Rev. Antonio Dixon’s soul journey is to aid and assist in fostering positive healing growth on all levels, in a way that best suits the individual. For that he uses Reiki and he’s known as the Reiki Reverend. In this special interview for MysticMag we talked about when he discovered Reiki, the different types of energy healing that he teaches and more.
When did you discover Reiki and that you wanted to help people with your knowledge?
I first heard of Reiki from my mentor as a late teenager, he was a Reiki Master himself but encouraged me to find another Master to teach me. Aside from Reiki, he helped me discover a lot about myself and my path. Most importantly, his subtle-yet-stern lessons helped me mature as a young man. One weekend, my mentor invited me to a weekend festival in Pennsylvania that had a few spiritual workshops. Reiki was one of them.
The teacher there was very kind and had a calm demeanor. My desire to learn Reiki was honestly magnetic from my moments after meeting her. I had learned a lot about energy work from my own studies and practices, but Reiki was different. Instead of calling the energy or willing it towards her, she simply allowed the energy to flow freely through her as she started the workshop by demonstrating Reiki on a participant. The entire time she did this, she was explaining Reiki and its history so effortlessly that I had almost forgot she was channeling Reiki. From that moment, I had to understand Reiki for myself.
I completed the first of two workshops, and received my attunement the following day. I initially signed up for Reiki level 1 and 2 workshops over the weekend, but I missed the second workshop by chance conversation with someone about the Tarot. While I was a bit upset, I knew that my journey with Reiki was only beginning.
I have had the personal goal of helping others from a young age. Reiki gave my the focus I needed to channel that desire into a career path that worked with the world of spirit I commonly found myself in.
Can you please present to us your services? And how does your energy healing course work?
I work with healing methods such as Reiki, and intuitive methods such as the Akashic Records to help guide others along their healing journey. I teach most of my healing and psychic techniques with offered spiritual, life, and business coaching.
All of my services are offered online and can be completed with optional minimal contact from me. No phone or video needed. My courses are all self-paced with reading and practice exercises and optional live instruction. Students of any course may receive several benefits for my services and events just by signing up. These benefits range from discounts to unique services offered only to students. For example, I have a chat group on Facebook for students to network and share information. Students who also want to start or advance their careers online as professionals can sign up for my web hosting, page building, and admin services. With this, we work together closely to develop services, market, and create new content on blogs or video/podcast.
I’m still developing more benefits for students as well, any current benefits are on my website for anyone to see before they sign up.
You teach different types of energy healing. Do you believe that anyone has that space and intuition to learn and even teach afterwards or is it something that only a few people can do?
I believe that we are all capable of healing. That all being said, we can also be very unique people from each other. It may come in error to believe that one way of doing can be the same for everyone. Instead, I feel that it is possible for those who want to expand their abilities to heal to receive benefit from learning a new technique or studying how energy healing works in general. The same principal applies with other methods and ideas too. I’ve personally learned a lot about energy healing from learning more about science and even magick.
When we begin to expand our knowledge from any place, there is a chance for it to benefit other ways we are already familiar with. As we are all individual, I can only believe that everyone has the capacity to heal. As individuals who are naturally capable to both heal and grow, I feel that teaching may not be for everyone, but by learning how to grow, we can also teach others how to heal. Everyone is capable of Reiki, it is the life force that governs us. How we may teach Reiki to others is on an individual’s basis to teach in general. How they already teach, and how they wish to teach.
What are the most common issues and blocks that people bring and ask for your help to surpass and have a more fulfilling life?
I have recently received more inquires about entity removal and psychic protection. From here, the concerns range to mental/emotional healing or healing from the past. The blockages that most people understand in their present moment generally motivate or release from a person’s inward desire to heal or resolve their feelings, thoughts, or past.
Do you believe that there’s a special age or moment in your life to learn Reiki and invest in your spiritual side or is it a work for all-times and whenever you feel the need?
I don’t feel like there is a special age to learn Reiki, but I would always encourage those who seek it to seek their lessons responsibly, and represent Reiki with respect and care. I believe that to learn Reiki is to understand it. Its insights can help us keep a balance in life. To practice Reiki is to understand your ability to be healthier from Reiki’s benefit. To maintain an optimal flow of Reiki, daily practice is best. Those who choose to teach Reiki may eventually acknowledge that Reiki is ever growing. That someone’s path with Reiki may never end in life.
How does your life coaching and spiritual guidance differ from services that other professionals offer?
My coaching services cover spiritual life, general life, and business. I coach compassionately, and not from a strict perspective, but I am a pretty stern accountability coach. As for diversity, I have learned from different sources and can offer unique perspectives or insights. My coaching clients have come to me for guidance and perspective with their spiritual paths, business development, mental health and wellness, general advice, and discovering/developing their spiritual gifts. For those who have changing needs for their coaching sessions, I am also currently available by request for phone, video, or email/messenger coaching.
My coaching sessions are non-specific by default, and as such I offer open 1-session and 4-session packages for whatever my clients may want help with in the moment or a set plan. As with all of my services, 15-minute consultations are free.
Can you please share with us a special message in these challenging times?
Healing comes from within us all. As I live and breathe, I am Reiki. So too, are you and those dear to you. We all come from life, and flow in life until we are one with life. Ever flowing, ever moving.
We are in the now a bit more worried from time to time. This feeling can come from us, but it does not need to become us. Our next steps come with greater clarity when we acknowledge what we are worried about. Just for today, let us consider our next steps without worry.
Tensions have risen for several parts of the world as our eyes turn to the sky for light. The light exists because we know it to exist, even if lost in moments of imbalance or anger. When we acknowledge that light, those feelings can lessen and a fire calm to warmth. Just for today, let us remember the light we have within, and seek our inward balance.
Scarcity has swept many during these times. Our work or vocation has become more important to us in multiple ways that have left some with less clarity. Others have sought balance within, but have left others without. Others have left their balance and taken from those who have kept to themselves and pushed others out. As we learn to go without, it is just as important to remember what we have to share with others or keep. Sometimes, the best gift is kindness. Just for today, may we remember our world as a whole and woven part of our conscious collective. How we work can affect others, how we choose to work can affect all.
As important as the negative things may be, within it too lay our blessings. Our fruits of labor and grace in universal accord. Let us remember, just for today, to be thankful for our many blessings as a people. That we can see the light of Reiki from within, and heal ourselves in its gifts. I have love for each and every being, I will continue to pray for our tomorrow.