Nathalie Vachon, a certified Emotion Code/Body Code Practitioner, shares her transformative journey from a painter to a healer and explains the profound benefits of these healing modalities, helping individuals tap into their subconscious and release emotional and physical imbalances for lasting relief and personal growth. Learn more about her work in her exclusive MysticMag interview below.
Can you please introduce yourself to our readers and share a few details about your professional background?
My name is Nathalie Vachon, I am a certified Emotion Code/Body Code Practitioner from Canada now living in Costa Rica. In 2018, I experienced a health crisis that completely changed the trajectory of my life. Before this turning point, I was a full-time painter, writer/storyteller, and teacher. I loved what I was doing but I had this feeling that I wanted to do something more… more meaningful, deeper, that truly made a difference.
I didn’t know what my heart was calling me to until shortly after, my husband got very ill. He was sick for 6 months and the stress of it completely toppled me so that when he got better, I fell apart. During this time, I went looking for answers that many doctors and specialists were not able to provide: what was at the root of his illness and my digestive issues? Why was so much of my childhood trauma (that I thought I had dealt with through years of therapy) surfacing? Finding The Emotion Code was a God-send because it provided answers to these questions, it confirmed and explained so many things, it put the power back into my own hands to heal and it shifted and released (for good) so many imbalances and blocked emotions. I was so in awe of the profound healing we experienced that I got certified in the Emotion Code in hopes that I could help others understand the root causes and feel empowered to heal as well.
What are the benefits of Emotion Code and Body Code?
The Emotion Code and Body Code give us the ability to tap into the subconscious mind (our all-knowing supercomputer) to understand the root causes of illness, traumas, fears/phobias, stuck emotional energy, patterns, pain, etc. Not only does this modality pinpoint the cause, it enables us to release stuck energy or imbalances allowing the body to more easily return to a balanced state.
Pain, discomfort, and physical and emotional symptoms in the body are just our body’s messaging system communicating that something is wrong. Once we hear that signal and release it from the body, the results are incredible. Clients have had pain reduce from 10/10 to 1/10 immediately (and lastingly) and I have seen profound emotional shifts occur. Here are some of the many comments I receive after a session: “I no longer wake up feeling heavy or guilty each morning”, “I feel lighter”, “I feel more confident”, “My anxiety is practically gone”, “I am so relieved to gain perspective; this explains my overwhelming need to prove that I am enough”.
Can you walk me through one of your sessions?
Absolutely. Whether a session is via Zoom, phone, email, or in person, it always starts with a question that the individual would like to have answered. For example: Why do I get stuck in the same relationship pattern? What is causing this backache, fatigue, depression, weight gain, sadness, etc.? Why do I sabotage myself? Is there anything blocking me from living a healthy, joyful life?
Using principles of applied kinesiology (muscle testing), Quantum Energy, and Traditional Chinese Medicine, I then tap into the subconscious mind of the individual and allow it to guide me to the answers (using many charts in the Emotion Code and Body Code). We identify the emotions, traumas, or imbalances that happened and the specific age or relevant event. We can also identify if part of the current issue stems from inherited emotions. Once it is brought to consciousness, it is released from the body/energy field for good.
What is Abstract Intuitive Painting?
Abstract intuitive painting is the painting process that I did and taught for years. I believe painting is a wonderful opportunity to put whatever is going on within us onto the canvas. Each painting consisted of between 3-10 layers of acrylic paint giving so much texture and variety and ‘backstory’ to a painting. Instead of having a pre-conceived idea of what to paint from the beginning, I intuitively followed impulses, feelings, emotions, etc.; listening to what colours, marks, energy or imagery wanted to come forth.
Actually, it is interesting because there are so many similarities between this approach to painting and the Emotion Code/Body Code. Both call for deep listening and tapping into/unearthing our own stories, emotions, and impulses. And both allow for a beautiful mirroring; bringing forth what is unexpressed/dormant within, out into our consciousness.
To learn more about Nathalie and her work, you can visit www.nathalievachon.com or www.intheclearing.com