Meet Sarah Misson, an alternative healing arts practitioner with 25 years of experience, as she shares her journey and insights on helping others heal from chronic pain and finding empowerment through restorative healing modalities. Discover her unique approach and more in this exclusive MysticMag interview.
What can you tell me about your professional journey and when did you know that helping others heal would be your calling?
My name is Sarah Misson. I run an alternative healing arts practice and I focus on the underlying causes to find relief for chronic pain. I’ve studied for 25 years, gathering information, tools, and knowledge.
My professional journey began about 10 years ago when I graduated from massage school. 10 to 15 years before that, I had a major shift in my healing journey. I went from suffering from some pretty major conditions, which included chronic pain, and I wasn’t able to get any help for it.
However, the first thing that really shifted everything for me 25 years ago was running into concepts behind eating for the blood type. I switched what I was eating and there was such a miraculous change. It was like a light bulb came on in my head, this radiant light began to shine in my heart, and it woke me up to a lot of concepts I’d never even heard of. I have been very focused on conventional medicine up to that point, so this experience shifted my awareness. It opened up possibilities for me and in the last 25 years, my journey has included insatiable hunger for learning more about what other cultures believe the body is about, how the body works, how to heal the body, how to understand symptoms, how to adjust mindset, etc.
The professional aspect came after massage school. At that point, I became board certified and licensed in massage and I began to offer that modality. However, that also came with a lot of extra knowledge, which I grew into an even bigger quest of seeking more information about energy work and applying it to my practice and my life.
Nowadays, everything that I offer in my practice are things that I needed in my life for my personal development story. It all comes together as things that helped me. My overall theme and message, the one thing to take away is the deeply rooted belief that I hold that only you can heal you and only I can heal me. My job is to optimize my environment for me to heal me, and I feel like it is everyone’s job to optimize their own environment for them to heal themselves. It is my hope that you find people that are going to empower your healing, inspire the healing, and align the healing. Ignite the healing and ignite the hope and all that wonderful stuff that goes with it.
What can you help people heal from and who are your services meant for?
My services are meant for people who are open to the concept of the complaint they have is a symptom of something. My favorite people to work with are the people who are involved with conventional medicine, who love to run testing and look for alternative solutions. After the blood work comes back, the imaging comes back, then the other imaging comes back, and physical therapy doesn’t work, there’s nothing causing the chronic pain. People in that situation are my favorite people to work with because I feel like they have come to this realization that fundamentally and anatomically there’s no reason for the pain. So what else is there that could be causing it?
I love to start that conversation with that. I love helping people with chronic pain, whether it’s in the neck, the chronic pain of the pocketbook, the wallet, the monetary flow, the chronic pain of relationship struggle, etc. I love working with people to find their limiting beliefs and their energetic patterns, and changing them so they can have relief from their chronic pain.
What healing techniques and modalities do you use?
The healing modalities that I offer are very focused on asking my client’s body, mind, and spirit what it feels like it’s trying to communicate. I’m trained in Reiki, Emotion Code, and Body Code healing, as well as in kinesiology. I am an intuitive healer and a clairvoyant in my work. A lot of times, things just flow and I just let them flow and we talk about them during the sessions.
I am also trained in Chinese medicine, which is very helpful. Chakra Balancing and chakra work is something I feel is very important. The meridians of the body, the Chi flow of the body, which falls into that Chinese medicine category, all come together in what I call Restorative Healing. I have never run into someone that brings so much into a session as what comes together for restorative healing, so I’m very proud of the work that I offer and how productive a session can be.
What can people expect from Community Clinics you organize and what are they like?
I love to share the knowledge that I have been gathering for decades, so I regularly do community workshops. Right now, I’m doing community classes on how to incorporate some basic knowledge of alternative healing. It includes things like acupressure and reflexology, affirmation work, journaling, and modalities like that. I want to incorporate that knowledge into classes and share it. I love carrying knowledge and love sharing resources. I also love helping people find hope and learn techniques and things that they can do at home to understand and support their healing journey.
What is your favorite part about your profession?
My favorite part of my profession is the moment when people have a moment. I want to say their first moment, but really any moment when something just feels better due to just energy work. The chronic neck pain, that anxiety attack when that feels better without somebody touching something, without somebody working muscles. That experience is so empowering for people and it is like Godsmack. It sometimes looks like that’s on their face because the pain that has been there for 10, 20, or 30 years is now gone. What fills the space that that took up is this empowerment, enlightenment, and hope. That is my favorite part.
To learn more about Sarah and her work, you can visit her websites at www.lifealignmentcoachingsarah.com and www.alignwithsarah.com