In a world of holistic healing and intuitive guidance, Robyn Arbogast stands out as a beacon of transformation. From her humble beginnings as a massage therapist to her evolution into an intuitive mentor, Robyn’s journey is a testament to the power of intuition and energy work in healing. Through her unique blend of no-nonsense coaching and intuitive guidance, Robyn empowers her clients to tap into their inner wisdom and unlock their true potential. Join MysticMag as we delve into Robyn’s world of healing, empowerment, and collective synergy.
What did your professional beginnings look like and how did you become an intuitive mentor?
I became a massage therapist in 2000 and a health coach in 2005. Throughout the years, I used intuition to help people physically through bodywork, release trapped emotions in the body, and heal themselves through their mindset, before I ever knew what intuition or energy work was. I never knew what the vibrations coming off my clients were, why I could go right to their pain, or how I could tell them they were holding onto an emotion or trauma just by being near them.
Funny thing though, I was actually very science-based and didn’t “believe” in energy or the ability to manipulate it. I believed in things I could see and feel, everything else was too woo-woo for me. The universe has quite a sense of humor. When I decided to open a wellness center and yoga studio, I went to yoga teacher training. I’d participated in yoga for years but didn’t fully understand the emotional, mental, and physiological benefits of it, opting for the fitness side of it. Yoga teacher training opened my eyes and life to the energetic and spiritual side of everything. I was able to learn about my intuition and the energy that I felt working with clients. The Chakras called to me in a way that nothing I’d learned previously ever did. I poured into research and began connecting the dots between myself, my energy, and the power within myself. So many things just made sense.
When that door began to open, it swung all the way open and refused to close. When I opened myself to the energy and the assistance of the universe, my healing and that of my clients was incredible. It changed my perspective on every aspect of my life. It helped my clients, self, children, and relationships in ways that I never imagined possible.
Shortly after completing my YTT, I began my Reiki training and continued to the Master level. I became an Advanced Crystal Healer and began studying Oracle cards. I worked with multiple psychic mediums to connect more in with the spirit realm.
I call myself an “Intuitive Mentor” for lack of a better term. Calling myself “coach” feels wrong sometimes as a former fitness and health coach, and the wife to a high school coach. I’m more of a mentor, teacher, and cheerleader.
What ideas and principles is your coaching based on?
I believe that we have the power within ourselves to heal. I believe that we can all tap into the powers of the universe. While I use my intuitive gifts as just another sense to help my clients, I also assist them in tapping into their intuition to help themselves heal.
As a coach, I guide my clients with a no-nonsense approach and help by truly listening to them, taking in all the pieces and even calling out their bullshit when needed. They know they can come to me and I won’t sugarcoat things, but help them work through where they are and help them plan for the future. I work with them on everything from sleeping and self-care rituals, to tapping into their intuition and balancing their chakras, to creating healthy boundaries and healing their inner child.
What is Collective Synergy?
Collective Synergy is my brand new membership for female service-based business owners, practitioners, and healers. It’s a place for sisterhood among those who give to others, with the goal of truly having a soul-led business. A business filled with purpose, passion, and in alignment. Covid was a huge wake-up call for me in my professional life. It was a {forced} time of reflection for many people but for ALL practitioners. There was a time no matter how long or brief that we couldn’t work. Many of our businesses changed. For me, I realized I was no longer working in alignment with my calling. It’s taken a few years, but for me, Collective Synergy is that. It is a collection of people all trying to get aligned, live out their purpose, and help people in the process.
The membership includes coaching and intuitive services with me, classes and trainings to assist them in their own healing, as well as more tools for their professional toolbox. Many of us are solopreneurs, so it’s also meant to be a place to vent, lift each other up, and bounce ideas off of other professionals. Membership cost is based on the amount of one-on-one support the person is wanting.
What energy healing modalities do you use?
I openly connect with the universe and my guides with every client I assist. When working with a client, I prefer to use my intuition to decide the best method of healing for them. Every service is completely customized based on their needs. My favorite therapies to use with clients for energetic healing are Reiki, crystal healing, touch therapy, and chakra balancing.
What courses do you offer and what can people expect to learn from them?
I’m just breaking into the online space, coming from working with clients completely one to one. My current offerings include:
1. Badass Boundaries
- Creating physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual boundaries is the ultimate form of self-care. The course walks the why and how to create boundaries and how to stick with it to give you the peace you need and deserve.
2. VisionaryVibes
- This virtual extravaganza where you’ll connect with your inner self, gain clarity on the direction for the future, and learn the process for drafting a solid plan for manifesting all our visions. This is not just a basic online course! It’s like a virtual adventure! Including the 25-page VisionaryVibes Guidebook, and your course on topics such as Create Your Vision, Manifest Your Vision, and Sacred Space Vibes. After completing your house, you also get a free 30-minute one-on-one session with me to refine your plans.
3. Foundations of Manifesting
- Manifesting is a very special tool that few people do, or do correctly. In this mini course, I’ll break it down into 5 simple steps. Then it’s just rinse & repeat. Get clear on all your super juicy desires and manifest the shit out of them! Because you deserve to live the life of all your deepest desires.
4. Journey to You: Soul Transformation Program (12 weeks)
- HERE’S YOUR INVITATION TO BECOME THE PERSON OF YOUR SOUL’S TRUE DESIRE Are you ready to live a life with more purpose and that is fully aligned with your soul? This program is for the person who is ready to prioritize her well-being, her self-care, raising her vibration, and connecting to herself on a cellular level. In this program, we will break down the conditioning that’s holding you down and back, learn to protect yourself emotionally, mentally, and energetically, figure out what really makes YOU happy and brings YOU joy, define your soul’s purpose, and learn to love the beautiful soul you are.
To learn more about Robyn and her work, you can visit www.robynarbogast.com and www.puresynergydfw.com