Introducing Pamela Rivette, a renowned psychic and spiritual guide who has touched the lives of countless individuals on their personal and spiritual journeys. With a deep connection to the metaphysical realm and a compassionate approach, Pamela has gained a reputation for providing insightful and transformative experiences for her clients. Through her unique gifts and intuitive abilities, she offers personalized readings and energy healing sessions that offer clarity, guidance, and a renewed sense of purpose. Pamela’s warm and empathetic nature creates a safe space for clients to explore their deepest questions, find healing, and discover their true potential. Learn more about her journey in the newest edition of MysticMag interviews.
As a paranormal medium, what types of readings do you offer specifically related to love, career, and health?
Where health matters are concerned I must first express, I’m not a medical professional. Any information given must be not only taken with a grain of salt but must also be checked and diagnosed by a proper medical professional. I do not diagnose or prognose. What I do is I use an individual’s aura to look for either dark areas or shades of red within their energy field. Darkness is usually old issues and non-emergency. Depending upon the shade of red showing on the urgency of the matter and is usually attached to something that can be or is life-threatening.
Where love and career (general readings) are concerned I never ask for background information and work with generalized questions. For example, “Will Larry and I get back together?”, is the wrong way to ask a question because it gives the psychic background. The proper ways to ask questions would be, “On the current path Larry and I are on what are his intentions?”, “On the current path Larry and I are on, What can I expect to occur over the next 6 months?”, “What is my best course of action and spiritual guidance in my relationship with Larry for my own greater good?”
A real psychic will never ask for background info or dates of birth. They do not need it to do their job.
Can you explain your process for interpreting and communicating with Lord’s angels, specifically Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Anael?
All my sessions begin with prayer to Father I Am, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, Christ the King, our Lord and Savior, The Holy Spirit, and archangel Gabriel, God’s messenger of Light. In 2020, Father I Am told me to get rid of my tarot cards and surrender my business to him. I have not touched a tarot card since.
I’ve strictly gone through the heavenly realms for answers ever since. When I hear It is similar to listening to E.V.P.s (Electronic Voice Phenomenon).
Class A is as clear as hearing someone talking right in front of you. Class B is a bit distorted but still audible. Class C is whisper voices and is very hard to understand.
Father I Am, Christ, The Holy Spirit, all angelics, guides, and guardians, adore when you just simply speak to them as if they are an old friend. They have many ways of answering to that even someone who is not in touch with their own paranormal abilities can understand their messages.
How do the angelic realm’s messages and guidance help individuals in matters of love and relationships?
When they come through to me I see, feel, hear, and smell. They can also use what is called synchronicity to communicate with us. Much of the time in the form of angel numbers. They give advice on the best way to handle situations for the greater good of all concerned in the matter questioned.
Could you share any impactful stories or examples where your readings or messages from the spiritual realm have positively influenced someone’s love life, career, or health?
After filming an episode of my show, “Para Chat Talk Show”, off camera a male requested an aura scan. I detected red in his left hip. A month later I ran into him and he thanked me. Two days after my aura reading he had gone to his doctor. The Dr. discovered cancer in his left hip, and because of what I had told him they determined they got to his cancer in time.
One day in my local Jack in the Box drive-thru, I told the employee congratulations on her pregnancy. She looked shocked and didn’t say a word. A few days later I saw her at the fast food joint again and she thanked me. After work that night she went home and took a pregnancy test and sure enough it was a positive result.
I’ve helped many people in their grieving process over the loss of their loved ones, human and animal.
On Youtube you can look up my old show “Para Chat Talk Show”, then look up the episode titled, “Psychic Medium Pamela Rivette Connects With Christopher Haley”, to view an example of mediumship, along with all E.V.P.s I captured during the session.
All photos used were given to me for the making of the episode days after the session, verifying almost 98% of the information I gave his mother.
What advice or recommendations do you have for individuals seeking guidance or assistance from the angelic realm in their personal lives?
It’s a must to always request to record your psychic sessions. A real psychic will never have a problem with you doing so. Two main reasons to record follow:
- It may take several times of listening to your session to truly inner stand what the messages really mean. Most folks hear what they want to hear at the time of their sessions rather than the true meaning of what has been said.
- You will have a record of what is said so you can see how things play out. Do know once you know the future you can change it. Father I Am, gave everyone the gift of free will.
How do you connect with the spiritual realm to receive information during your readings?
Our true selves is the observer, the soul, which is divinely connected to everything. The sky, other humans, animals, plants, everything. All is made from divine energy. Humans are electrical which is why our hearts are shocked with the electrical currents when they stop. We are eternal energetic beings. One of my specialties is called psychometry, which is the ability to read energy. Through prayer, gratitude, and visualization, I connect myself to my clients and receive their answers to divinely guide them on they’re current path.