Mystic Mandy, based in Muskoka, Ontario, is a third-generation psychic medium and palm reader with over 20 years of experience. With the ability to see and communicate with spirits from a young age, Mandy has honed her gift to provide insightful readings using palmistry and tarot. MysticMag has the pleasure.
As a third-generation psychic medium and palm reader, can you tell us about your journey and how you discovered and developed your psychic abilities?
My first experience that I remember was when my grandfather was on his deathbed. I saw my first spirit who gave me a message for my grandmother. I was around age 4 or 5.
I have always been able to see spirit, and been able to read people’s energy.
As a young girl I would join my mom when she was doing readings for clients and took an interest in the lines in peoples hands. I soon discovered that the more I looked at their hands the more I could see and could predict their future as well as see their past.
With reading books and learning from my mother who has over 40yrs experience along with helping the Police I have grown and learned how to tap into my intuition and control it.
My mission now is to use my gift to help as many people as I possibly can.
How do you use the connection between the lines in a person’s hands and their energy to intuitively connect with them and spirit from the other side?
By looking at the lines in a person’s hands, the depth, length and width of the lines as well as the shape of the fingers it gives me a clear picture of who that person really is. It is almost like profiling a person’s personality. From that I am able to tap into my intuitive ability and be able to read their future as well as their past. As I am doing this I ask for spirit to join me to give them a message from a loved one. Most often spirit is there with me right from the time I start to look at the person’s palms.
What methods do you use to conduct palm and tarot readings for your clients, and how do you adapt to providing these readings online, by phone, or through email?
When providing a reading for a client through email or over the phone. I ask that the person send me a picture of themself and a picture of each of their palms. I am able to connect and do just as accurate reading from looking at their picture and connecting to their energy through the picture. I will also pull cards as I am looking at their picture and or talking to them on the phone. I ask that my guides pull the cards for my client.
If I am sitting with a client I do have them shuffle the deck
In a world full of different paths and possibilities, how do you help individuals navigate through the confusion and fear of the future to find clarity and answers to their biggest questions and concerns?
I believe strongly in the Law of attraction. I also provide assistance with vision boards and journaling to manifest a person’s true desires. I use my intuitive gift to guide them and give them clarity on areas of their life that they need to improve on or let go of.. For example a change of attitude can go a long way in changing a person’s life and what they are manifesting. Or another example might be that they are afraid of letting go of a bad relationship or taking a chance at a move or new job. I help them recognize the positives in a situation to move forward. As I use my intuition to guide them.
How do you ensure that your guidance and insights are tailored to each individual’s specific needs and situation?
Each individual is different. I rely on my own guides and the spirits that come with messages for my clients to direct them with clarity. I also will ask before I start a reading if there is a specific area of their life that they want me to focus on. For example, Career, Love etc.
I will also recommend some reading material and or meditations for them to use to get clarity for themselves as well.
If you would like to find out more about Mystic Mandy, visit https://mysticmandy.ca/