When did your passion for helping others begin and what inspired you to guide people in their life challenges?
I first started reading professionally when I was just 17 years old. I have always been psychic as a child and when I had my first reading, the psychic told me that she could see me reading for others and this is where my journey truly started. I trained with her for a few hours and then she asked me to attend psychic fairs with her. I then went on to turn this into a full-time occupation.
Is there a certain area that you specialize in or feel most comfortable with?
I am known as the soul mate psychic on UK television and am also an Akashic record reader. I deal with every single kind of problem, but am very popular when it comes to the subject of soul mates and twin flames. I am also very passionate about training others to open up their psychic abilities and start their own spiritual businesses.
Have you found over recent years that a more diverse clientele has developed with an increased interest to access spiritual guidance and turn to mediums as a form of therapy?
I have found that turning to psychic mediums has now turned into a form of therapy. Because I can work with any issue presented, quite often my readings are to deliver someone to their highest possible outcome in their lives. I have found, especially during the pandemic that people are now looking more at their spirituality which I do feel is a very positive change.
What do you find are the more popular aspects that people seek guidance with?
I do feel that this will always be 2 categories. Love and relationships and also work and future direction. Many people are taking a leap of faith and wanting to work for themselves and need the guidance to give them the confidence to make that change in their lives. I would say that love will always be a hot topic in the world of psychic readings.
What can people do to get the most out of spiritual guidance and healing?
I think just being open to all possibilities for what the future holds is absolutely key. An open heart and a willingness to do the inner work as well as take the practical steps given in a psychic reading will allow them to reach that highest potential that the reader can see for them.
In your experience in working with people, what would you say is the number one thing that holds most people back from living the fulfilling life they would like to live?
One word, FEAR. Fear of failing, fear of being judged and fear of losing their dream or fear of being alone. This is a mindset issue as well as I do find that when people shift their mindset to a more positive state, then anything and everything is possible. I am living proof of that.
What is the one piece of advice you want to share about intuition and spiritual guidance?
Everyone has a strong intuition but often we do not listen to it. People sometimes misunderstand what intuition is. I see is as the sat nav for the soul. Your soul and intuition (inner teacher) will guide you to those things that are necessary for your life purpose and spiritual growth. Sometimes, you can end up in a situation not of your conscious choosing for your own growth and this can sometimes be painful. Your intuition is not wrong, but I do see people doubting their own intuition for this reason.