Embark on a journey into the realm of holistic healing and spiritual wellness with Sherrie Smith, a dedicated Reiki practitioner. In her exclusive MysticMag interview, Sherrie shares her profound experiences, insights, and the transformative power of Reiki in nurturing both physical and spiritual well-being. From her beginnings in Hawaii to becoming a Reiki Master, Sherrie invites us into the world of chakra cleansing, remote sessions, and the profound impact of energy work on our lives.
How did you get into Holistic Healing and when did you know it would be your calling?
My journey began when my husband and I moved to Hawaii in 2007 and I became interested in all spiritual energy techniques that the island had to offer, such as Ho’oponopono, Lomi-Lomi, and Reiki. I received my first Reiki training from a beautiful woman who had lived in Hawaii for several years and had learned Reiki there herself. That first experience inspired me. I enjoyed it so much that I took the second level of Usui Reiki from her a few months later, receiving my certification.
I continued to study Reiki on my own based upon the teachings of a number of well-respected authors such as Diane Stein, William Lee Rand, and Angie Webster. This self-study provided me with a better understanding of just how vast and varied Reiki really is. I also began studying other modalities, such as Energy Alive, Quantum Touch®️ , and Lomi-Lomi, and I am currently working toward additional certifications in order to one day practice some of these modalities, as well as Reiki.
Over time, I became inspired to find other ways to share my gifts. I volunteered at the Tripler Army Medical Center’s VA Dialysis Center on Oahu as a Reiki practitioner in order to provide comfort to the Veterans who were undergoing dialysis treatments. This was another validation for me that Reiki really works because these veterans were able to relax enough to fall asleep when originally complaining of such pain and discomfort.
How does Chakra Cleansing work?
Each of our main 7 chakras or vortexes are energies that move at different frequencies, affecting different aspects of our physiological as well as our psychological body and mind. As we go through our daily lives and confront various stressors, these chakras can change their frequency. This change causes unease or even disease if not re-adjusted to the frequency it’s supposed to be. During my sessions, I like to use Reiki as a way to readjust the frequency of the chakra that is affected by stress in our lives. For me, I experience what feels like static electricity if a chakra is not in the right resonance, and I’ll provide Reiki in that area until the static feeling smooths away.
Can you walk me through a Reiki session?
I provide Reiki in-person as well as remotely using Zoom or a simple phone call. First, we discuss what the expectations are during the session, and I in turn advise if these expectations are likely to immediately happen. Then, I ask my client to get into a comfortable position either sitting or lying down with their eyes closed. We jointly practice a little breathing exercise in order to obtain a calm state. At this point I begin the session at the head region, working my way down to the feet. My hands are about 10 inches from the area that I’m focusing on while my client maintains their relaxed state. It is not uncommon for clients to fall asleep during this time. When the session ends, I quietly ask the person to open their eyes and slowly begin to feel alert. I follow up with providing a glass of water, discussing any questions they may have, and any follow-up suggestions.
What does it take for a person to become a Reiki Master and do your Reiki classes offer certification?
There are several different forms of Reiki with their own unique certifications. I personally practice Usui Reiki with its roots beginning in Japan in the 1920s and coming to the U.S. via Hawaii. There are 3 levels to Usui Reiki, each having its own class and certification. Each level includes a transfer of energy from teacher to student that is called an attunement. Attunements have many names and processes depending on the modality taught. I was taught that this attunement allows the receiver to perform Reiki in the way it was meant.
In Level I, students learn the history of Reiki, its protocols, and how to give self-sessions, as well as to others. Level II introduces symbols that are used to help practitioners provide a specific frequency. Chakras and crystal use are introduced at this point, and students learn how they can assist during a session. The third level is called the Master/Teacher level. Here, there are a few additional symbols that are added to the student’s skill set. They also learn how to teach Reiki to others.
What is your favorite part of your profession?
The reactions I get to see on the clients’ faces!! I cannot claim responsibility for how the client feels, by any means. I am only the facilitator, as this energy comes from a Higher Power than myself. This Power has many names from God to the Universal Being dependent on one’s beliefs. Reiki is not a religion, but a proven modality that has helped people for many generations.
Is there anything else about your work that you’d like to share that we haven’t covered?
Reiki is a fluid practice that allows us as practitioners to work with many different personalities, needs, and desires. With this in mind, anyone interested in receiving a session or training is encouraged to find a practitioner or teacher with whom they best resonate. Interviewing the practitioner is a must in my opinion and experience. Ask these basic questions. What is your belief system in terms of providing or teaching Reiki? How long have you practiced Reiki? What is your process in giving a session? What modalities are you certified in? Do you have a specific clientele that you focus on?
Since Reiki works with frequencies, it can be given to anything that is made of energy. This, of course, includes humans and animals, as well as inanimate objects. Without going into physics, it also includes time and space. This is one of the reasons I love Reiki!
If you are interested in learning more about Reiki or receiving a session from me, I am found at Sherries-Holistic-Healing.com. If you have further questions, I do offer a free 15-minute consultation. I will also be offering workshops and presentations in the near future.
To learn more about Sherrie and her work, you can visit Sherries-holistic-healing.com