From an early age, Sandra Sogas Romeu felt a deep pull toward spirituality, a calling that led her to explore meditation, energies, healing, and clairvoyance. What began as a teenage fascination soon evolved into a lifelong mission—one that seamlessly weaves art, therapy, and the profound wisdom of the Akashic Records. A graduate in Fine Arts, Sandra’s creative expression extends beyond painting and restoration; it serves as a gateway to the unseen, a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. Alongside her husband, Sandra dedicates her life to offering transformative therapies, courses, and spiritual teachings. Currently, she is crafting books that demystify the Akashic Records, making this profound knowledge accessible to all who seek answers about their soul’s journey. In this Mystic Mag‘s interview, Sandra shares her insights on Kinesiología Akáshica, her path as a healer and artist, and the messages she receives from the Akashic realm.
Your spiritual journey began at a young age. How did reading Lobsang Rampa’s books shape your understanding of meditation, energies, and clairvoyance?
When I was very young, I had both premonitions and astral travel experiences. And I began to meditate. No, it wasn’t that—I was shown that the first thing one must do is meditate.
Meditation helps synchronize with the higher self and the source. One day, I found a book. I was walking when I came across it. It was in Spanish, but in English, I believe the title would be The Art of Controlling the Tiger by the Tibetan master Lama Akong Rinpoche. He explained how to begin meditation and visualization.
From there, I started seeking people who could teach me more about meditation. My first experience with past life therapy was in England. A friend told me, “You need to try past life therapy.” Later, when I returned to Spain, another friend said the same thing. I realized it wasn’t just a coincidence—it was something solid, something meant for me.
I began learning past life therapy with the Past Life Institute of Spain and later with Brian Weiss and the Michael Newton Institute in Washington. There, I studied Life Between Lives (LBL) therapy—a profoundly beautiful journey where you help people connect with their higher self and understand their mission on Earth and in the broader scope of existence.
I also delved into Akashic Records. My journey began when I accessed the Akashic Library through astral travel. During meditation, I connected with my guides, who led me further along this path. They encouraged me to learn more about Akashic Records. At that time, no one in Spain was teaching them. I eventually found an American teacher, Andrea Hess, and trained with her.
Later, I explored kinesiology and muscle testing, which in the U.S. is known as Touch for Health. This method helped me better understand the body’s wisdom and energy.
As both an artist and a healer, how do you integrate Fine Arts with your spiritual practices? Do you see painting as a form of channeling or healing?
Yes, I studied Fine Arts at the university. Since I was a baby, I have always loved drawing. One day, I discovered that I could draw spiritual guides—the guides that people have behind them. I started seeing them and began drawing them. People recognized the figures I drew, such as their fathers, grandmothers, and other loved ones. This led me to investigate further.
In Spain, I found very few people exploring this field. So, I went to Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, north of London. It was an incredible experience. Arthur Findlay is truly a wonderful place. There, I also met Lynn Cottrell, who combined spirituality and art. Spiritual and artistic practices have deep roots in shamanic traditions.
I also discovered a great book by Maximillien de Lafayette, which provided valuable insights. Now, I try to integrate art with spirituality. At Arthur Findlay, we practiced psychic art, where you channel and draw spiritual beings. This method allows you to see, feel, and express energy through art—sometimes even incorporating massage or healing into the process.
What type of services do you offer?
Now, I offer four types of therapy: Akashic Records readings, mediumship (or trance healing), kinesiology (also known as Touch for Health), and past life therapy.
I provide both individual sessions and group memberships. For group members, we hold meditations and workshops every Monday. Each week, I introduce a new topic, ensuring that every session is unique and engaging.
Your work with the Akashic Records is a key aspect of your spiritual practice. What do you believe is the most misunderstood aspect of the Records, and how do you clarify this for your clients?
Many of my clients believe they need to be initiated into Akashic Records, but that’s not true. Everyone has access to them. We all have the ability to connect—every day, we tap into our intuition without even realizing it.
However, many people come to me thinking, I need to be initiated or I need special training to access this wisdom. But the truth is, we all have this ability within us.
With so many spiritual modalities available, how can someone new to spirituality find the right path or practice that resonates with them?
I recommend starting with the Akashic Records to understand one’s unique character traits, strengths, and abilities. Every soul has special gifts and skills developed over many lifetimes. For example, in my case, my abilities revolve around art and spirituality, while some of my friends focus on massage therapy and healing.
When working with clients, I first help them explore their Akashic Records to uncover their soul’s path. The first step I teach is meditation—not just mindfulness, but deep meditation that helps center and align them with their higher self.
I also offer mentorship. When you take my course, you receive lifetime access to my guidance. I provide two tutorials every week, where participants can share their experiences, ask questions, and practice their skills in a supportive environment.