Monica L Morrissey is a Certified Health and Life Coach, Writer, Intuitive Angel Card Reader, and Spiritual Guide. In this insightful MysticMag interview, she shares details about her journey, the principles behind her coaching, interpreting people’s dreams, and her upcoming book. Discover more about Monica and her work below.
Please be kind enough to share a few details about yourself and your professional journey with our readers.
I am an Author of three books. I write about signs from the after-life, specifically Dimes from Heaven. I am a Reiki Master and Instructor, Intuitive and Spiritual Card Reader, Spiritual Coach, and Past Life Regression Specialist. I am passionate about soul-care, where true spiritual seekers look to find joy, happiness, and spiritual connection.
I live in Northern Vermont with my husband of thirty-three years. We have two grown sons, two lovely daughters-in-law, and two grandsons. I love hiking, swimming, snuggling with my kitties and being with my family.
I was an educator for over thirty years. My experience teaching others helped me gain the knowledge I needed for my unexpected career change; becoming an author and spiritual teacher. I published my inspiring Dimes from Heaven memoir to help others understand our connection to loved ones who are in the spirit world and how our thoughts create our reality.
What ideas do you base your Health or Life Coaching on?
My business is called Intuitive Wellness. I use my intuition to help guide the client to use their intuition for anything going on in their life. I believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience. With these ideas at the center of my work, I believe all of the answers are within my client. I guide them to learn how to connect to their intuition using several strategies. I am able to use my educational background to integrate brain science, neuro linguistic programming and the basis of habit change, all grounded in a spiritual perspective. When we are able to see that our soul has lessons to learn, that is when the real magic starts.
By looking for patterns of life lessons, the client is then able to learn the lesson, which then frees them from constantly attracting the same lessons. For example, a person who keeps attracting a disgruntled co-worker might need to stop trying to people-please. When the client finally speaks up to this person, then their soul lesson is learned. When the person takes another job, the co-worker they attract may be easier to work with. True soul development is when we look at every event in our life as a lesson and a blessing.
Each session is individualized to the client’s needs. I work with people who want to lose weight, are experiencing anxiety, grief, or just about any life struggle. Clients always have incredible changes to the issue they choose to work on and they learn so much about how to repattern their thoughts to create a reality filled with love and joy.
How do you analyze and interpret people’s dreams and what are some of the most common dreams people come to you with?
I use my intuition to help the client interpret dreams, which are messages from their soul. I connect with my intuition by quieting my mind and relying on my spiritual connection to the universe. I practice daily meditation and strategies to tap into a voice that guides me.
When we sleep, it is a way for our soul to communicate with us. But everything has to be interpreted like a game of charades. What does the office represent? Or what does a bear symbolize? I am the guide to help the client understand the messages using not only my intuition but the clients’ intuition as well.
My training for analyzing dreams is based on Jungian Theory. The first step to analyzing dreams is to have the client share the dream in writing with me. I then zero in on certain words and events in the dream. I reference a variety of books that give examples of what each object in the dream might represent. For instance, if an airplane is involved in the dream, this could signal that the client is having a spiritual journey. I record any impressions I have along with questions for the client. Questions for a dream involving an airplane might be, “What happened in your life that you experienced something spiritual? Did you look at a situation differently than before? Did you receive a message from a loved one?”.
Once I have completed the work of understanding the dream from my intuitive spiritual perspective, I then meet with the client. I go over each part of the dream with them and ask for their interpretation also. They may have great insight that should never be ignored. The questions that I ask are to continue to dig into the messages from the dream.
Most of my clients’ dreams are recurring dreams, like an argument at the office or a tornado; something that the person usually sees as impending doom. Maybe they need to change jobs or follow their true soul calling. When we analyze the office, we may realize that the office is referring to an internal struggle- a decision that the client needs to make but is afraid to act on. Once they make the decision, the “argument at the office” dream can then stop.
When I work with clients on dreams, it really helps them view the dream in a new perspective. They are able to understand the messages from their soul to create change in their life. Most people who have difficulty sleeping are actually experiencing the soul trying to get their attention. Since we are always so busy during the day, nighttime is the best time for our soul to get our attention. If we were better able to understand the messages, then we may even sleep better!
Can you describe the process of communicating with your clients’ loved ones?
I would say the first step to this is to believe in this connection to a loving energy field, where our souls return to our spirit form. (one without a physical body.) This connection is filled with unconditional love.
After I wrote about my connection with my father, it increased my ability to connect with the spirit world. I spent so much time in my life being busy and distracted by work that I lost this connection for many years.
We learn in kindergarten that we all have five senses and this is how we make sense of the physical world we all live in. We also have the spiritual senses similar to our five senses. Instead of being physical in nature, they have an energetic, spiritual sense. These senses are called “claires”. Clairvoyance is clear seeing. This means that we “see” things; oftentimes within our mind. It’s like a video in our mind and we have to trust that whatever is being sent to us is meant for the person.
I use the deck of cards Talking to Heaven by James Van Praagh to support the messages I receive. As I connect with the cards, I express every message that comes to me. My thoughts occur like a broken record until I release the information to the client.
In my third book, Once Upon a Dime, Heaven is Talking to Us. Do You Know How to Listen?, (to be released in June 2023) I explain how a person is able to receive messages from those in spirit form- giving them the ability to discover their natural born claire abilities to connect.
What other services do you offer?
My services include::
- Reiki Sessions;
- Usui and Holy Fire Reiki Classes- Level I, II, and Master Level;
- Chakra Alignment;
- Dream Analysis;
- Past Life Regression;
- Intuitive Angel Card Reading;
- Talking to Heaven Card Reading;
- EFT Session (emotional freedom technique);
- Variety of online and in-person classes;
- I have a Free Writer’s group that meets on Mondays online at 5:00 PM EST. I give tips for writing, a topic to write about, and we all share our writing;
- There are also, of course, my books! Dimes from Heaven, How Coins and Coincidences Helped Me Discover My Life as an Empath, More Dimes From Heaven, A Journey to Self-Publishing, and soon my third book- Once Upon a Dime, Heaven is Talking to Us. Do You Know How to Listen?
Can you tell us a bit about your work as an author?
I started my writing when I was trying to heal. People said writing was therapeutic and I literally rolled my eyes. How could writing possibly heal me physically? I wanted to share my inspiring dime story, where I received signs from my father after he passed. My wish was that it might help someone who was grieving to believe in connecting to those in spirit form. When I started writing, it seemed that I connected more to this invisible energy of how the universe works. While writing, the signs got stronger and I felt so connected to my father. I also began to heal from deep within myself.
During the time I wrote my first book, resources were presented to me (by the universe) and I discovered that I was an empath, a super-sensitive person. When I wove this idea into the dime story, I discovered more about myself than I ever imagined. I integrated all of the health and life tips within the story for others to learn more about what it is like to be an empath and how to navigate life to support our emotional and physical well-being.
I kept track of all of the signs from spirit when I was writing my first book and I decided to share more about this in another book. My second book, More Dimes from Heaven A Journey to Self-Publishing follows my journey diving into the spiritual world. This book helps the next person who would like to share their story by sharing everything I learned about the publishing business.
My third book, Once Upon a Dime. Heaven is Talking to Us. Do You Know How to Listen?, is set to be released in June and it gives the reader the keys to receiving messages from spirit. Readers have enjoyed hearing about my connection with my father and now are ready to try it on their own. Once Upon a Dime helps the readers understand their intuitive skills to live a life filled with joy and peace.
To find out more about Monica and her work, you can visit her website at www.monicalmorrissey.com