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Finding Your Own Truth - Psychic Sharon Samsel

Finding Your Own Truth - Psychic Sharon Samsel

Psychic Sharon Sampsel, raised in a large, deeply religious family in the Bible Belt, discovered her psychic gifts early in life but initially tried to ignore them, as did her family. It wasn’t until her late twenties, during a difficult divorce, that meditation helped her fully unlock and embrace her abilities. After years of mastering her gifts, she was called by spirit to use her talents professionally, helping others gain clarity and guidance. Sharon believes a good psychic provides honest insights, empowering individuals to make choices that best serve their lives. She is an award-winning clairvoyant with over 20 years of experience and an 85% – 95% accuracy rate, is one of California’s most sought-after psychics, renowned for her spiritual communication, 5-star ratings, and popular radio shows like “Psychic Talk” and “The Two Psychic Chicks Radio Show” on The Voice of Sacramento. MysticMag finds out more.

Sharon, your journey into clairvoyance began during a difficult time in your life, after learning to meditate. How did this pivotal experience shape your approach to helping clients find balance and clarity during their own personal challenges?

My very first reading lasted 2 hours and cost me $50 (an unheard of amount at the time). I walked away wondering if I still needed to quit my job or not. I was looking for answers and clarification. I got neither. I am a direct, honest reader who reads the way I want to be read. I give answers and directions. I am funny and compassionate. You either love me or hate me. Most love me and if you hate me I will not charge you a dime.

You mention that everyone in your family has psychic abilities, though most chose to ignore them. How did your upbringing in a religious family influence your path as a psychic, and what was the moment you realized you would fully embrace your gifts?

My family is deeply spiritual, even if they don’t realize it. Two of my brothers are preachers, and every morning, my father and brothers wake up to read the Bible. My sister reads cards. Spirituality is just part of our lives.
As a psychic, I can see where my family’s psychic abilities lie, though they see it as simply God’s work. Once I learned to focus my clairvoyance, it became part of my daily life. Some say you can’t look without permission, but that’s not true—I see everything all the time. Reading professionally was the natural next step for me. We often say in the psychic community, if you can do this for five years and make it work, you’ll be a reader for life. It’s definitely worked for me.
You have an impressive accuracy rate in your readings, with 85%-95% accuracy. What practices or rituals do you engage in to prepare for your readings and maintain such a high level of precision in your spiritual communication?

I came in this way. I just read! My ethics/morality demands that I live my life with mindfulness and gratitude. My advice is to meditate often and know yourself.

As a professional psychic, you emphasize the importance of free will and guiding clients to make their own choices. How do you balance offering insight and foresight while empowering individuals to take control of their own lives?

I just read. The rest is up to them. I take no responsibility for their choices. What they do with the information is their business.

Over the years, you’ve appeared on television, radio shows, and lectured extensively. How has this public exposure influenced your practice, and what misconceptions about psychics and clairvoyants do you aim to dispel through your work and media appearances?

Wow. Hard question. I have not lectured in a long time. I did it because I wanted to and stopped when I no longer wanted to. I didn’t go into this area of my work with any intentions. I was invited to show off and I did. The results were more clients. Some have stayed with me over the years. Others have moved on to the next new thing. I think the most important thing I have to say is that psychics are people with faults and stuff of their own. We don’t have all the answers. We get tired and hungry. Sometimes we need a break to go to the restroom. I’ve had people demand that I read them in the middle of the night. Or when I’m spending time with my family.
My motto is “My Gift, My Talent, My Choice”. Push me and my choice will be NO!. Show me common courtesy and respect and I will read my heart out for you. I average 30 to 50 readings a week so I’m good!

If you would like to find out more about Psychic Sharon Samsel, please visit https://psychicsharonsampsel.com/

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Sarah Kirton
Content Editor
Content Editor
Sarah Kirton is a Content Editor at MysticMag. She focuses on exploring diverse holistic therapies, energy healing, and esoteric arts. Her role involves delving into these subjects to bring out meaningful insights from each individual she interviews. With a long-standing spiritual connection, Sarah has dabbled in Reiki (Reiki 1) and tarot, drawn by the fascinating power of energy and its healing potential. As a freelance writer for the past five years, she has honed her ability to craft compelling narratives around these topics. Sarah is also a mother to a 6-year-old, whom she considers her greatest teacher. Outside of her spiritual work, she enjoys water sports, appreciating the energy and power of nature, which aligns with her love for the healing and transformative aspects of the natural world.