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How Past Lives Shape the Present: Steve Burgess on the Power of Regression Therapy

How Past Lives Shape the Present: Steve Burgess on the Power of Regression Therapy

In his exclusive MysticMag interview, Steve Burgess, an experienced hypnotherapist and regression therapist, shares insights into his journey into the field of hypnotherapy and how he became a specialist in past life regression. With over 15,000 therapy sessions completed, Steve reveals the transformative power of regression therapy and its impact on healing deep-rooted emotional traumas across lifetimes.

What were your professional beginnings like and how did you get into the field of hypnotherapy?

I became a Hypnotherapist after my father stopped smoking using hypnosis. The fact that it worked so quickly with such a long-term smoker signalled that hypnosis needed to be investigated. Soon afterwards I undertook my therapy training and have never looked back; what an exciting and fascinating profession it is!

What made you specialise in regression therapy?

I’d been practising as a Hypnotherapist for several months, just using basic hypnotherapy techniques, when one day into my office walked a client who changed my life! He had been suffering from a massive anxiety state for a few years and was unable to work or do anything apart from sit at home all day feeling anxious. As he sat in front of me he was shaking, twitching, breathing rapidly and his words jerked out of his mouth in a staccato rhythm. He was desperate for help and once I’d guided him into hypnosis he began to relax for the first time in years. However, within a few minutes, he spontaneously regressed into a past life in which he and his family were being hunted and then murdered by soldiers.

As he re-experienced the death trauma he was screaming, writhing, and shaking as he lay in trance. However, once he had died he immediately became totally calm, his body slumped in the chair and his breathing was deep and calm and regular. His anxiety state was totally healed and he left my office like a new man. I was shocked that anyone could have such a strong reaction but even more shocked that he was completely cured! It was my first experience with past life regression and I realised that I had witnessed something that was pretty powerful and significant, so I began to research past life therapy and over the years began to do more and more of it, eventually creating my own past life therapy system that I now teach around the world to therapists.

At the time I had been practising as a Buddhist for some time so the concepts of reincarnation and Karma were not new to me, I just had to find my way of using past lives as a therapy technique that helped my clients. I’ve now completed over 15,000 therapy sessions, and many thousands of those sessions have used regression therapy.

What is Regression Therapy and can you walk me through one of your sessions?

The word regression simply means to go back into the past. We all regress every day whenever we think about or remember something that happened yesterday, last week, last year, ten years ago, etc. In terms of therapy, it means to go back in our thoughts to re-live an experience in the past. This usually means to re-experience a memory of an event that has caused us problems in some way and to release the emotions that are still stuck in the subconscious mind. For example, I had a client who had a severe phobia of dogs all of her life, but she couldn’t remember anything that had caused it in the first place. In hypnosis, her subconscious took her back to a forgotten memory of when she was two years old and she was bitten by a dog. She cried and released the fear that she had felt as the two-year-old and the phobia of dogs was completely cured.

As Regression Therapists we guide our clients into hypnosis and then back into significant emotional events in this lifetime, in previous lives, and into the lives of our ancestors. Some clients only need to work in one of those areas, other clients in all three.

 How can past life regression be helpful in the lives we live today?

We all carry emotional baggage from the past, and the causes of all of our issues are locked-in emotions from past traumas. By releasing or neutralising those traumas we can release the problems they have caused and live our lives freely. Almost every issue has its roots in the traumas from previous lives: depression, phobias, anxieties, weight, confidence, sexual, relationship, addictions, and physical illness, etc  – the list is almost endless. In my book ‘The Power of Past Life regression’ I detail dozens of my client’s incredible past life healings.

One of my clients was suffering from severe back pain for which the doctors could find no cause. She regressed into a past life as a Nazi soldier who was shot in the back (exactly where the problem was in this present life) and died in Russia in 1942; the back pain was completely released.

Another client was suffering from depression, which was being caused by several past lives: in one she was a woman who couldn’t come to terms with the death of her child; in another she was a young flower seller who was raped and murdered by her doctor; in the next life she was a man who is killed when his village is raided by soldiers. In her final two lives, she was a woman who was hung for being a witch and a man in battle who betrays his comrades. As a result of these sessions, her depression simply dissolved away and never came back.

Regression therapy is ‘Cause and Effect’ therapy. The client’s problem is the Effect. Once we release the Cause (the emotional traumas from the past) the Effect gets better.

What is your favourite part of your profession?

There are two main parts of my job which bring me pleasure. Firstly, each day working with clients from around the world is fascinating, working with a wide variety of issues. I get such a sense of satisfaction when their issues are healed as a result of the regression sessions and their lives are changed.

Secondly, I’ve recently started performing my one-man show ‘The Power of Past Life Regression’ to audiences and it’s very exciting to be in front of groups of people sharing some of the stories from my clients’ regressions over the years. People are so interested in the whole regression process and I see presenting my show as a great way to promote it; it’s lovely to connect with a live audience and see their faces as they hear the amazing stories of my clients’ previous lifetimes.

I feel strongly that part of my role here on Earth in this present lifetime is to promote the concept of past lives and reincarnation to a wider audience; to me, that is part of the great awakening that is taking place right now.


To learn more about Steve’s work, visit www.steveburgesshypnosis.com and lionheart-training.com

His YouTube channel ‘Hypno4all’ contains free hypnotherapy audio recordings as well as videos on past life regression.

His books ‘The Power of Past Life Regression’ and ‘Famous Past Lives’ are available from Amazon and all book stores as well as audiobooks from Audible and Amazon; his new book ‘The Adventures of a Hypnotherapist’ will be published by O Books in May 2025.

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Predrag Vlatkovic is a Content Editor and Coordinator at MysticMag. His work includes engaging interviews with professionals from various spiritual fields, alternative medicine, astrology, energy healing, and more. With a focus on growing our blog and bringing readers insightful stories, Predrag stays connected to the latest developments in the spiritual community. His interest in the filed began at a young age. From visiting a palm reader and conducting a small interview for his personal website to now interviewing spiritual leaders from around the world, his passion for the spiritual and mystic world continues to grow. Outside of work, Predrag enjoys meditating, playing board games like chess and Dungeons & Dragons, and spending time in nature with a good book always by his side.