originally trained as a Spanish interpreter and went to live in Barcelona in 2007 and decided to take a night class in aromatherapy and Thai massage as a way to improve my Spanish but when I was there I loved it so much I decided I wanted to know more and practiced on everyone I met. I had had bad digestive problems since I was 14 and the doctors had given up on me but i found the aromatherapy was helping a bit but it wasn’t until I met Donna Eden in 2010 that I knew that holistic therapy was going to be a lifelong study as I cured myself and began learning how to help others until I became a certified practitioner in 2015.
What treatment packages do you offer?
In 2012 I certified in Indian head massage and reiki. I now teach both to others. In 2013 I learned how to deliver hot stone massages and facials. In 2014 I was certified in reflexology. In 2015 qualified in guided meditation which I now offer during massages or as group meditation sessions via zoom. I certified in myofascial release in 2016 and ear handling in 2017 and since 2018 I’ve been honing my personal skills working with Oracle cards and using readings to blend into meditations.
Although I’m trained in all these things, Eden energy medicine underpins all of it. It impacts every other treatment and gives me a better understanding of pathology and the ability to test acupressure points, oils, and crystals using energy testing so clients get a very tailored treatment.
Over the pandemic, I’ve been teaching Eden energy medicine sessions to beginners in classes and doing personal sessions both in Spanish and English via zoom but I’m really happy now to be able to get back to doing hands-on treatments and letting people decide how best to use their time mixing and matching all the type of treatments I can do.
What can a person expect from your sessions/treatments?
It’s very difficult to say what a person can expect from treatment from me because I’ve had every response possible on the treatment table from giggling fits to floods of tears.
There’s always some form of release whether it’s physical or emotional and I like that aspect of my work just being able to hold space for whatever a client has to bring to me.
What I will say is that I always aim to empower people in some way. They will be given ways to look after themselves and advice. I don’t expect to be able to wave a magic wand and fix anyone they have to have a hand in their own self-care.
What is the most important detail in maintaining a relationship of mutual trust with customers?
Mutual trust has to be built on dialogue and ensuring the client knows you care about them and you have their back. I always go through a consultation with them and check what they want to get out of the session and let them know how we can work together to get their needs met.
My clients know I’m highly certified so that gains me a certain level of trust but because I mix so many styles together to give people what they need they need to be open to understanding that they won’t always get the same treatment twice and what they get from me is likely to be very unique because I’m working from what their body tells me not from a set structure laid out by one course.
I have to trust they will be able to take on the advice I give them and look after themselves as I always want to see clients improve and if they are regular Eden energy medicine clients they won’t see results unless they do some homework and usually I will send video or meditation links to clients to look after themselves so we both see results faster.
How has your work been affected by the pandemic?
Over the pandemic, I returned to interpreting work and made a lot of videos for my serene senses channel on YouTube. It was really fun to do and now that I can do hands-on work again it has been extra helpful because now if a client comes to me with an issue that I can’t initially clear in their time with me I can refer them to a video.
Usually, by the time they return, they will have watched it follow along and I can see big improvements.
What do you love most about your profession?
I love the fact that no day is the same and I can have people coming into my therapy room feeling broken and leaving renewed and full of hope. I love knowing that my work can and has turned people’s lives around.