We have the honor of sitting down with Patricia Putt, a gifted psychic. Patricia’s unique abilities have allowed her to tap into the realms of intuition and provide profound insights to her clients. With a reputation spanning many years, she has become renowned for her accurate readings and guidance. Patricia’s dedication to helping others navigate life’s challenges and find clarity in their paths has made her a trusted advisor. Today, Mystic Mag will delve into Patricia’s extraordinary journey, exploring the fascinating world of psychic abilities, her experiences, and the impact she has had on those who seek her guidance.
Can you tell us about your experience with regressive hypnotherapy and how it led to the revelation of your psychic name, Ankhara? How has this discovery influenced your spiritual journey?
My Egyptian past does not actually work too much with me, as strangely my Spirit Guide is Judean (Jewish) I have never been allowed to give his name in public, so please do not ask.
The only time Egypt really comes into my life is when watching a programme on television and they are in Egypt, then I keep saying things mostly disagreeing with the experts.
I had always wondered who it was that stood by me when I knew it wasn’t a guide, but could never quite make her out. Until one day I was invited to visit a Christian Spiritualist Church as they were having a Regressive Hypnotist visiting and they thought I might be interested. As this was a Church I had worked in often as the Medium, I couldn’t say no.
It was a Saturday evening when I walked into the Church and was introduced to Simon, shaking hands with me and smiling. He said, “Are you going to be one of my test subjects?” I shook my head, those tricks I said are for fools, I don’t believe in it. Walking away from me I heard him say, we’ll see.
A few minutes after we had all sat down, Simon stood up and started introducing himself and his work. I sat there totally disinterested and frankly a little bored. He then asked for volunteers, and about ten men and women got up, and he spoke to them, touched them gently on the left shoulder then asked each one in turn who they were. Well this is when I was more than ready to start laughing. Out of the ten we had I think three of Anny Boleyn’s two Henry VIII two I can’ remember who but one did interest me he said he was a Buddhist Monk in Tibet. I knew from his speech and mannerism there was no way in which he was acting. After this young man, Simon touched them all in turn on the left shoulder and they were once more themselves.
We broke for tea and cakes. Then he returned and said I now want only one person to come up, turning he looked at me and said You, no refusal. Afraid of being made a fool of again, I did try to refuse but the people I knew at the Church pushed me forward. I walked up to the front of the Church, stood looking at Simon. He said something I can’t recall then touched my left shoulder. That was the end of my moment of clarity.
I have always had three favourite colours, they are Purple, Gold and Lapis Lazuli, the blue stone you see on all Egyptian masks etc.
You will have to bear with me because it was many years ago and something that happens in a Hypnotism is either never remembered or clear.
I suddenly felt there was a young girl standing beside me, yet I felt she was me. We were two in one. As symbiotic as I am with my Guide when working. I remember being asked some questions, no recall of them whatsoever, one was my name Ankhara was the instant reply. Where had she lived she said in El Armana and described as she had known it. Then I was asked when I died and the answer in my nineteenth summer in childbirth. I think he then asked me to speak in the Egyptian tongue, I have no recall of that at all, except I had a sore throat for three days afterwards. Then Simon touched my left shoulder. I came back with a start, had difficulty taking in my surroundings, was given a cup of tea that I took with shaking hands, Simon just looked at me and said now you know.
I understood his meaning.
On my arrival home I did tell my husband and our daughter and her boyfriend who laughed at me, then a few months later on the BBC there was a television programme about El Armana, and the Archaeologists described it exactly as Ankhara had described it, no one in my family ever laughed again.
What type of services do you offer?
Readings, Investigations, all kinds of help as required. My real ambition is to work with Archaeologists and Historians. in fact if you send me a telephone number with a WhatsApp app I can send you the voices of children singing Baa Baa Black Sheep.
I enjoy Readings but really love Investigations. I have the Spirit of Jack the Ripper. I know who murdered a very famous Rock Star in 1969, I know a secret hidden in a Church on a mountain in France, yes I love investigations and would be so very happy if I was invited to work in Egypt.
What drew you to the ancient history of Egypt, and how does it inspire or inform your work as a spiritual medium?
As you probably know I was born and brought up in India, my life as a young girl was very awkward because I knew from the age of four that I could see and talk to people no one could or did. As a Convent Girl you can imagine it causes me more than enough problems.
As to my interest in Egypt, it was apparent to my Mother and sisters that all things Egyptian fascinated me, when playing with friends my sister said I would put a scarf on my head and say that was how princesses looked in another country. When I was 11 years old our Convent had a visit from an Archaeologist and you can only imagine my excitement when he said he was going to talk about Tun Ankh Amun. At the end of the lecture he mentioned the death of that young King, to my intense embarrassment I remember shouting his death was not an accident it was murder by our Uncle Ay. Needless to say from that day to the time I left India I had to put up with a lot of rudeness. people saying I was mad. When my mother was told, I can still see her face now, embarrassed and frightened.
By the age of ten not only had I seen and spoken to my father, not strange to you. should be, he passed into Spirit two weeks before I was born. I was also having Out of Body experiences but did not know what they were, I just had to get on with life. The only person who understood me was an old Sadhu (Indian Holy Man) who used to sit near our compound.
As a spiritual medium, how do you connect with and communicate with spirits? Can you describe the process or techniques you use during a mediumship session?
The important thing you need to know is we do not call on Spirit, when I am working they come to me, family and friends of Clients they visit me, I never call them. There have been occasions when I have picked up something tragic that has happened, I knew about the Tsunami in 2004, I had a lady come to see me and I told her to change her holiday, thank goodness she did. But we never call on the Spirit they call on us. I have lived with this Gift for so many years that honestly it is just who I am and what I do. It is not unusual for a friend or family member to ring me up and say they have mislaid something, can we my spirit friends and I help, sometimes we do sometimes not. I have found missing persons and sadly they have passed.
Having been born with the Gift I don’t use any techniques, before a Reading I take a minute to meditate, ask Spirit to help me be Honest, Accurate and work with integrity.
How do you approach the topic of death and the afterlife in your work? What insights or beliefs have you gained about the continuation of consciousness beyond physical life?
When talking about a Passing I am very tactful and gentle, many have passed very suddenly so I have to remember that. Others have passed violently. One was a man who was murdered and shot in the face, he gave me his killer’s name. I have sometimes been told that a post mortem result given was wrong, and they talk about their funerals saying that they enjoyed it. That the family had done exactly as was wanted. No tricks with me. Also as I am a Trans Medium when in certain places I can speak for those who have passed.
How do you integrate your spiritual beliefs and practices into your daily life? Are there any rituals or routines that you follow to maintain a strong connection with your spiritual path?
I am a practicing Roman Catholic. My Parish Priest knows who I am and what I do. We often talk about it, to me being Psychic is just something I am, I live with, it is as real to me as my family and breathing. Not a problem to me. As I said before, no techniques, no tricks, no cards just Spirit and me and my Client.