Anna McCleery from Spirit Connections by Anna is a Psychic, Clairvoyant and an Evidential Medium. In this feature, Anna shares insights to her professional journey.
Please share your background and what led you to explore spiritualism and develop your gifts?
As a child, I just “knew things” like the time I told my mother one Saturday morning that we had to clean the house because her mother was coming for a visit. Mom humored me by cleaning and grandma pulled into our driveway as we were finishing.
When I was 12 years old, this same grandmother, who was also a Psychic Clairvoyant, and my mother took me to Camp Chesterfield, a Spiritualist Church in Anderson, Indiana. The minister had a message for my mother – she was going to live in California. I was so excited! Mom never lived in California but I moved there after finishing university. I’ve never forgotten that experience.
In junior high school, like many others with psychic skills, I turned off my gift. But messages still came to me in dreams.
After I married, my husband led me to Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce. When I was widowed, I was flooded with messages – lights coming on without being turned on, the phone ringing and no one there, the feeling of someone standing behind me while alone – those moments in most ghost stories and scarey movies. This is when I decided to develop my gifts, and I was lucky enough to be living where one of the best Mediums was teaching beginner classes. In addition, I sat in séance every Wednesday night for three years, and attended workshops by internationally known Mediums, including a week in Lily Dale, NY, the home of modern Spiritualism.
Is there a certain area that you specialize in?
I’m an Evidential Medium and Psychic. This means that as a Medium, I connect to loved ones and pets in the Spirit world, and give confirming evidence that they’re yours. Then, I convey their messages of love, comfort and hope. As a Psychic, I can read/feel energy – yours and a situation with the goal of helping folks make the best decisions possible.
Could you tell us a bit more about the methods you use in working with clients?
I’m not sure I have “a method.” When I connect to loved ones, it’s like I’m seeing a movie and I describe the scene. For example, I was doing a reading for a friend and I had never met his parents. They came through as a couple and when his mother stepped forward, I was shown a 12-foot long table of cakes and pies of all kinds. I said, “I don’t know what this means.” And he replied, “Mom was famous for her baking.”
Have you found over recent years that a more diverse clientele has developed with an increased interest to access spiritual guidance and turn to mediums as a form of therapy?
I wouldn’t say “therapy” because I don’t diagnose or prescribe. I’m not a doctor or therapist. However, many people contact me to find out what I see surrounding a specific situation. For example, I recently had two people who are friends leave their jobs and move to other cities. They contacted me, independently of each other, to find out what I saw happening in their immediate future.
What do you hope people take away from working with you?
Four things:
- There is always hope.
- This experience we call death doesn’t stop love.
- Life unfolds as it’s meant to be.
- We don’t die. Our hearts stop but who we are continues. As Sir Oliver Lodge said, “Death is the end of a stage, not the end of the journey. The road stretches on beyond our comprehension”.