The Missing link in treating musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction
MysticMag has the absolute pleasure of chatting with Paul Lamb, a seasoned energy healer with over twenty-five years of experience in the field (https://www.paulmlamb.com/). With a diverse background in Tai Chi, Qigong, and traditional Chinese and Western complementary healing practices spanning over forty years, Paul brings a wealth of knowledge to his practice. He holds certifications as a New Jersey Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Quantum Touch Practitioner, Certified Medical Qigong Therapist, Master Level Reflexologist, Reiki Master, and more. Paul’s expertise extends beyond healing modalities; he is also a certified instructor of Qigong and Tai Chi, as well as Mind Body Self Healing Techniques.
After having completed Quantum Touch Level 2, Paul went on to develop Core Distortion correction skills which he now practices in person or via distance healing. I was privileged enough to experience a distance healing session with Paul. We had a preliminary chat on the phone, where I told Paul which parts of my body were taking strain or simply how my body feels in general. We set up a time for the following day to carry out the healing session. The next day Paul and I spoke briefly on the phone again before the session began. I then relaxed, and waited for Paul to send me a message putting an end to the treatment.
During the session, I felt numerous sensations: tingling, numbness, heaviness and buzzing. The following day, I felt lighter and certain problem areas felt less tense and relieved. This is, according to Paul, a lifelong correction and I am inclined to believe him. Paul elaborates more on Core Distortion correction below.
Paul, what initiated your journey into energy healing and how did you become proficient in various modalities such as Quantum Touch, Medical Qigong Therapy, and Reiki?
My journey into energy healing began with my long-held interest in health and wellness.
After a number of years of practicing tai chi and qigong, I realized that I wanted to go into healing. I began by completing training to become a master level reflexologist.
I then met, and trained for 2 1/2 years with, a Chinese medical qigong therapy master (Chinese energy healing.) I was inspired and felt a natural fit with this modality because of its effectiveness and because it incorporated qigong practices for the development of the practitioner’s own life force energy qi/chi to be able to successfully practice medical qigong therapy by utilizing acupressure points, massage techniques and by working with energy within and around the recipient’s body.
I went to massage school to become licensed to work with people. A few years later I was introduced to Quantum Touch, an effective energy modality that incorporates body and breath awareness, the principles of resonance and entrainment, and light touch. Results from incorporating QuantumTouch were so impressive that I continued on to study Quantum Touch level 2.
I found Quantum Touch Level 2 to be very inspiring and a true paradigm shift in healing possibilities. It uses the same principles as Level one but emphasizes heart energy and works without touching the body.
Quantum Touch 2 led me to develop my ability to do Core Distortion correction not only with in-person healing but also with distance healing.
Proficiency comes with interest and practice – and I am interested and I like to practice.
Can you explain what Core Distortion is exactly and how correcting it can alleviate various health conditions and prevent the need for joint replacement surgery?
Core Distortion is the name given to an underlying structural imbalance that apparently we are all born with and is responsible for the majority of the musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction that we experience.
In the Core Distortion, which affects the entire structure of the body, the sphenoid and occipital bones in the skull are twisted relative to each other throughout life, causing a parallel twisted imbalance of the hips in almost everyone.
The sphenoid is the first bone formed in the human embryo. It looks like a butterfly or bat and sits deep behind the eyes and nose. Some osteopaths call it the “GOD” bone, for the Geometry of the Divine.
It is thought that Quantum Touch 2 works through the super intelligence of the body and or universe.
“Apparently most, if not al,l children are born with the condition. Recorded measurements of the pelvic angles in infants up to one year of age show an average 20% difference between the right ilium (hip) and left ilium, with the left ilium rotated forward and the right ilium rotated backward’ 1.
“It’s clear that normal children are born with the Core Distortion, creating imbalances and weaknesses throughout the body” says Don McCann, discoverer of Core Distortion . “The injuries, stresses and developmental patterns that occur throughout their lives results in further collapse, creating musculoskeletal problems.” 1
When there is a misalignment of the bones, such as the hips being uneven, there is a weakening of functional muscle strength, creating strain patterns around the joints.
This can lead to the premature deterioration of joints from an inability to stabilize under stress, resulting in imbalanced movement, which contributes to premature deterioration of cartilage and ligaments.
A single Quantum Touch energy healing session done with distance healing or in person, can correct this imbalance and contribute to a structural re-aligning and straightening of the body and hips and to far-reaching and lifelong-lasting health benefits.
Pain reduction and full functionality become available as does the potential for peak performance, while overall stamina, strength, flexibility, organ function efficiency and energy can be maximized. It can facilitate a healthier and more comfortable aging process.
Your work with Quantum Touch energy healing to correct Core Distortion sounds fascinating. Can you explain how this technique works, both in person and through distance healing?
Quantum Touch is effective because the operative scientific principle utilized is resonance and entrainment. Pluck the G string of a harp, and the G string of another instrument in the room will vibrate sympathetically in resonant union.
In Quantum Touch theory, energy directed from the heart (the “H” string) is a high vibrational life force energy. When this energy is directed with intention to the sphenoid bone the recipient’s body utilizes this high vibrational energy and corrects and balances their Core Distortion.
Yes, without touching the body, by just directing heart energy with intention to a person’s sphenoid bone, can balance the sphenoid /occipital twist in the skull and simultaneously balance the hips all in a matter of moments – and the correction lasts a lifetime.
For distance healing, I first have a phone consultation to ask some questions and to explain how the session will proceed. I ask for a photo of the person and then at the agreed upon time I call to briefly check in and remind them to sit back and relax for about an hour.
After looking at the photo I am able to connect with the person’s energy field. I then draw energy into my body utilizing my body and breath awareness focusing on my heart area. When I feel that I am ready, I begin sending heart energy. When the session is complete, I send a text saying we are complete. Later we will do a phone review of the session. A more detailed description of the distance healing process is on the Distance Healing page on my website.
Do you believe you are able to bridge the gap between what you call “the missing link in our healthcare system’s ability to treat musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction”?
The missing link is the lack of awareness on the part of practitioners and our healthcare system that there is an underlying structural imbalance, the Core Distortion, and how to correct it.
Yes, using Quantum Touch I have corrected the Core Distortion of many dozens of people, and with the far-reaching health benefits. (See the testimonials on my website)
With over 25 years of experience, what advice do you have for individuals seeking holistic healing or considering energy healing as part of their wellness journey?
My advice would be to have an idea of what you are seeking to resolve.
Do a little research on your issue about who may be best able to help you.. Ask for referrals, read practitioner’s information, websites, testimonials. See what may resonate with you and have a conversation with the person. If they are not helpful, keep looking. In some cases you may want to work with more than one practitioner.
1, “The Energy Practitioners Seeking To Fix Spinal Distortion,” an article in the Magazine “What Doctor’s Don’t Tell You”
If you would like to find out more about Paul Lamb, please visit https://www.paulmlamb.com/