Step into the realm of personal transformation with Regina Fridkin, a dedicated life coach and energy healer, as she unveils her journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Inspired by her own profound transformation, Regina’s coaching philosophy centers on authenticity and aligning with one’s true purpose. Join us as we explore Regina’s unique blend of Reconnective Healing, cleansing, and blessing, and discover details about her upcoming book. MysticMag has the pleasure.
How did you venture into coaching, and what inspired you to follow this professional path?
At the end of 2018, I found myself at a crossroads searching for my life’s purpose. The profound personal transformation I underwent after just a few sessions with a life coach was what inspired me to become one. Having spent much of my career working closely with people, I had naturally been mentoring and coaching even before formally recognizing it as my path. To be able to help people see their divinity is the most amazing thing I can do.
Can you share some key principles or philosophies that underpin your coaching approach?
My way of coaching is all about being authentic and honest. I think it’s important for people to be true to themselves and not just follow what others want for them. Life is too short to live out someone else’s dreams. In my coaching, I help my clients stay on track with their goals and discover what makes them happy, and the importance of understanding their superpower. When we have sessions, it’s all about the client. They do most of the talking, and I listen carefully. I ask questions and give guidance and assignments that help them figure out what’s really important to them. All of this happens in a space where they can feel safe to share without being judged.
What is Reconnective Healing and how does it work?
Reconnective Healing is a hands-off approach to energy healing that facilitates a connection to your authentic self. It’s designed to assist with a wide range of physical and emotional challenges by re-establishing your connection to the universe’s inherent energy. This process encourages a state of awareness and presence. In my reconnective energy healing sessions, I set an environment where clients can shut out external disturbances, quiet their minds, and connect to their hearts. During these sessions, they learn to receive what is meant for them. Alignment for mind, body, and soul.
You also do Cleansing and Blessing. What can you tell me about that part of your work?
Cleansing is learning to let go of what no longer serves us. I come into people’s new homes and businesses conducting energetic cleansing, allowing for energy flow and abundance. Blessing for love, light, and overall well-being. I use various methods such as smudging with sage and palo santo as well as sacred geometry.
What other services do you offer?
I conduct mindfulness workshops on awareness and gratitude. I teach classes on visualization, vision boards, thoughts becoming things, and the law of attraction. I also do guided meditations.
Is there anything else about your work that you’d like to share that we haven’t covered?
I wrote a book on conscious parenting, nurturing the connection. It just came out and you’ll be able to find it for purchase on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. This book is intended to be an inspiration to parents connecting with their children, nurturing their talents, and not forcing on them what they did not become. It’s important for us to be true to ourselves and teach our kids to be authentic so they can thrive and be happy. It is also available for purchase at www.balboapress.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/848868-conscious-parenting
To learn more about Regina and her work, you can visit www.reginacoaching.com