One of the most fruitful examples of Facebook advertisement you’ll hear about – from seeing a Facebook ad about HeartMath to becoming a certified HeartMath practitioner and using HeartMath techniques to help people; Sonia Quade shares details about her work as a HeartMath practitioner and an Akashic record reader, her spiritual consultations, and making malas. Only on MysticMag!
Can you please introduce yourself to our readers?
My name is Sonia Quade, I am a wife, mother, and lover of mysticism, healing, and knowledge in all of their forms. My work background is in the medical field, specifically vision, and eyesight, and it is my desire to bridge the gap between the medical field and mysticism. I am a certified HeartMath practitioner as well as a certified consultant through Proctor Gallagher Institute’s ‘Thinking Into Results’ (TIR) program. These two programs are extremely complementary to each other and are producing tremendous results, not only for myself but for my clients as well. I am a firm believer in living your own work. If I cannot show results in my own life, why would I expect someone to trust me for results in their own life?
How did you come across HeartMath and what sparked your interest in the field?
I actually found HeartMath through a Facebook advertisement. It had come across my feed several times and I felt the pull to learn more. One day I saw that a family member had also ‘liked’ their advertisement so I reached out to this family member to see if they actually had first-hand knowledge of the program. They did indeed know first-hand of HeartMath and were extremely positive in their review of the program as well as the outcomes they had experienced in their own lives with the program.
With that information in hand, I reached out to HeartMath and took the first course. Then I took another and then another and ‘the rest is history’ as they say. I had been looking for something with published and credible scientific results to support my work in bridging the gap between the medical field and mysticism and have found HeartMath to be a perfect beginning transition for many of my clients. Using HeartMath’s techniques my clients are able to respond to triggering situations instead of reacting, which results in an increased capacity for resilience and a manifested heart rate variability (HRV) that brings about coherence in their lives. In HeartMath we define coherence as an optimal state in which the heart, mind, and emotions are aligned and in sync, and documenting our HRV gives us measurable proof of our progress, not just ‘I feel better’. Thinking Into Results takes it a step further and incorporates the idea of the emotional connection to further manifest tangible outcomes in our lives, whether those goals be financial, career, family, relational, etc.
Many people are becoming weary of continuing to choose modern medicine because of side effects or experiencing little change in the outcomes of their health. Many of the ancient or traditional medicine practices have always incorporated a spiritual/emotional aspect to their medicinal practices but I have found that many people are hesitant to incorporate traditional or mystical forms of treatment because of the ‘wooey’ aspect, cost, fear of a ‘snake-oil’ experience and old ingrained religious beliefs they hold. I am seeing an overall shift in the mindset of many people though and am finding it easier to introduce to my clients spiritual/mystical practices as a complement to their modern medical treatments with successful outcomes.
What can a person expect from a spiritual consultation with you?
A spiritual consultation is a conversation between myself and a prospective client to determine what their real needs, wants and expectations are. I also want to make sure that what they are asking is something that I am willing to commit to and that it aligns with my purpose. Just because I am capable of a thing does not mean I should do it. ‘The need is not the call’ is something I take seriously. I have seen many clients and practitioners alike who have ended the process worse than when they started because the practitioner operated outside of their path, purpose, or skill.
You are also an Akashic record reader. What information can you find out about a person from a reading?
The Akashic readings that I perform are to help my clients gain insight into their current circumstances and what next steps will bring about the best possible outcome for where they are at that moment whether for personal matters or business ventures.
I see that there are malas offered on your website. They don’t just look nice, do they? Can you explain the meaning behind malas and their use?
The malas I create are all hand-tied and have 108 beads, although some are ‘fancier’ than others having adornments and accent beads. The number 108 is significant in many spiritual practices and is believed to connect us to the universe. It is said that in Vedic practice, 108 is the basis of creation. I feel that we are, in a sense, actually creating or manifesting our affirmations and mantras into our personal reality by incorporating malas in our meditation practice. I use malas in my daily meditation practice as a visual and tangible connection to my affirmation/mantra. The type of bead I use corresponds to the type of affirmations I am speaking over myself. For instance, if I am affirming protection over myself, my finances, or my family, I will choose a mala created with stones associated with protection such as black obsidian, and as I work my way around the mala I draw upon the protective nature of that stone. If I am affirming love, I will choose a mala of rose quartz or a stone of similar properties and draw upon the loving properties, etc.
How do you implement HeartMath techniques into different work that you do?
The fastest and most effortless way to manifest what you want in your life whether it be healing, personal growth and relationships, or business ventures, is to make an emotional connection with what you desire. Universal Law says that energy flows to that which we give our attention to. When we are in a situation that normally would cause us to react, lash out or otherwise behave in a way to give attention to what we do NOT want manifested, using HeartMath techniques gives us an opportunity to transmute the old patterns and bring about the manifestation of more of what we do want instead of repeating the past. It really is mind magick in its truest and simplest form, although, in the heat of the moment it may not feel so simple at first. I successfully use HeartMath techniques not only with clients who have been abused, neglected, impoverished or ill, but also with clients who are in a team situation such as sports or business and individuals who have been successful and wish to go further and pursue an even larger goal. Once my clients are comfortable and skilled at implementing HeartMath techniques I introduce ‘Thinking Into Results’ so they have the opportunity to take their goals and manifestations to the next level.