In a world awakening to higher consciousness, Sarah Massiah stands as a beacon of divine guidance and healing. As an award-winning author, healer, and the founder of The Golden Key Energy Healing System, Sarah’s work transcends the earthly realm, reaching into the cosmos to aid Creator’s children across planets and universes. A founding member of the Elohim High Council of Light, Sarah’s mission is clear: to help souls unlock their true potential and embrace the powerful transformation of ascension. Her unique healing modality, developed in close collaboration with Creator, is designed to clear burdens from the Akashic Records and dissolve contracts formed in the duality of existence. With her first book, The Cosmos, Ascension, and the Golden Keys from Melchizedek, receiving accolades in the Mind Body Spirit Book Awards, Sarah is now poised to continue her groundbreaking work with the release of her second book. In this exclusive Mystic Mag‘s interview, Sarah shares her extraordinary journey of walking the path of duality, her role in the grand cosmic shift, and her deep commitment to aiding souls in stepping into their light—free of past burdens and filled with divine love, joy, and inner peace.
Your book, The Cosmos, Ascension and the Golden Keys from Melchizedek, delves deeply into healing and spiritual ascension. What was the pivotal moment in your life that led you to write this book and share these insights?
My first book The Cosmos, Ascension and the Golden Keys from Melchizedek was born from many years of studying different healing modalities. I originally followed a career in nursing, working with some of the most vulnerable groups in society.
I always felt that all souls have the ability to heal from within, and had a pivotal moment when I awakened, as I had a deep sense of a calling to study energetic healing modalities. My journey commenced with learning Reiki and I then went on to learn Rahanni angelic healing. This healing modality really aided my journey and I became familiar with working with Lord Melchizedek who is the ‘Overseer of the Universes’.
I went on to study other healing modalities and the Akashic Records. During this time, I was gifted ‘The Golden Keys’ of creation which came through whilst studying. The ‘Keys’ hold the codes of Creation, and so I began to channel with Lord Melchizedek to bring forth knowledge that was deemed important to get out to the collective, and those that are on their ascension journey.
Ascension involves planetary adjustments and the awakening of consciousness throughout creation. Ascension at an individual level, is awakening to a remembrance of who you truly are, as a grand being of light, Creator’s child.
The first book in the series was brought into being, and my recently published second book then became available-this delves deeper into ‘Healing from Within’. It has been a journey of self-discovery as working with the ‘Keys of Creation’ involves deep introspection of self, which continues. To become a master in a healing modality one must work through one’s own issues and triggers in order for a healing modality to evolve.
The Golden Key Energy Healing System is described as working directly with the Creator and Akashic Records. Can you explain how this system differs from other energy healing modalities and what makes it so transformative?
The Golden Key Energy Healing System works multidimensionally and can access all old stories of a particular topic one is working through, by working deeply within the Akashic records. The Akashic Records hold all the stories of one’s walk through experience, which hold differing vibrations and resonance, some good and some not so good. The Akashic records have been live for billions of years. They contain information surrounding all of creation, not just for our soul journeys, but on a much grander scale than this. All planets, stars and even animals have their own Akash. These may differ slightly than our own but all hold the impression of the journey traveled. We all hold the energy of all our old experiences through all the lifetimes we have traveled through. These experiences are held esoterically and can be accessed safely when one is ready to explore, resolve and transmute old stories.
Within the Golden Key healing sessions, one may access all old stories of a particular resonance that do not serve-this goes back to the inception of the soul. This is defined as the Beginning of one’s walk through experience, so one may access many, many stories that hold the resonance worked upon in a session, and collapse all those that hold debilitating energies.
For example, if one notices themselves getting snappy, described as bouts of sudden rage, this healing modality would look at the energy behind why one becomes snappy.
All aspects of why one was becoming snappy, would then be collapsed as dissolved with the Creator within a Golden Key energy healing session. This would be replaced with a differing resonance such as staying calm and tranquil, in heavenly ways.
Key sessions are highly transformative as they clear out ‘old ways of being’ that do not serve, which is especially important at this time of Ascension.
What type of services do you offer?
I offer deeply transformative Golden Key Healing Sessions and Akashic Healings.
The sessions range from 2.5 hours to work through deeply ingrained issues, to 1.5-hour sessions which are also deeply transformative. There is also a one-hour Akashic session available. These sessions work with the Creator deeply in the Akasha.
The sessions are completed via zoom, and if you follow the link to the website there is an opening offer to sign up for my newsletter, which includes a discounted half price session.
I also teach others to open their own Akashic records to heal from within, and teach Rahanni angelic healing. This is a beautiful healing modality that attunes all of those in receipt to work Under the Order of Lord Melchizedek.
You mention that your healing system clears thousands of stories at once. Could you elaborate on what this means and how it impacts a person’s healing and spiritual growth?
Normally when working within the Akashic Records to heal old stories of lower vibrational resonance, one may access one to two earthly bound stories at once.
During the key session we work on all old stories that hold the same resonance, while accessing a multidimensional perspective. However, one must remember that deep introspection takes time. Time is required to work through many encumbrances of our debilitating pasts. I have channeled that one incarnation is the equivalent to one day at school. If you can accept that you may have had trillions of incarnations, you can then begin to accept you have plenty of layers.
The Key Healing offers the clearing of big layers so that one may walk forward in renewed and positive ways.
It aids all those in receipt to heal deeply from within. It takes some time to heal deeply, and the Creator wishes those on their healing journey to use a synthesis of methods. Key Healing, however, aids deeper connections to one’s Creator gifts and abilities and one’s own soul connection with the Divine, aiding one’s purpose, abilities and inner peace.
In your experience, what role does spiritual sovereignty play in the healing process, and how does reclaiming it empower individuals on their ascension path?
Spiritual sovereignty plays a huge role in the healing process. It involves a remembrance of who you truly are, and whilst sovereignty has to do with you awakening to the knowledge that you are the ultimate authority on what you create, it also consists of a huge aspect of autonomy. By this, it means, you are an autonomous being in your own right, with the right to make choices about how you view and experience your world. This autonomy has been somewhat depleted, as at times you handed over control of your destiny to others. When healing from within, you are regaining your autonomy over your life by ridding yourself of old ways, patterns, thought forms, vows and oaths, levels and layers, that have held you back from knowing your spiritual sovereignty. You are a Creator in form! You therefore become empowered through realization that you are a Creator being, in your own right as a Creator’s child. Reclaiming your sovereignty as a Creator Being, aids you to sculpt the future you desire, without the encumbrances of the past. Through deep introspection, you awaken more to your authentic self, which is Love. This can only be achieved by ‘digging deep within’.