MysticMag has the pleasure of chewing the cud with Sheryl Huske from Healing Arts Acupressure. We find out more about this amazing healing technique that is growing exponentially around the globe.
How did acupressure change & influence your life?
The art of Acupressure entered my life at an interesting time, for it was a time in my life where I felt an irrevocable sense of hopelessness. I found myself at a point in my life where having a beautiful marriage and two small children was more challenging than I could have imagined. I was suffering from an immense and unforgiving back pain, in which I received a steroid injection for a bulging disk, in an attempt at some sort of relief. It felt as though I was running out of options.
I was then blessed by a friend’s knowledge of the many benefits of receiving this body work, and began seeing an Acupressurist. I had only received five sessions before I began feeling the astounding advantages of receiving Acupressure. It genuinely felt as though I could feel where the energy was flowing throughout my body, and where the energy was being blocked at different locations. I felt so strongly for the benefits Acupressure held, that when my Acupressuirst asked if I’d ever considered pursuing the work myself, without hesitation I said yes and began taking classes.
Throughout my Acupressure education journey, and life in general, I learned many valuable lessons about my body and mind. I found myself making major life changes; I focused on what I was eating and putting in my body, and began meditating on a regular basis, just to name a few. For me, the most rewarding knowledge I acquired through this work was that I now had the ability to find truth and wholeness within my body, while putting less strain on my mind. I experienced a variety of physical feelings and emotions within myself that I was never previously able to verbalize, or comprehend cognitively. Finding this within myself has been one of the most rewarding aspects of engaging in this work. From the beginning, when I first began my Acupressure journey, it has been 12 years of an increasingly optimistic and beautiful life. Over the years, I came to the decision to leave my job in Western Medicine as a Certified Surgical Technologist, and solely focus on practicing Acupressure. I’ve come to find that I can trust my body if I listen closely, and have the ability to heal most imbalances I may encounter.
Can you describe the science behind acupressure & the benefits that it brings?
Through my years of experiencing curious people asking for more information on the art of Acupressure, I’ve found it challenging to express the benefits verbally. More often than not, when confronted with someone wanting to know more, I’ll ask them permission to position my fingers on them and hold a few points. While doing so, I attempt to explain energy movement and how they’re feeling the changes within themselves. With that, it may make more sense to people when I’m able to compare Acupressure to Acupuncture, where both incorporate the use of 361 acupoints and stem from years of reliable Japanese and Chinese research. The main difference being, Acupressure relies on the use of the practitioner’s finger pressure, rather than needles.
Does the way in which you practice depend on the individual?
In performing this specific type of body work, the emphasis primarily rests on understanding and accepting clients’ individual differences to better help them work towards their healing goals. This ideology emphasizes the differences in Eastern and Western medicine, for Eastern medicine focuses on many aspects of the client’s life, including their diet, exercise habits, and home life. We then have the ability to determine the root cause of the symptom(s) they’re experiencing. We’re able to understand that every individual has different upbringings, experiences, and expectations, which all help in understanding the broader picture of a person’s life. With this, sessions will always look different regardless if I’ve seen a client multiple times. This type of work greatly focuses on a holistic approach, and emphasizes every persons’ unique differences to help guide them in the direction they’re looking to go.
What kind of issues are you able to assess?
From a very literal perspective, Acupressure is able to assist with just about anything other than broken bones, not without the occasional referral, however. The Acupressure I perform is invitational, and encourages one to find the ability to recognize energy flow. In my own work, I emphasize that I’m not here to ‘treat’ people, but to provide them with a safe space full of compassion and love that feels as though they can begin the work of finding their truth and inner healing. I highlight the point that they are their best doctor and healer, and that similar to other body work, coming for a session can be proactive, meaning there’s no need to wait until they’re feeling pain or way out of balance. Acupressure gives people the opportunity to release natural endorphins through the bodywork and experience a sense of peace and relaxation.
Do you believe you are following your life purpose?
This work is absolutely what I was meant to do at this point in my life. Working in the Western medicine field for upwards of 20 years stressed my need for a holistic change, for the experience taught me all the ways in which I could improve my own personal health, and provide the same opportunity for others. I’ve found pure love and light through engaging in this work, and feel as though the stars have aligned and that I’m exactly where I’m meant to be, doing what brings me joy as I assist others in finding their joy as well.
If you would like to find out more about Healing Arts Acupressure, visit https://www.healingartsacupressure.com/ or follow on https://www.facebook.com/healingartsacupressure