Author and Motivational Speaker, Rob Gentile, found himself on a transformative journey after experiencing a massive heart attack and a profound near-death encounter. Filled with exuberance, he yearned to share his encounters with others, but the euphoria quickly faded as he faced the reality of a failing heart and uncertain future. Determined to fight for his life, Rob had to navigate the challenges of returning to the temporal world. Eventually, his weakened body gave way again, leading him to a second ethereal experience where he received even deeper truths. MysticMag has the privilege of chatting with Rob.
Can you describe your near-death experiences and the profound impact they had on your perspective and understanding of life and death?
I’ve had two near-death experiences, and I’ll start by sharing the first one since it set the stage for the most profound one. It happened while I was waiting for a heart transplant in Chicago. Let me begin by explaining how it all unfolded.
I had undergone a minor surgery in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to remove some bone spurs from my neck. After returning to North Carolina, four days later, something unexpected happened. It was around 11:30 at night when, according to my transplant team’s theory, a piece of plaque broke off or a blood clot formed. This blockage ended up in my widow maker artery, causing a massive heart attack.
I had passed out in my bed due to the excruciating pain, so I have no recollection of what took place. At that time, my daughter Maria, who has Rett syndrome, a severe neurological disorder, was 20 years old. Given her condition, my wife thought she might be having a seizure. She hurried down the hall to check on Maria, but to her surprise, Maria was fine. When she turned on the light in the room, she saw me thrashing around on the bed like a fish out of water.
Confused and alarmed, she immediately called an ambulance, and I was rushed to the hospital, just three miles away. The medical professionals quickly realized that I was experiencing a massive heart attack. They administered blood thinners and other medications to stabilize me. The nurse and my wife were in the room, and the nurse reassured her, saying, “He’s fine now. We have called the cardiologist. He’s on his way.”
Unconscious, I lay on the gurney, facing upwards. Suddenly, as soon as the nurse uttered those words, my wife described it as a scene from the movie “The Exorcist.” In an instant, I sprung forward on the gurney, as if someone had grabbed my shirt lapels and pulled me forcefully. My eyes flew open wide, and I shouted out the name “Frosty!” before collapsing backward onto the gurney. I flatlined, and the hospital resounded with a “code blue” alert. The medical team rushed in, desperately trying to revive me for a daunting 20 minutes. I had reached the point of clinical death, with all my organs shutting down.
Eventually, the cardiologist arrived and performed an emergency catheterization through my thigh. He discovered the blockage in my widow maker artery and inserted two stents. Unfortunately, it was too late. I had already entered cardiogenic shock, and I was put on a ventilator, slipping into a four-day coma. That’s how it all began.
Before I continue, there were two noteworthy aspects to this experience. The first was the doctor who refused to give up on me. Normally, after a few minutes, doctors would cease efforts since they assume brain death has occurred. However, a determined doctor named Dr. Shiddhi Patel, persisted in her attempts to revive me until she detected a faint heartbeat. She was the one who truly saved my life. There’s also a spiritual element to this story.
“Frosty” was my brother-in-law, who tragically took his own life just seven weeks before the night I died. At that time, he was living with his parents, who were going through a divorce. Frosty was around my age, 56 years old, and when his mother discovered what had happened, she called me, asking me to go to their house and search his bedroom for any clues as to why he did it. So, on seven different occasions, I entered that room, sifting through a rather gruesome scene. Finally, I found a journal that I handed over to the family. It was intriguing that Frosty appeared to me when I flatlined. On the fourth day, the doctors decided to remove the tubes and warned my wife that I would likely be in a vegetative state. However, as I regained consciousness in the recovery room, I started choking. My wife, who was the first to enter the room, noticed that my arms were paralyzed, and my voice sounded childlike. All I could say was, “It was Frosty! It was Frosty! You have to believe me!” Then, she exclaimed, “Oh my God, it all makes sense now.”
She revealed that right before I flatlined, I suddenly sprung forward on the gurney and shouted Frosty’s name. It was at that moment I fell back and collapsed. The hospital room echoed with the sound of a flatline, and the medical team rushed to perform various procedures for twenty minutes. During that time, all my vital signs had ceased. When I finally regained consciousness, my wife explained the significance of my outburst. Frosty’s message to me was, “I’ve made a big mess of things, and you have to go back and help clean things up. But tell my family I’m in a good place.” This was my first profound near-death experience.
That event marked a significant shift in my belief system, having been raised as a Catholic Christian. In Catholic school, we were taught that suicide led to immediate condemnation to hell. However, Frosty’s message contradicted that belief, assuring me that he was in a good place. This revelation challenged my perspective. Now, let me share the second remarkable incident, which occurred during my stay in Chicago while waiting for a heart transplant.
One word can summarize what both of my near-death experiences taught me: freedom. They provided a profound understanding of the meaning of life and death. As a result, I’m no longer afraid of death. I comprehend that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. This realization brings immense freedom, putting anxiety and stress into perspective. Understanding that we transition into a spiritual existence, from which we originated, is tremendously reassuring. These experiences have shaped my perspective and granted me the freedom to embrace life fully.
How did the messages and experiences you received during your near-death experiences shape your approach to healing and fighting for your life?
Throughout this journey, I have learned that while I underwent a significant paradigm shift in my religious beliefs, I still identify as a Christian. I have come to recognize that we can refer to it by different names, but I personally prefer to call it God. Even though my understanding of the divine and my entire religious framework has evolved, I firmly believe in the existence of a creator.
What I have realized is that in this life, the only aspect we truly have control over is our own actions. However, in the grand scheme of things, the outcomes are ultimately governed by God. These experiences have profoundly influenced my approach to healing and the way I fought for my life. By embracing the concept of letting go, I understood that although I took responsibility for my health during the six-month period following my heart attack and leading up to my heart transplant, I ultimately don’t have control over everything.
During that time, I did my best to care for myself. I exercised and walked around the hospital, refusing to succumb to self-pity. Instead, I developed an exercise program while I was waiting for my new heart. The doctors would come into my room and be amazed at my dedication. With music blaring from my computer, I performed basic exercises to prevent muscle atrophy and keep my muscles as strong as possible. My goal was to ensure that once I received my transplant, my heart would function optimally.
In essence, these near-death experiences taught me to approach healing and fighting for my life with a combination of taking action and surrendering to the greater power. They taught me to let go of the illusion of control and focus on what I can do within my sphere of influence. It was a transformative lesson that shaped my perspective and approach to life, instilling in me a deep sense of faith and trust in the divine order of things.
What motivated you to write a book and share your experiences? How did you navigate the challenge of translating the unexplainable into words?
The motivation behind writing my book and sharing my experiences came from several sources, including doctors, a pastor, a priest, and various individuals who approached me when I began talking about my near-death experiences. Initially, I was hesitant to discuss these experiences because I work as a sales manager in a conservative and mature industry, and I was concerned that my clients would think I’m crazy, potentially impacting my livelihood. However, after my second and most profound near-death experience, I felt compelled to share my story, knowing it could help many people.
In my second experience, I was transported to what I refer to as the ethereal, an in-between place that wasn’t exactly heaven but allowed me to glimpse something otherworldly. It was a space where the veil was lifted just enough for me to experience something extraordinary. I found myself immersed in a vast web of twinkling lights, resembling trillions of woven neurons, creating a tapestry of infinite possibilities. Each light represented a life, and I became part of this interconnected web. It was there that I realized that hurting myself would impact everything connected to me, but spreading love would radiate light throughout the web.
In that ethereal space, my daughter Maria, who has Rett syndrome and has faced immense struggles, appeared before me. She stood there, perfect and whole, emanating a spiritual light that transcended the physical realm. Our communication was not through spoken words but rather a synchronistic and telepathic connection. In that space, I asked Maria questions that had burdened me for years—why she suffered, how I could comfort her, and what I should do. Her response transformed my life. She simply said, “Just love me.”
Overwhelmed, I cried out in that ethereal space, declaring that I never wanted to leave. When my own voice echoed back, affirming that I never wanted to depart that place, my near-death experience came to an end. Witnessing Maria’s perfect and whole presence, I understood that I was sent back to help her navigate this temporal world and guide her safely to the other side. I now know that when we both arrive there, we will have an incredible eternal relationship.
These experiences taught me that what we do in this life matters. The web of lights I witnessed represented the expressions of love and light from human beings. However, some parts of the web were darker, indicating the absence of divine love and light in certain individuals. We have a purpose in this world—to express the gifts we’ve been given. Yet, it is easy to be pulled into darkness by life’s challenges, addictions, or circumstances beyond our control. It is our responsibility to bring forth that love and light, as our actions reflect our spiritual existence.
Writing the book was an attempt to convey the unexplainable in words. It took me three years to complete, and I had a full-time job while caring for Maria, who rarely slept through the night. To tap into the spiritual realm, I woke up at 4:30 in the morning, during that magical hour before sunrise, when the mind is receptive. I would sit at my desk, saying a prayer to let the words come through me, not from me. Some days, nothing would flow, and it could be frustrating. There were times when I felt like giving up, unable to receive the guidance I sought. However, I had been journaling since the day Maria fell ill at 18 months, recording my thoughts and experiences. These journals, along with audio recordings, helped me shape parts of the book when my memory failed me.
In summary, the motivation to write my book and share my experiences stemmed from encounters with doctors, spiritual figures, and the realization that my story could provide solace and inspiration to others. I aimed to convey the ineffable spiritual aspects of my near-death experiences and express the interconnectedness of love and light in our lives.
In your book, Quarks of Light, you mention the importance of staying in spirit through the physical demands of everyday life. Can you elaborate on this concept and how it has influenced your journey?
What I have learned is that when we prioritize nurturing our spirits, it has a positive impact on our physical bodies as well. Although we are limited by our physical form, we are fundamentally spiritual beings. By focusing on feeding our spirits, we can create a ripple effect that nourishes our bodies.
Feeding the spirit involves surrounding ourselves with goodness and positivity. It means seeking out good food, listening to pleasant music, embracing optimistic thoughts, and engaging in hopeful reading. These practices nourish our souls. Even in the midst of a stressful workday, I have learned to step away from my computer, go outside, and take a refreshing walk. Connecting with nature allows me to witness the divine intelligence present in everything around us.
We can establish this connection with the divine in various ways. Deep breathing, recognizing the connection between our hearts and brains, and acknowledging that our feelings often precede our thoughts are all part of this process. Each person may resonate with different methods, but the goal remains the same: staying in tune with our spiritual selves. As we do so, our physical bodies become strengthened and revitalized.
When I received my new heart and had to live in Chicago near the hospital for a year, I faced a challenging period of depression. Being away from my family and longing to return to the ethereal space I experienced during my near-death experiences was a double-edged sword. I knew I had a purpose to fulfill, supporting my daughter Maria and my wife through their own journeys. Yet, I yearned to be back in that spiritual realm where everything was perfect and peaceful.
Every morning, I would meditate and attempt to climb that ladder back into the spiritual realm. However, I would come crashing back down to reality. It was a struggle. However, with the help of a friend, I realized that we don’t have to physically leave Earth to experience the divine. The key is learning to recognize the divine in everything around us. It’s through acts of kindness, compassion, and love. It’s in understanding the intricate beauty of nature and appreciating its incredible design. By seeing the divine in all things, we navigate this earthly journey and find solace in our broken bodies, knowing that there is a spiritual place awaiting us.
In summary, by prioritizing our spiritual well-being and recognizing the divine in all aspects of life, we can strengthen our physical bodies and find fulfillment in our earthly existence.
Could you share some of the insights and lessons you learned during your spiritual awakening, particularly regarding unity, oneness, and our true identity?
When I became a part of that interconnected web, where each spark of light represented a life, I realized the profound truth that if I hurt myself, I would also harm everything connected to me. Conversely, when I radiated love and light, it illuminated the path for others. This experience conveyed a message of unity and oneness. I understood that my identity was not defined by my race, religion, or physical body. Instead, I was a part of the divine love and light of the creator.
Initially, I felt disappointed that I didn’t encounter a divine being during my near-death experiences. However, in that ethereal realm, God conveyed concepts to me that I deeply comprehended. I understood that God represented the divine source, the foundation for everything. God affirmed, “I am the power behind all things. This is your true identity.” It became clear to me that we all originate from this divine source of love and light. It is our true identity, and we should not solely associate ourselves with the struggles or limitations we inherit from our parents. We are not defined by our circumstances; we are derived from this source of divine love and light. Whether we refer to it as God, divine source, or divine intelligence, it all points to the same truth.
Now that I know this truth, I no longer question my identity. I understand that our essence is rooted in the divine. This realization invites us to embrace our inherent connection to the divine and recognize the profound truth of our true identity.
If you would like to find out more about Rob, visit www.robagentile.com