Adriane Maxwell from One Healing Touch is a professional Reiki Healer and Licensed Massage Therapist. As a caring and nurturing healer she offers an alternative approach dedicated to helping clients move through a wide range of physical, emotional, and spiritual transitions in the most efficient and transformative way possible. In this interview Adriane shares insights into her professional journey, how energy healing can be beneficial and tips on finding balance and maintaining a positive energy.
Could you tell us a bit about your journey into energy healing and what inspired you to pursue this professionally?
After being a E-911 Emergency Dispatcher for over 10 years, I was finally able to explore a new career. Friends and family were always so comforted by hugs, and business colleagues and those I met were always stopped in their tracks by my “firm strong” handshake. Many of those same people would ask “have you ever thought about being a massage therapist?” Strange question to me, but to those that asked it was a logical inquiry I suppose. After hearing this for a few years, I decided to investigate the idea.
During a difficult time in my life, I found myself having to relocate to Fayetteville, NC and restart my life. What better way to do that than to change careers, so while working third shift as an Emergency Dispatcher on Fort Bragg, a military installation, I was introduced to a Therapeutic Massage program at a local technical school by one of my close cousins.
I completed the very affordable program in 10 months, by working at night and going to school during the day. I am still not sure how this all happened so seemingly seamlessly. Did I mention I was a single parent at the time? That was now 4 hours away from my super helpful support system?
After, finishing my courses at Fayetteville Technical Community College, I moved back to South Carolina and earned my Massage Therapy License.
A part of being a Licensed Massage Practitioner is the requirement to have what they call Continuing Education (CE) credit, so when I was looking to take my first CE course, I had heard that most practitioners at the time were taking “Reiki” to get their requirements filled. I had no idea what that was, but everyone that mentioned it said it was simple to learn and rather inexpensive. All things that made my eyes light up. So, this was going to be my first CE. I found a Reiki Master in my town and signed up for her 2-day training and the rest as they say is history.
What healing modalities do you offer, and do you have a personal preference?
I have now been a professional Reiki Healer and Licensed Massage Therapist since 2015 and recently received my Usui Holy Fire III Reiki Master. Along with being a Reiki Master, I am also an Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner.
I use an integrative approach when it comes to the healing modalities I offer. Most often, I integrate Massage with Reiki to give my clients a more transformative experience that spans beyond the physical but also helps them to move through a wide range of physical, emotional, and spiritual transitions in the most efficient way possible. My treatments are specifically tailored to the needs of each client at the time of their session to make sure they receive the approach that works best for them in their current state.
What are some of the more common aspects people approach you with and how can energy healing be beneficial?
I tend to draw clients that need exactly what I can offer. They usually need nurturing, a safe place to start or continue healing, comfort, and peace. In this way, energy healing is a non-invasive gentle way for my clients to receive all these things, sometimes without even knowing they need them.
Being an Energy Healer and having to consistently heal and help others, are there any non-negotiable practices you use personally to maintain your self-care?
I often hear “being an Energy Healer must be emotionally hard,” but for me, I make sure to let energy pass through me and set my intention not to absorb the energy of others. I also meditate often and practice different self-care activities, which are a must for me.
Lastly, any tips to share with our readers on finding balance and maintaining a positive energy?
For anyone that is wanting to find balance and maintain positive energy, I would say the first thing to note is that you do not have to be 100% positive at all times. We are here living this human experience and this experience includes many many emotions and lessons. If we, try only to experience the positive ones, we are missing out on the things that make life as beautiful and wonderful as it is. In a sense, you cannot fully appreciate the sunshine when you have not had rain.