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MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.

Patti's Spiritual Journey: An Energy Healer's Perspective

Patti's Spiritual Journey: An Energy Healer's Perspective

In the charming town of Gosport, situated along the breathtaking South Coast of England, resides Patricia, affectionately known as Patti. With a profound connection to the spiritual realm, Patti has dedicated many years to the practice of Energy Healing at the Spiritualist Church.

Immersed in the realm of pure Angel Energy, Patti draws inspiration from the ancient art of Tarot. For her, life unfolds as a spiritual journey, and Tarot serves as an invaluable guide, offering insights to navigate the complexities of various life domains.

Patti, characterized by a deep empathy for others, takes pride in providing a friendly, honest, and detailed service to those seeking spiritual guidance. Her commitment to 100% customer satisfaction underscores her passion for helping individuals make informed and positive choices.

Beyond her spiritual pursuits, Patti finds joy in spending leisure moments with her family, relishing the companionship of her dogs, and immersing herself in the serenity of the outdoors and nature. As Patti warmly expresses, she looks forward to the possibility of our paths crossing, guided by the threads of destiny.

Learn more about this amazing person in the latest MysticMag interview.

As an Online Psychic and Tarot Reader, how do you establish a connection with clients in a virtual setting, and how does the online platform impact the energy exchange and intuitive insights during a reading?

It is of utmost importance to choose a platform that is convenient for me and my client. I pay attention to my background, lighting, and the ambiance around me. A short meditation and visualization practice before every reading connects me to my guides, helpers, and universal energies.

Clients must feel comfortable with me and my energies, so I will always introduce myself, what they can expect from their session, and if they have any questions or worries before we start. I make sure the client knows that nothing we do can harm them or their energies. Everything is done with love and light. I also ask for protection for both of us. I put a lot of detail into protection work, especially as I work with many souls. They often have experienced trauma in their lives and need to learn to release those energies that are holding them back from living their full potential.

I make sure the client has ALL my attention and focus – I listen, and let them speak. During a Tarot reading, I show and explain the cards clearly.

To me, there is no difference between meeting a client Face-to-face or connecting virtually, as energies don’t depend on distance. Energies depend on the intentions and beliefs of everyone involved. Although many clients prefer the Face to Face as it can make them feel more connected. But that again completely depends on their own beliefs, their spiritual knowledge, and how they feel comfortable. Once I’m connected to my guides and the universal energies, they bring forward what the client needs to hear at this time. I work on complete trust.

In your practice of Manifestation Coaching, how do you guide clients in aligning their intentions with their actions, and can you share a success story where your coaching contributed to a significant manifestation or positive life change for a client?

Aligning intentions to actions can be achieved by clarifying what the intentions are first. I try to encourage my clients to clearly define their intentions. What do they truly desire to manifest? Many people are not specific enough in what they want. I help my clients to be as specific and detailed as they possibly can be. Then I motivate and guide my clients through various visualization exercises. E.g. where they can see themselves achieving their goals and desires. How does it feel? Stay in that moment for a while, absorb the energies. Visualization will help to reinforce my clients’ intentions and align their consciousness with their subconscious mind.

Most clients struggle with their limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs about themselves very often stems from childhood, the opinions, and the expectations of others. Words that have hurt in the past have become their reality, their belief system. They have accepted this as their truth and integrated these into their stories. The stories they have been telling themselves for a long time. In my courses, I help clients to re-write their stories. See where they stem from, what has happened? Why do they still carry that burden with them?

I help my clients to identify any limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns that may be holding them back. I encourage them to reframe and rewrite these beliefs in a more positive and empowering way. I like to empower my clients. So many of us give our power away – I teach my beautiful clients how to claim back their power and become liberated. I am a big believer in gratitude – the more gratitude we experience and truly feel in our hearts, the faster clients will be able to align with their real soul’s purpose.

I pride myself in being consistent, reliable, and relatable – I work with total honesty and make sure my clients understand that manifestation is no Hocus pocus, the work must come from them. I can guide them onto their path, be supportive, and show up but the gratitude, consistency, and determination to work towards their goals must come from my clients. We all have personal responsibilities to find and follow our paths.

If I had to pick an example of a positive life change in one of my clients (there have been many) it would be the lovely story of a lady who visited me because she felt completely lost in life. She had no direction, dreams, or ideas. First, we established that she had to find her own identity again. This was lost over the years of being a mother, a wife, etc. I encouraged her to reconnect with herself again.

Who was she? What were her values, what did she like, and what truly interested her? When did her dreams get lost? Or when did she give up on being her? Who is she when she has the chance to be alone?

After she practiced a bit of soul searching, she allowed herself to dream again. She always wanted to start her own business and bring her creativity back to the surface, which she had suppressed for such a long time. She had extremely limiting beliefs and negative thoughts about failing, not being good enough, etc. I encouraged her to step outside her comfort zone. Connect to the energies of excitement instead of fear. We thought of affirmations that can help her to reprogram her mind until it reaches her subconscious mind and negative thoughts could be replaced by a positive “can do” mindset. Visualize her being successful, people and family congratulating her on her achievement. Stay in the moment of this feeling – absorb it and make it your own.

My lovely client moved forward in big steps and the further she went, the more confident she became. Nothing can hold her back now. She has escaped the prison of her mind, and nobody is prouder of her than I am.

How do you integrate your skills as a Psychic and Tarot Reader into your Manifestation Coaching sessions, and how do these modalities complement each other in helping clients achieve their goals and desires?

I find that by integrating all my skills into a manifestation coaching session, I offer a unique way of approaching my clients’ different needs. 

I rely and trust on my intuition and psychic abilities. This helps me to tune into my clients’ energies, which gives me an idea of what they are going through, their feelings, etc. It can be very helpful to identify potential obstacles, opportunities, or areas of focus for manifestation. It also helps me to sense and clear energetic blocks that may be hindering my client’s manifestation efforts. 

Tarot is a fantastic way to provide my clients with additional perspectives and insights. It’s an amazing tool for exploring subconscious patterns, identifying limiting beliefs, and again gaining clarity on the steps needed for the manifestation program. 

Symbolism also plays a big part. Angel numbers, spirit signs, synchronicities, etc. My clients are often not spiritually advanced and not always knowledgeable about signs sent to them from the spirit realm. I love to help my clients recognize and interpret meaningful signs in their lives. This can help my clients to stay aligned with their manifestation.

Through my empathy and intuition, I can provide emotional support and empowerment to my clients as they work through the ups and downs of their journey. I offer a safe space, reassurance, and encouragement to explore their desires and challenges. I fully respect my clients’ beliefs and boundaries. 

As an Online Psychic, how do you address skepticism or doubts that some clients may have regarding virtual readings, and what strategies do you use to ensure a meaningful and accurate experience for them?

I do this by establishing trust and credibility. I communicate what they can expect from their session. I will explain the process, how I connect with them, and that I completely understand why they might have doubts. There are a lot of fraudsters out there, especially in the virtual world and I think it’s a good thing to be cautious. I aim to be completely transparent and to offer reassurance. 

I share positive feedback, reviews, and experiences from previous clients. This usually helps people to be willing to give it a try and be open-minded to the experience. I trust that my guides and helpers only bring me clients that match and blend with me and my energies. 

In the context of Manifestation Coaching, how do you help clients overcome limiting beliefs or blockages that may be hindering their ability to manifest their desires, and how does your intuitive insight contribute to this process?

I try to help my clients to find the deeper meaning of life by seeing new things in their day-to-day lives. Limiting beliefs often stem from life scripts, stories that we have been telling ourselves for a long time. These life scripts can be very damaging to us – I help my clients create new life stories. Help them to see that limiting beliefs often stem from other peoples’ opinions, expectations, and limitations. I will explain how Intentions create reality. The first powerful step is to recognize how their low-level thoughts negatively affect their life. I begin the manifesting process by encouraging my clients to be honest about how their low-level thoughts, energies, and feelings of disbelief block them from receiving what they truly desire. Once they get clear about their blocks, we can begin to clean them up to clear space for positive manifestation. 

It’s again important to create a safe environment. Identifying limiting beliefs works best by asking probing questions and engaging in open dialogue. Active listening, empathy, and a general interest in the other person and their journey help them to understand the underlying beliefs that may be holding them back. 

Identifying negative self-talk is another way to tackle this problem. My clients need to realize that their mind is not always their friend, and they need to start taking charge. I teach them to reframe negative thoughts into more positive and empowering narratives.  Affirmations will help through repetition to reinforce positive thinking patterns. 

I encourage my clients to step outside their comfort zones. Most comfort zones are not comfortable, it’s just what we know and where we feel safe. There are so many factors I work on, e.g. identity, values, and low self-confidence. The list goes on. Everyone’s journey is individual, and I adapt to each one. 

We celebrate every single progress together. This reinforces motivation. Every progress – big or small – is important. It’s the small steps that get you the furthest. Clients need to understand that only they can make changes to their lives. They need to take responsibility for how they navigate their journey. We all have choices in life, but choices have consequences. Today we are living our choices from the past. Overcoming limiting beliefs is extremely personal and quite often challenging. I am nonjudgmental, which helps my clients to break free from their mental and emotional barriers. 

Can you share a specific instance where the combination of your skills as an Online Psychic, Tarot Reader, and Manifestation Coach led to a holistic and transformative experience for a client, fostering both spiritual and practical growth?

I had a lady turn up who was extremely shy and introverted. She never managed to speak up for herself. Her parents were both very strong characters. She was so used to trying to please everyone all the time as being “good” always led to praise. She continued this pattern for many years and married a husband who was again a very strong character. She again gave away her power and ran her life on autopilot. I started her session with a tarot reading, identifying underlying emotions and the restlessness she felt for a while. We established that the restlessness came from her soul reminding her that she is not following her soul’s path. She had many sessions where she talked, I listened and asked the right questions…. questions that made her think about things, opened her eyes to the beauty of this world, about the choices and possibilities that were still right in front of her. We talked about where her limiting beliefs came from, how her parents’ opinions, and the way they saw life became her reality. She learned to establish her own identity for the first time in her life. We practice visualization and affirmations. She spent more time thinking about what she truly wanted as an individual. Aligning her thoughts to her feelings was a big hurdle but we got there. Perseverance, determination, and trust helped her to find her way. Her true soul’s path. Many people just want to manifest wealth or nice shiny things. Not many realize that manifestation is also a deeply spiritual journey – no manifestation is possible without being aligned and at peace with yourself, your wishes, and your soul’s path. We need to get back to our unique selves to align our vibrations with our desires and soul’s path. To return to our unique selves, we need to heal every wound we don’t want to see anymore. 

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Petar Vojinovic is a content editor for Mystic Mag, where he curates and oversees content related to mysticism, psychics, and spiritual practices. In his role, Petar oversees content creation, ensuring that each article, interview, and feature provides valuable insights into the mystical world. He collaborates with experts in the field to present a wide range of topics, from tarot readings to holistic healing methods, maintaining the site's reputation for authenticity and depth. Petar's interest in spirituality and mysticism has been a lifelong passion. He has a background in cultural studies, which gave him a unique perspective on ancient spiritual practices and their relevance in modern times. Before joining Mystic Mag, Petar wrote for various publications, focusing on alternative medicine and the metaphysical. Outside of work, Petar enjoys practicing meditation and studying astrology. His fascination with the occult continues to fuel his dedication to exploring the unknown.