Priscila Alfaro from Coaching for the Soul is an Intuitive Medium. She grew up in Costa Rica and readings are available in both Spanish and English. She was gracious enough to share some of her views and experiences with MysticMag.
What is an Intuitive Medium exactly and how did this journey evolve?
An Intuitive Medium is somebody who can speak to the dead, our loved ones and others in Spirit. I do believe that everybody has this gift but some people have simply developed it more. I grew up in a very strict Catholic family in Costa Rica. Going to church was hugely important for my family and religion certainly played a major role in our upbringing.
I would see Spirits all the time and from a very young age. However, it was something that was not taken seriously in my family and was even frowned upon. I pushed this away for a long time, and so much so that I decided to pursue a career in numbers and completed a doctorate in quantitative research.
When I fell pregnant with my son, almost twelve years ago, the gifts that I had been holding back just flourished and exploded. I even thought that I was perhaps schizophrenic and sought advice from a couple of psychotherapists. I eventually came across some information on Mediumship Development Circles. I went along to see what it was all about. The moment I arrived, I felt that it was there that I belonged. I could see the same things that other ladies were telling me about myself. From here on I realized that I wasn’t a ‘fruit loop’ and took classes in mediumship and found different mentors for different stages of my journey. I have not looked back since.
What approach do you use when working with your clients?
I do two different types of readings; Psychic Intuitive readings and Mediumship readings. During Mediumship readings, I connect with the person’s energy and the energy of their loved ones. Usually people come to me with a person in mind who they intend to connect with but I always explain that there is no guarantee who will show up. I connect with the energies and transmit the messages. Sometimes for a Psychic reading I may include the practice of the oracle.
What role does Higher Consciousness play in your practice, if any?
In order for us to develop our intuition, we really have to be in line with and connected to our Soul. We need to be in that level of higher consciousness to connect with our loved ones in the Spirit world.
Do you believe that learning about our past lives is a prerequisite for living a fulfilled and happy ‘present’ life?
I don’t feel that it is a prerequisite, however in my experience learning about our past lives really helps us understand our present lives. Sometimes by understanding our past lives we are able to make the connection, let things go and be happier in our present life.
There are some people who don’t believe in past lives and who still live happy and fulfilled lives. It is therefore not a prerequisite.
Does everybody have a Soul Purpose and how difficult is it, in your experience, to find and uphold?
There are different schools of thought but, in my belief, our purpose here on Earth is to expand, learn and have different experiences. We all have a soul purpose but I feel sometimes it is a little mystified. I think we simply have to be true to ourselves and understand life and this wonderful journey. We need to allow life to happen and go with the flow. I remember reading a book by Michael A. Singer called The Surrender Experiment – My Journey into Life’s Perfection, which describes this exact process.
If you would like to find out more about Priscila Alfaro and Coaching for the Soul, visit https://careercoachingforthesoul.com/